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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Padanelle

  1. I lost 60 lbs the first year I was banded, and managed to put 20 lbs back. This past year I have made a conscious effort to loose the extra lbs, and am slowly getting back to it - lost 12 blbs since the beginning of the year. I've added Protein powder back to my diet. I don't like the flavored powders, but enjoy unjury unflavored or chicken. I mix it in Soups, mashed potatoes, pudding, and of course beverages - cryastal light, juice, smoothies. It makes a great latte - coffee, low fat milk and some cinnamon or pumpkin spice.

  2. It's been over 3 years and I am not where I wanted to be. Over a year ago, I was unable to keep any food down, and although I was thrilled that i had lost 7 lbs in a week, knew I had to get my band ajusted. Turned out, my band had slightly slipped, and the adjustment corrected that. Unfortunately, I was then able to eat foods I had difficulty with since getting banded (pasta, bread, etc), and in the past year, have put back 20 lbs. The worst part is that I have developed bone spurs in my feet, making it quite painful to walk - a problem I had before banding, but resolved itself after loosing weight.

    I have avoided getting an adjustment, as I don't have insurance, and the fee for a fill has gone up to $200. But I can't take the pooy pain anymore, and I am now determined to get back on track. I made an appointment for a fill and to see the nutritionist on Monday, and have dug out my old info on living with the band, making grocery lists for healthy foods. Wish me luck!

  3. I had my band since 2004 and until about a year or so ago, I've been experiencing acid reflux, night coughfing and regurigation. I reciently had to have the Fluid removed and I'm scheduled for a scoping next week. I've gained almost 40 pounds and feel terrible - emotionally as well as physically. I am so dissapointed in my self for gaining and I knew I was gaining, I just was enjoying my life with my new love and put myself behind him and his needs and wants. I am so depressed and angry but anxious too put this behind me and get my fill back and unfortunately start over again. I've lost 105 pounds and can't stop thinking about what it was like to be that weight again. I don't want to be 100+ pounds again. I have to find a way to keep my relationship going and put myself first. Any suggestions???

    Good luck next week. Hope rge scoping shows only a minor slippage, and you can get a refill and be back on your way to loosing again. I only had 2 cms taken out, but I can't stop eating. I've put on 5 lbs in the past few weeks, and at this rate, I will gain everythinbg back quickly. One consolation, is that what I'm consuming is no where near what I used to, but I'm woried that I'll strethc out the pouch.

    I know I need to get back on track, and start planning my meals. I just keeping saying tomorrow....

  4. Erin,

    Maybe you need to have a bit more removed. I was banded 2 years ago also. Suffered for a long time with difficulty eating and PBing. The developed acid reflux. I'm self pay also, so hestiated on going for an adjstment.

    I'm glad I finally did, as the acid reflux cleared up instantly and I can eat anything now - which is a bit of a worry, since I have started to put a bit of weight back again. I probably should go for a small adjustment, but I'm going to try to hold off for a bit until the weather gets cooler. I found that I have more difficulty swallowing when the weather & humidy is hot. Does anyone else experience that?


  5. So great to see so many new posts - and comforting to see I am not alone with my struggles and experiences.

    Louise, hope the finances for medical worked out. I was laid off the week before my surgery, and have been unemployed for 2 years. At first I had COBRA insurance, but that is over, so its a real worry. And being out of work has been depressing. Normally, I would binge eat, but a too tight band that I couldn't afford to loosen kept me from that. Though I am amazed that ice cream and wine (not together) did not put on more weight.

    I admire all of you who continue to exercise regularly. Last evening, despite the heat, I went for a walk on the highline with a friend. A little over 2 miles. Was quite proud of myself. Though i think I probably should have skipped the nice cold beer afterwards. But it was sooooo gooood.


