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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Padanelle

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    Congrats to all of you who have already met the challenge. Great job! For the rest of us, we still have time. Let's hang in there.
  2. Padanelle

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    I'm focusing on the Turkey Day Challenge. Also signed up for the New Year, Nre You challenge. I can't even begin to think abot Valentine's at this stage.
  3. Padanelle

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    I was really sad to see Shay go and was specially disappointed with Rudy. I believe he voted her off because she was a bigger threat. Amanda should have gone. She has really not done well this season. I taped the show, and thought that the DVR cut off the ending by not showing Shay's transformation. So I went online, and was able to see it on hulu.com She is down to 238 lbs & seems to have such a new great attitude.
  4. Padanelle

    TURKEY DAY Challenge 2009

    Looks like several of us have had a successful week. This was my best one in ages - I'm down 2-3 lbs. Getting closer to goal.
  5. Padanelle

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    There must be something in the air. This has been the first good week I've had in a month. I'm down 2-3 lbs.
  6. You are all so wonderfully ambitious to set such goals over the holidays. For me, I hoping not gain any weight between Thanksgiving & Christmas. I know myself too well, and the band won't curb me eating all the holiday goodies/drinks I like. I'm going to have to rely on will power and hopefully moderation. I don't want to push my luck on setting a high goal, as I'll probably wind up binging. Wishing you all will power and success.
  7. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Violinist, I can so relate. Every time I loose a few pounds, I struggle for what seems like weeks to keep it off. Those milestone goals - 50, 75, 100 lbs - only add to the frustration when we don't reach them. I had aimed for 50 lbs by Halloween, which seemed quite doable, since I was down 45 lbs at the beginning of Oct. HA! No way, Jose. I know I should rethink how I set my goals, but its not as much fun to aim to loose 48 lbs, unless that brings me to a milestone weight. Sigh...
  8. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    November is our 5 Month Bandiversary! How is everyone doing? I was banded 5 months ago today and had hoped to have lost 50 lbs by now. I'm aonly 2.3 lbs off, so that's not bad, considering I didn't loose anything in Oct (actually lost & gained the same 5 lbs). Nervous about continued weight loss from Thanksgiving till the New Year. Its going to be a challenge... Joan
  9. Susan, I recommend doing a google search for free Protein powder samples to find one you like. One of my favorites is Designer whey chocolate. The container is not huge, like most are, it tastes good, and I think its about $10 - 12. I also highly recommend unjury chicken broth Protein Powder. Its a nice break from shakes, and very comforting after surgery. I'm also a big fan of Isopure zero carb Protein drinks. I got so tired after 3 weeks of shakes, so it was a welcome change. Wish I had discovered it before surgery. Although cheaper by the case (12 bottles) - about $35-$40, you can buy individual bottles. Each 20 oz bottle has 40g of protein. Good luck.
  10. I'm banded 5 months, and find I am most successful when I track my food & calories.
  11. Congratulations! Kepp it up!
  12. Padanelle

    1st fill and 2 day liquid diet

    The only time I was on "clear" liquids was the day of surgery. My surgeon uses the term "thin" liquids - anything that can fit through a straw - and that's what I had post op, and for 2 days everytime I have a fill. I must admit, I sometimes add mushies a little sooner than I should, but I go slowly and TRY to pay attention to my body's reaction. My problem is I really like mushies, and don't eat enough solids. A work in progress....
  13. Padanelle

    I did it, I lost 100 pounds!!

    Congratulations! Way to go!
  14. I used to inhale my food. Now I just woof it down. If I'm eating alone, its really hard to stretch it out to 10 min, unless I'm working on the computer, and get absorbed in between bites. If I'm eating with someone, I do eat slower, cause I'm usually talking in between bites. I am learning to chew more, which is a big improvement.
  15. Padanelle

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    What goes around, coems around. Glad they got rid of the bitch. I couldn't take her exagerated phonet reactions to everything. I rooting for Rudy & Danny.
  16. After being on the shakes for 3 weeks on the pre/post op diet, I can't stand the thought of another shake. A lot of people substitute a meal with a shake or other protein supplement. I usually drink a1/2 bottle of Isopure Lemon Green Tea mixed with regular green tea throughout the day.
  17. Padanelle

    Will I Pass Out??

    I'm a couch potato, so probably not the best one to give advice. That being said, everyone is different, but I can still guzzle, though I pretty much don't any more. I'm not really a sipper (except wine), but I try to remember to drink slower, and stop myself from taking more than 2 mouthfulls at a time. Its still a work in progress. You should discuss this with your surgeon. I wouldn't recommend a fill before the marathon and you could always have some Fluid taken out of the band just before the race if you have problems drinking liquids. Good luck!
  18. Padanelle

    My fear

    I'm not going to worry about something that might not happen. I've lost 46 lbs so far, and so far, my skin is looking good. I'm hoping my skin will eventually spring back. But I'd rather have flab, than be unable to walk because of the pain caused by my weight, to be able to bend over without being winded, to no longer have to take BP meds, etc, etc.
  19. Padanelle

    Vitamin water ....V. Isopure

    I tried several Vitamin waters, and didn't like the taste. I found them either too sweet or too fruity. I'd rather just take a chewable pill to get the necessary vit/minerals. I always have several bottles of the Isopure Lemon Green Tea on hand. I usually mix it with some regular brewed green tea & drink about half bottle most days.
  20. Padanelle

    Looking at things from a different age.

    I love those beaded things that hold your glasses on! I can't begin to tell you how many pairs of glasses I lost before I started wearing them.
  21. Padanelle

    crab cakes

    Your recipe sounds great - and easy. I can't wait to try it. Joan
  22. Padanelle

    Confused about meal plan

    Hi Beanie, Different surgeons have different restrictions, so yours may permit snacks. At the appointment with your surgeon, he/she will most likely give you a list of what you can/can't eat pre/post surgery. Most surgeons require a pre-op diet, although some don't. This can last from just a few days to 2 weeks (or more). The pre-op diet often consists of high protein shakes (and sometimes addl foods). After surgery, at some point you may be on shakes for a period of time. During this pre/post op period, the shakes are usually a meal substitute. Onced on solid foods, many people continue using the shakes as a meal substitute for one or sometimes even two meals because of the convenience. This is especially common for breakfast, as the band is usually tighter then, so its easier to have a shake instead of solid food. On one of the threads here, people post what they ate that day, so that should give you suggestions. But be forewarned, just because they post it, doesn't mean they are eating properly. Here's the link: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/share-ideas-what-did-you-eat-today-36828-new/ Also, if you scroll down to the Nutrition threads, you'll find recipes for all of the various food stages - liquids, mushies & solids. I hope this helps. Good luck with your appointment. Joan
  23. Padanelle

    how do i fix this weakness

    If your boyfriend is trying to bulk up, he should be doing it with Proteins, not junk food. Why don't you find out what healthy foods he likes (steak, shrimp, veffies, etc) and plan your weekend menu around that. There a plenty of good tasting healthy foods. Good luck.
  24. Caltrate 600 is a chewable, pleasant tablet with 600mg calcium citrate & 400 IU Vit D.
  25. I don't think they make a difference in my weight loss, but in my health. I am not a big veggie or fruit eater, so I like knowing I am getting enough Vitamins/minerals thru supplements.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
