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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Padanelle

    Struggling With Some Of The Changes

    Michelle, You should be so happy with your success. 50 lbs in less than 4 months - that's fantastic! No wonder your skin hasn't had a chance to adjust to your new body. In the meantime, get some spanx or other support undergarment. And be patient...
  2. Padanelle

    Anyone Else PB Like This????

    If food is coming through your nostrils, I can't help you there. But if its just normal sneezing, its probably a sign to stop eating due to eating too fast, too big a piece, food too dry, not properly chewed, etc. Put your fork down, take a break, and try again later if you still feel hungry. But becareful to follow proper banding eating rules. Everyone is different, so the warning signs are different. For some its hicups, burping, tight feeling, etc. Its important to learn your signas and listen to your body. Hope this helps!
  3. Alex, It's very normal to experience depression after surgery. I woke up one day during my first week post-op and thought, OMG, what was I thinking! Fortunately, the depression passed quickly. One of the hardest parts is the liquid diets pre/post op. It's lousy on your social life, specially if you are going out to eat. It gets a lot easier once you reach the mushie stage. Your menu choices may be a bit limited, but you can find quite a bit that you can eat in restaurants that will not make you feel left out. And of course, lots of choices will open up once you are solids. Its an adventure discovering what you can and can't eat - and this will change with each fill. But if you follow your new eating habits, you will be able to enjoy going out again. Plan your restaurant and food choices, and hang in there through the difficult liquid phase. It's definately worth it! Good luck! Joan
  4. Padanelle

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Laura - Thanks for the Tiramisu receipe. Look forward to trying it. Joan
  5. Padanelle

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    Scales are finally starting to move in the right direction. I got the extra pounds off, plus half pound. YAY!
  6. Padanelle

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I also love to cook. If any of you have the 'Eating Well After WLS' cookbook, the chicken with Fresh Figs recipe is incredible. This weekend I'm going to try the Pork & Fresh Plum Sauce. Laura, I'd love to have your no-cook Blurberry Tiramisu recipe.
  7. Padanelle

    Vitamin Suggestions

    after trying several brands, I like Trader Joe's High Potency Chewables the best. Actually, my favorite tasting one is TJ's gummy vitamins, but the mineral/vit count is much lower. I like the taste and the price, and it contains 50% of the daily iron requirement, which my nut said was important. For calcium, in the morning I take 1 caltrate, and in late afternoon & evening I use the calcium chews. My favorite tasting chew is GNC. It has a lower Vit D content, but I get the extra in my multi Vit & caltrate.
  8. Padanelle

    Coming up on the two year mark...

    Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss. Its always nice to her from people who have been banded awhile ago.
  9. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Actually, I tried on 2 more new outfits, and the same thing happened. Some large person at the Salvation Army will have new outfits. Today I'm going to go through the closets to see what else may be too big. I have a step counter, but am not clear on how it works. I may get it out and try it again.
  10. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    So yestewrday I met a friend for breakfast. I am not a morning person, so got out what I planned to wear the night before - something I had in the closet for over a year with the price tag still on it that was too tight when I bought it. When I went put it on, the skirt practically fell off! What a great feeling! I am slowly progressing on my September mile challenge, and have reached the half-way point - 10 miles. Need to do a mile a day average to meet my goal. I can do it!
  11. Thanks, sus, for the great explanation. I always forget to ask my surgeon about it. They gave me so much detailed info prior to tsurgery, that I think if it was imortant, they would have at least said something. I often go to another lapband forum, and they are always pushing it. You explanation makes sense.
  12. Padanelle

    I finally got it thru my thick head

    Portions are unusally not my problem, as I eat home most of the time and only put out bandster size portions. Its the small bites and chewing that I have a problem with. If I'm eating a piece of meat that I can cut, I'm usually okay. But if its something I bite into - like a wrap or piece of toast, I always find myself with a mouthful. I think I need to be more selective in my eating choices, as obviously my brain is not in control.
  13. Padanelle

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    I seem to be going in the wrong direction. I gained weight last week. Need to get serious this week. I didn't set that big of a goal, so if I work at it, I should be able to do it. I'm thinking positive...
  14. Padanelle

    Wanna be

    I have not have any nausea, but some people do. If its a problem, you can get a prescription for something before you are discharged. I don't smoke, so I didn't discuss nicotine with the surgeon. The pre-op diet is different from doctor to doctor, and even among the same doctor's patients. The purpose is to shrink the liver, so it is easier for them to operate. Mine was for 2 weeks pre-op, and I had to have at least 50g of Protein. less than 1000 calories, and less than 35g of fat. I was given a list of recommended brands of shakes, but I was not restricted to those brands, as long as i met my daily guidelines. I was also allowed SF Jello and up to 2 cups of veggies p/day. That was the hardest part for me, as I am not a big shake fan. If you have to do a Protein Shake diet for any length of time, I suggest you go online and google protein shake samples to find one you like. The two best I liked were Designer whey chocolate and Trader Joe's vanilla Soy Protein powder. I also highly recommend you order unjury chicken broth protein powder. You will really appreciate it after surgery, and it has 21g of protein per serving. I had to have a cardiac clearence (due to a history of heart disease in the family) which led me to have a echo stress test and a carotid artery test, plus a plumonary clearence due to my having asthma. Of course there is also the pre-surgery testing (EKG, blood test and I don't rememember what else), plus a letter from my PCP recommending the surgery and why. While in the hospital (just overnight) I had clear liquids (chicken broth, tea, Propel water). Once I was home I was on a 'Thin Liquid" diet for 10 days, and was allowed Crystal Light (or similar), decaf coffee/tea, broth, SF hot chocolate, tomato or V-8 juice, tomato Soup, Vitamin Water, skim/1% milk and diluted juices. I was also supposed to have at least 2 Protein Shakes a day, and at least 6-8 eight oz glasses of fluids p/day. I was also told to take a multi-vitamin and Calcium with Vit-D, both either crushed or chewable. After that, I did 10 days of mushies. From the mushie stage on, it was easy. For me the worst part was getting through all of those shakes. I haven't had on since, and when I have to go on liquides for 2 days after a fill, I usually drink Isopure Zetro Carb Protein drinks. I am still on my blood pressure medication, although my pressure has dropped significantly, but my PCP cut the dsoe in half and wants me to continue taking it for a few months. Its a small pill, so not a problem. Your surgeon/nutritionist should give you their plan for you in writing. I hope this helps. Joan
  15. Padanelle