  6. Joan, How do you use the 30 second egg timer? I think my two partial unfills were possibly due more to my chewing habits than to being too tight (though one of the medicines I take may have also been the culprit). Do you set the timer everytime you take a bite? Willow

    NYU Medical Center had these made up with their logo. They sell it for $5. Way overpriced, but well worth it. Its like an old fashined egg timer - hourglass with sand, except instead of 3 minutes, the sand runs out in 30 seconds. I just turn it over when I'm through chewing, and don't shove more food in my mouth until all the sand has emptied from the top to the bottom part. Its been a life saver for me.

  7. Well, two years later and I feel pretty great. I am down nearly 90 pounds and have been able to maintain it. I exercise regularly and just completed a hiking and biking trip of Alaska. 12 days of really hard stuff and loved every minute. Some things have been really hard. I divorced my partner of 15 years but am now in a really satisfying relationship. I want to get to my next level this year and feel in a good place to do that. Best of luck to all of you.

    Congratulations on the 90 lbs - and keeping it off! WOW!

    Exercise is still an issue for me, though I walk a lot more than I used to. A long walk for me is 1.5 miles. But when you consider that just walking a half block was a major effort pre-surgery, that's a major accomplishment for me.

    I bought a groupon for 1 month of unlimited dance lessons. I decides I would try all of the different dances the first week, then focus on the one(s) I liked best. So the first week I took 2 - 3 hours of lessons each day. Friday, my last lesson was a Zumba class. I was really looking forward to it. Even went out and bought special sneakers for it. It nearly killed me! Think it was too much to soon. They have free classes in Herald Sq on Thursday evenings, so I may try again.


  8. Hello Padanelle,

    Lovely to see you too :)

    I am having shocking acid reflux and oesophagitis and having a right old time getting funding from the NHS to sort it out, I wasn't privately funded and my GP is doing all to get funding in place for a defill but it's hell living with it and just as bad is the lack of sleep. I really don't sleep sitting bolt upright at all. It will be sorted, I have no regrets with my band whatsoever, it has saved my life I am sure of it. If funding is not agreed, I will self fund for the deflate for sure and should know about that tonight, all exciting stuff indeed. I'll never get used to the band and I mourn for food sometimes but know it wouldn't go down anyway so don't bother buying it. Crisps, chips? and ice cream have been my villains but also my saviours when nothing else would go through. I actually crave sandwiches more than anything else, thick wholemeal bread, slathered with butter and piled with mayo and salad, cooked meats mmmmmmmmmmmmm in my dreamzzzzzzzzzzzz hehe!


    Go for the unfill - even if its self pay. It was for me too. The dr visit & esophagram cost me $300 and worth every penny. The acid reflux instantly disappeared. I was like a zombie from lack of sleep. I knew I had to bite the bullet and see the doc when I couldn't even keep ice cream down.

    It is so wonderful to sleep through the night again. For me, what I missed most was a crusty roll. I made scrambled egg sandwiches sandwiches, and had cheeseburgers on toasted rolls for days afterwards. Heaven.... After 2 weeks, I got most of my craving out of my system, but its soooo nice to know, I can eat solid food, breads and salads again.

    Hope the funding works out, but if not, get thee to a doctor and enjoy!



  9. These are amazing stories and so lovely to hear of our successes, those little slips don't matter much in our grand scheme :)

    Hi Louise,

    Good to see your post. How've you been?

    I've had such problems with eating solids for over a year, terrified to go out to a restaurant for fear of not being able to make it to the restroom in time. I was resigned to eating soft foods and Soups, but no regrets, as my quality of life is so much better. I could barely walk without pain before being banded, and got out of breath if I bent down to pick up someting. I love going out for walks now. I even took dance lessons.

    Getting some Fluid taken out recently has been wonderful. It cured the acid reflux, which was a result of a minor band slipage. I was constantly hungry for about 2 weeks, and ashamedly pigged out on all of the wrong foods - cheeseburgers, hot dogs and a can of Pringles a day. Fortunately, after 2 weeks, the band has kicked in again, and i am feeling full after normal post-surgery portions. I have even gone back to my food journal that I kept for about 8 months after surgery, and am once again making healthy fun meals.

