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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Padanelle

    I miss salads so much!

    Lisa, hope you don't have any problems with the salad. Its hard giving up foods we really enjoy. So far I haven't had any problems with lettuce - probably because I know it can be a problem for some, so I'm more conscious to chew more. My nut advised eating iceberg or romaine, as the softer lettuce leaves can sometimes cover the stoma opening. I have eaten baby spinach, and not had an issue. Who knows? As they say, everyone is different...
  2. I didn't ask when I could have my first drink, but I had my first post-op glass of wine when I started solids - 3 weeks after surgery. I'ver read where some surgeons say to wait 1 year before consuming alchohol. At the info seminar I attended, my surgeon (who is also banded) says he usually has a martini before dinner, as it helps relax the muscles.
  3. I always seem to gain weight when I start solids - usually only a lb or 2. But after a few days - a week, it usually comes back off. Its pretty normal to have weight fluctuation, even when you feel like you're following all of the rules exactly. If you don't see improvement after awhile, and you're not already doing so, keep a log of EVERYTHING you eat. It may help you discover the cause of the gain. Good luck!
  4. Surgeon/Nuts's instructions vary so much, so you will need to check with yours to see what is permitted. For my pre-op diet, I was not allowed to add fruit to the protein shakes, and for 10 days post op I was instructed to add more water or ice to thin them down. After that, it was not a problem to add additional ingredients. I don't think there should be any problem with adding decaf coffee crystals or other non-fat/sugar free flavorings to make the shakes taste better at any point.
  5. Padanelle

    Alcohol post op?

    Susan, you are a woman after my own heart! I had my first post-op drink when I went on solids. I try to just stick with wine (lower calories), but occassionally have a martini (I love to get creative with them). The amazing thing is, although many bandsters say they feel the effects of alchohol quicker after being banded, I have noticed just the oposite. I usually have a glass or two several times a week. Since I don't eat sweets, and do watch calories, I figure I'm ok, as long as I keep it in moderation. Joan
  6. Padanelle

    Daily News

    Hi Hunzi, Welcome back! Just FYI, there is a thread called "Daily News!" that you might want to check out and join. Cheers!
  7. Padanelle

    thinning hair

    Hi Kim, There are lots of posts on this site that you can search on hair loss. But what it boils down to is that you need to maintain proper Protein and Iron levels. Also, Biotin will help in lessening hair loss and regrowth. Don't worry, it will grow back.
  8. I get them at GNC, but they carry them in other stores that specialize in Protein & health foods.
  9. Eating slow and chewing a lot is my nemesis. I have never been hungry through this whole process, and have been able to eat whatever foods I tried with no problems -- until my second fill. It has been downhill since then, and my bad eating habits have caught up with me (PB, sliming, etc). Today I had a small amout taken out of the band, and I am trying to really focus on developing good eating habits. It ain't easy, but I am determined.
  10. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hi Louise, Thanks for the encouraging words. I had a bit of an unfill today, and glad I went ahead and did it. It's been 6 weeks since my last fill, and seemed to be getting worse instead of better. I guess the next several days will tell. I walked home in the rain after the unfill, so have now completed 5 miles of my 20 mile goal. I'm glad I didn't set it too high - enough to challenge me, but doable. Congratulations on showing off your smaller size at the office. You must feel so great! I haven't bought any new clothes yet, as I have a closet full of descending sizes, including several still with the price tag on them. It is such a great feeling to be able to wear things I haven't been able to fit into for ages. No one has really commented on my weight loss, but I know I look and feel so much better, so that keeps me going. Cheers! Joan
  11. Padanelle

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    I just added my name to the spreadsheet. Looking forward to the challenge!
  12. Have you tried Isopure Zero Carb Protein drinks? They are clear, and have 40g of protein in 20oz bottle. It comes in lots of flavors, and saved me during my liquid stage. Also, the protein will help you feel less hungry. Good luck.
  13. Padanelle

    HAIR HELP!!!!!!!! (finally an answer!)