    Wanna be

    Hi Wanna Be, What do you want to know? I've been banded a little over 3 months, and have lost over 40 lbs, so I real am very happy with the band. Because I didn't have any problems until after my 2nd fill, I never focused on new eating habits, and I paid the price (PBing, sliming). So last week I had a little taken out, and have been feeling much better. What a conundrum - since I don't have a tight restriction, I can get away with my bad eating habits. Need to get on track. If you have any specific questions, I'm happy to reply.
  16. Padanelle

    What can't you eat??

    I can eat eat almost anything - as long as I remember small bites, eat slow & chew. That being said, I usually don't remember to follow the rules throughout the meal, unless I am eating something I know could be a problem, like steak or calamari. THEN, I'm careful. The food that has given me the most problem is chicken legs (not the white meat). I guess its because I e3at them off the bone and take too big of a bite. Since the meat is moist, I probably don't chew it enough. I'll eventually get there...
  17. I was so excited about having the surgery I told absolutely EVERYONE. I only had one negative reaction (why don't you do it on your own), but everyone else was supportive, and told me about someone they knew of who had WLS and had great success. There are a few friends who I didn't get around to telling, and when I see them I am eager to hear their reaction. What surprises me is that they usually don't mention anything, and I have to bring it up. I've lost 40 @$*!(%# pounds - how could you not say anything! One friend told me she couldn't figure out what was different about me, another that she thought I might be sensitive over it if she said something. What overweight person wouldn't want to be told they look like they lost weight!!! Now I'm not saying I need to have compliments on my weight loss - cause I already feel very proud of myself, and feel great - but it sure would be nice...
  18. Padanelle

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat, In my long rant, I forgot to ask - have you contacted your elected officials for help? Health Care is the hot button issue right now - try your US Senator, Congressman, State Senator, Assemblyman, etc. Elections are coming up, so you could find a sympathetic ear looking for a vote. Good luck.
  19. Padanelle

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat, So sorry to hear about your finacial situation. What a stressful nightmare! I've been there in the past. I had my own business and ran up $70K in debt. I don't know how I sleep nights. I went to one of theose credit card counseling services, and they were able to gt the interest rates lowered, which was a big help. I didn't have any credit cards for years, but thank goodness for debit cards. I've been unemployed since the end of May, have gone through all of my 401K money, and have borrowed from friends & family to keep going. Needless to say, the situation has been depressing, but the one really bright spot has been the Band. I was laid off 1 week before surgery, and if it wasn't for the Band, I would have been stuffing food in my face constantly, which would have depressed me even more. The weight loss, and being able to fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear in years has really lifted my spirits. Unfortunately, it hasn't transfered over into organizing myself and getting a job. One day at a time...
  20. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I'm patting myself on the back. Although my goal for the month is low (20 miles), it might as well be 50. But yesterday I walked 2 miles! That might not seem like a lot to most of you walkers, but it was big for me. Those last 2 blocks were a killer. I think I need to get some good walking shoes. I was wearing high heeled platform shoes. I used to have a great pair of Nikes, but the dog got to them. Total 7.5 miles so far this month. I'd better step it up! [/url]
  21. Padanelle

    Can You Feel The Band?

    About a week ago I experienced a NSV: being able to feel my port! Prior to that, I hadn't a clue where it was. I have read that people can feel the liquid moving theough the tube when they have a fill, but I don't feel a thing!
  22. I halve or quarter my larger pills. The other day I absent mindely started chewing one of then - YUCK! Check with your doctor if he can prescribe something smaller that will do the same thing. I use Claretin for my allergies, which comes in a very tiny pill that will actually melt on your tongue. Good luck!
  23. Padanelle

    Hi, I'm fat and love food

    Hi Magnus, I love food too! Specially good food. What the band has done for me is help me enjoy the full flavor of the food I'm eating, since I am no longer inhaling it, but chewing it more slowly(at least I'm try to do that). I alos feel satisfied after much small portions, so I'm eating less. The great thing I love about the band is that it has not changed my love of food. I like to cook, so I'm always looking for new recipes. I just use less fats. Fortunately, I'm not a sweet eater, so that's never been a big problem. I still enjoy a glass or 2 of wine before/after dinner, and sometimes even a FEW SIPS with dinner. You have to go slowly at first to see what your system can handle, but you probably will be able to enjoy so many flavors. Just make some healthier choices, and learn new eating habits. Maybe I'm making it sound easy - the eating habits have been a real challenge for me - but a challenge worth doing.
  24. Padanelle

    Scared to death

    Hi Suz, I am banded a little over 3 months, and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. I would be concerned if I didn't get proper answers to my questions. Have you looked into other hospitals in the area. It can't hurt, and it can certainly help put your mind at ease. Good luck!
  25. Padanelle

    Halloween Challenge

    Hi All! I just joined today. My goal is to loose a total of 50 lbs since I started by Halloween - so that's about 9.5 lbs to go. Looking forward to following all of your progress and supporting each other.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
