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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Can anyone recommend some good books to read on lapband surgery and/or good recipes for the mushy stage and after?
  2. Padanelle

    I don't know what to do!

    I;m mlucky that I live in NYC, where there are several excellent hospitals that have Weight Loss Centers. I definately wouldn't want to have surgery done by someone who has only performed LBS 3 x. his site has a thread for people from WY. Maybe somene there can give you some alternate suggestions. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f71/anyone-else-here-wyoming-50132/index3.html#post1223429 Good Luck!
  3. Padanelle


    Congratulations! I just got my approval today. Now it's a mad scramble to set up all of the pre-surgery tests and medical clearences, as my surgery is on Jun 8th.
  4. I've been telling EVERYONE. I waited until a few weks before to tell my co-workers. It's amazing. Everyone I tell seems to know someone who has had the surgery and has given me great success stories, which has really been helpful.
  5. Wow! That seems long. Does your insurance require 6 months dr supervision for weight loss. Many do. I went to the seminar in Feb, had the psyc exam a few weeks later, then met with Nurtitionist, Nurse & Surgeon on Mar 24. Surgery was scheduled for Mar 24, but was postoned twice because the surgeon couldn't make it. I'm now scheduled for Jun 8th. Can't wait! Good luck.
  6. Padanelle

    June 2009 Surgery

    I'm on the 3rd day of the pre-op diet. Mine doesn't seem to allow any fruits - only 2 cups of veggies. I made some artichokes and have been eating one a day, dipping the leaves in fat free dressing. Does anyone have any other veggie suggestions?
  7. Padanelle

    Help with Protein shakes

    I mix in the blender GNC chocolate whey protien powder with 8 oz Silk Lite Vanilla and a few ice cubes. Tastes pretty good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