    One of the biggest helps I found was a 30 second eggtimer that my doctor's office sold. I always inhaled my food before, and eating slowly was the hardest thing to learn. The egg timer really helped.

    Hope you're doing well.


  10. i am glad to hear everyone is doing so good but unfortnately I have regained 25 of the 65 lbs that I lost. Now I am 4 weeks from my 25th high school reunion and I feel like a completel loser !! While I was losing I couldn't stop posting and boasting now I suck. I still work out but my eating got out of control after I have to have 2 unfills and I have been back to my M.D. since last year I am too embarrassed to return. Please can someone give me some advise or some words of encouragement.

    Don't give up, and please don't let embarassment keep you from going to your doctor. A fill might be just what you need.

    Good luck

  11. I was banded 2 years ago. Recently I developed acid reflux. Then I was at the point was I could barely tolerate soft foods. I was constantly bringing everything back up. When I reached the point of not even being able to tolerate icecream and having difficulty with liquids, i knew it was time to see the doctor. An esophagram showed that the band had slipped slightly. They removed 2 cm, and now i can even eat cheeseburgers... and the acid reflux is gone.

    Exercise should not cause the band to slip. However constant PBing can. If you are constantly PBing or experience a lot of pain, go see your doctor.

  12. Haven't seen any posts on this thread in a year! Now that we've celebrated our 2 year anniversary, how is everyone doing? I managed to loose another 10 lbs this year - down a total of a little over 60 lbs. Goal is 80 lbs. Still a way to go, but very happy with the results.

    Its been a constant struggle with the band, and I have had difficulty with solid food for months. But recently I couldn't even handle soft foods. I had been hesitating on going to the doctor, as I don't have medical insurance, but when it became a problem to even keep liquids down, I knew I had now choice. I was happy to learn an esophagram was only $175. It showed that the band had slipped slighly, but the NP said by removing 2 cm's it should correct itself. It is so great to be able to eat solid food again. I am afraid I have been going a bit wold all week - cheeseburgers and chips 4 days in a row. Have to get serious again, before I start putting on weight again.

    Hope you are all having success with your band.

  13. Does wine with the meal count as drinking??

    I do not drink anything else but do actually like a glass of wine

    I find sipping red wine during a meal actually helps me digest better. Drinking Water during/after a meal is usually disastrous for me.

    My doc said having a cocktail up to 10 min prior to dinner can help relax the esophagus. I'm all for that!

    I have learned that there is no blanket rule for everyone, as each person's reactions are so different. And just when you think you have learned what works for you - it changes!

  14. The hospital where I had my surgery offers 2 support groups p/mo: one for those banded 1 yr or under, the other for 1 yr+ bandsters. I was banded just over 1 yr ago, and have not gone to the later group yet. I have gone sporatically to the first.

    I found it very helpful going the first few months after surgery, but then found that most of the time the issues are the same, and the same few people tend to monopolize the conversation. However, I usually did pick up some new tip.

    They also offer a nutrition class once a month. I enjoy these more.

    The best part of both of these is meeting other bandsters and talking with them befor or after the sessions.

    I'll probably try the 1yr+ group soon.

  15. Its been months since I've been here, but my 1 year bandiversary on Jun 6 brought me back, as I was was curious to see how everyone is doing.

    I lost 50 lbs by Thanksgiving, but the net few months were not good. My scale broke mid-Dec, and that was a great ecuse not to track how I was doing. I know I put on a few pounds, but quickly lost them when I started getting more serious again in February. I think I have lost a bit more, as I know I have lost more inches.

    I had hoped to have lost 80 lbs by now, but I really don't care how long it takes me, as I feel GREAT!

    For several months I was constantly heaving after eating. On Easter, it was so bad it took me all day just to drink a glass of Water. That was a wake-up call to start chewing more and eat slower. I still attempt eating foods I know I shouldn't (French fries are always a problem), but I'd rather suffer after than not have my band.

    Now that the weather is warm, and I'm not bundled up, people are noticing my new figure and commenting on how great I look. I love it!

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