    Spidey Mom is correct. Rogane is for genetic hair loss. It is VERY common to loose hair after significant weight loss. Maintaining adequate Protein, Iron and Biotin levels are important. Here's a link to a good article from Prevention magazine. And, don't worry - it will grow back! Hair Loss in Women -- Causes and Treatment - Prevention.com
  14. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I'm still struggling with the restriction after my second fill. I experience tightness, sliming or PBing almost everyday. I'm trying very hard to work on my eating habits, but I think I should have some saline taken out before I do some damage. Wishing it wasn't raining so hard. I like to walk home after a fill. Its about 1.5 miles, and at the rate I'm going, I'll never make my 20 mi goal this month.
  15. Padanelle

    So As I Was Sitting...

    I saw my surgeon, a nurse, his assistant and the nutritionist all on the same day. The nurse took my pressure and medical history, my surgeon went over the proceedure, the nutritionist went over what I would need to eat pre/post op, and why (my surgeon also reviewed this) and the assistant set up a date for surgery and gave me a list of what I needed to do to get cleared for surgery. Its a good thing they gave me a lot of liturature, as my head was spinning.
  16. Padanelle

    Vitamins to help with Hair loss?

    Protein, iron & biotin.
  17. Padanelle

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi All, I'm the newbie among you. I was banded about 3 months ago, and am half-way to my goal of 80 lbs. Up until my second fill I was never hungry, and could eat any foods I tried. After my second fill, I started having food stuck on a regular basis, sometimes experiencing just tightness, other times quite a bit of pain. It came to a head on Tues & Wed evening, when I spent 3 - 4 hrs each night with a waste basket under my chin. I had been debating wheter to go in and have some taken out, but I truly think I have only myself to blame - bad eating habits. Although I no longer inhale my food, I definately eat too fast and usually forget to chew enough. So yesterday I decided to give my band a rest, go on liquids, then mushies for a few days, and start over. I'd love to hang with you. Joan
  18. Padanelle

    Hair Loss - Will it stop?

    Rapid weight loss can be a cause for temporary hair loss. The good news is it will grow back. Protein and Iron are important for maintaining a healthy head of hair. This link provides a a good explanation. Prevention's Healing with Vitamins Hair Loss
  19. Padanelle

    mushy's and hungrey

    Mmmmmm. I hadn't thought of polenta. I'm definately going to make some. Tks for the suggestion.
  20. Padanelle

    feeling frustrated

    I can really sympathise with you, Delora. The insurance approval was the only negative aspect to the banding experience. My surgeon is very popular, and the surgical assistant was overwhelmed. Fortunately, the rest of the team is excellent, and I don"t have to deal with the assistant anymore. One thing I found out, is that the surgeon's office deals with a case worker at the insurance company. When I was calling the insurance company to see if I was approved, I got a customer service rep. Often the latest info is not in the system yet, so you should find out who your case worker is at the insurance company to get the most recent info. Good luck!
  21. I don't have a problem with drinking with my meals, since my surgeon says a few SIPS won't hurt, as long as I can handle it. Also his instructions for stoping/starting before/after meals is 5 min before and 20 min after, which I find quite easy to follow. When I snack, I try to have something w/protein and/or healthy, e.g. yougurt, Protein enriched pudding, fruit.
  22. Gary, thats a bit of a worry that your nut couldn't give you more specifics. Loosing weight does not necessarily shrink your liver. Atkins is low carb, but is high fat, which I don't believe is good for shrinking yor liver. Every surgeon's instructions are different. The guidelines I was given were 1,000 calories max, at least 50g Protein & no more than 35g fat. I was also allowed 2 cups of veggies. From reading the posts on this site, I found my surgeon's instructions somewhat strichter than others. If your nut can't give you more specifics, contact your surgeon to get more details. Good luck. Joan
  23. Padanelle

    Hi, I'm a newbie

    Wally Bob, Congrats on everything moving along. You mentioned a 4 week liquid diet. Is that all pre op, or including both pre/post op? You should start now to find the best liquid protien drinks that you like. Several brands offer samples. GNC has a great refund policy if you don't like the taste.
  24. Mari, sometimes when we eat more than we should or too large of a piece, it irritates the espohagus, causing it to feel like there is something there, when there really isn't. If this is what happened, you may try liquids and/ or mushies for a couple of days. Hope this helps.
  25. Padanelle

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I waited a week to get on the scale. After 2 weeks I started weighing almost every morning. I used to change my ticker once a week, but now I change it everythime I have a weight loss.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
