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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Padanelle

  1. Congratulations on the 100 lbs! Way to go!


    I was going to start the dance classes in July, but that week we hit record high temperatures, so I decided to put it off until the weather gets cooler - hopefully in Oct.


    I love water arobi cs, but I've only done it a few times. I haven't worn a bathing suit in years. A few weeks ago a friend invited me to her place to swim. I tried on a few of my old bathing suits. It was like tring to stuff a sausage. I'm still trying to walk a few times a week, but this summer has been so hot. It really drains all my energy.


    I have been experiencing a lot of problems with keeping food down. I know its due to my bad eating habits, but my esophagus feels so raw, which makes everything worse. I have been on liquids and purees for over a week, and am feeling my way with soft foods. Feeling a lot better.


    Take care, and keep up the good work!



  2. Hi Louise,


    I haven't been on this site for months. I reached my 50 lb goal at the end of Dec, then ate & drank whatever I felt like. Fortunately, the band stopped me from eating too much. I put on a few lbs, but have started very slowly to loose again. Not sure how much total I have lost, but I think it might be close to 60 lbs. I feel so great!


    How are you doing?

  3. 100 lbs! Wow!!! That is sooooo fantastic. You must be feeling so great about yourself. I've been doing a bit of walking again, which feels good. I just signed up for 1 month of lunlimited dance classes. That should shake off a few lbs. Keep up the good work and go show off your new figure!

  4. I'm trying to set modest goals, so I have a realistic chance of reaching it. For the Sept Mileage challeng my goal was 20 miles - something that should have been very reachable. But I only did 15 miles, and the last 5 miles were done th elast 2 days of the month. I'm more optimistic about the Turkey Day Challenge. The hardest challenge is going to be not gaining between Thanksgiving & New Years. One day at a time.

  5. No problem! I was a little concerned, since we're nbot supposed to have carbonated beverages, but I figure an occassional glass or two won't hurt.

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