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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Padanelle

    First Fill

    I had my first fill last Wed. I didn't get a shot to numb the area first. I barely felt the prick, and it was over before I knew it.
  2. Padanelle


    I'm fine with pickles. I haven't tried popcorn yet. I just had my first fill, so may wait awhile.
  3. Padanelle

    Brand New to site. Banded Jan 05

    You may want to check out www.lapband.com That is the official site for the company that makes the Lap-Band, which is probably the band you have. I believ it was the only band approved for use in the US when you had your surgery. Good luck & hang in there.
  4. Wow, I have just the oposite. I'm 5 weeks post-op & i recently noticed how long and strong my nails have gotten. I used to have ridges and they are disappering. I just assumed it was due to the increased Protein intake - I'm averaging 70+ g p/day. It would be interesting to hear from others if they have noticed any changes in their nails.
  5. Padanelle

    question on pills!

    I was told not to take any pills larger than an Advil. Otherwise, pills should be cut or crushed. Capsule contents should never be emptied and taken. They are put in the capsule because they can be very harsh on your stomach. If cutting or crushing does not work for you, contact your PCP to see if you can get a liquid version of your medication.
  6. My nutritionists instructions didn't specify. Their suggestions (Viactiv and Twin Labs Calcium Citrate wafers) included both. Depending on my mood, I switch off between Caltrate D Plus chewables (the bottle contains 3 flavors - cherry, orange & fruit punch) and either Viactiv or GNC soft chewables, which both come in chocolate and caramel. The nutritionist said it was important not to take the calcium supplements together, as the body cannot absorb more than 500mg calcium at once, so a higher dose at once would be wasted.
  7. Padanelle

    First day on Mushy

    One of my favorite mushies is low-fat ricotta with tomato sauce & parmesan. I also love instant mashed potatoes, and add Unjury chicken protein pwder to it to up the protein count.
  8. Padanelle

    They changed my date

    I had my surgery postponed twice. Both times it was 2 weeks prior, just as I was about to begin the pre-op diet. The first time I was a bit relieved, as I was still trying to eat all of the foods I though I might not be able to eat after being banded. LOL. The second time, I was really bumed out, as I had arranged for a friend to stay with me and would have had the extra time from the Memorial weekend to recuperate. I went down to the wire on my 3rd date, waiting for insurance approval and test results. I finally got banded on Jun 8. The pre-op frustrations are just a faded memory now, as I focus on my new life. Hang in there.. you'll be banded before you know it. The waiting is always the hardest part.
  9. Everyone's experience is different. Although I was definately bloated for over a week after surgery, since I have gallstones, this is nothing new to me. I definately had a bit of discomfort after surgery - and it was quite painful getting in/out of bed. I didn't have any reaction to any of the pain meds. The surgeon's instructions kept stressing to take the pain medicine (i was given hydrocodone) before the pain gets bad, which I did for 4 days. Mainly slept and got up to walk or eat - or rather, i should say drink. I'm a bit over 1 month post op, and fortunately have not vomited yet. I know I need to be prepared for that, but so far, so good....
  10. Padanelle


    I chose the band over bypass because it is less invasive, and statistically, a lot safer. My surgeon does all of the various types of WLS, however he is very pro the band. I understand the band might not be apropriate for everyone. This is something you will need to discuss with your surgeon. With bypass, most people normally loose a lot faster during the first year or two, but it tends to even out after 2 or 3 years. I understand long range, bandsters tend to keep the weight off (if they follow the guidelines), due to the fact of the adjustments. Bypass patients can stretch their stomachs and gain the weight back. Good luck in making the decision that's right for you.
  11. Padanelle

    United Health Care

    I have United Healthcare/Oxford. They covered everything except the copay. Good luck.
  12. Jacqui, That was really helpful info. I'm only a month post surgery, and its nice, and comforting, to hear your experience. Joan
  13. Padanelle

    Here goes nothing...

    I'd been reading up on WLS for over 5 years before I decided to take the plunge. If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend you attend a seminar. You can find a schedule on lapband.com The band does not work for everyone, but it usually works for the vast majority who follow the guidelines. Everyone looses at a different pace, but the norm tends to be 1 - 2 lbs per week. Many people drop 10 - 20 lbs during the first several weeks due to the high Protein liquid diet that is usually required pre & post op. I recommend keeping a food journal, and write everything down. You may be surprised how much/little you are consuming. This forum has lots of informative posts where you can get a good idea of others successes & struggles. It ain't easy, but its worth it. Good luck.
  14. I used to live on ramen noodles. Read the label. The seasoning is very high in sodium and other things not so good for you. I highly recommend unjury chicken broth flavored Protein powder - 21g or protein. It calls for 1 scoop in 8 oz of Water, but I usually double the water. I also add it to mashed potatoes to add more protein. Isopure protein waters have 40g of protein in a 20oz bottle. They come in several flavors. I get them at GNC, which has a lot of other Protein drinks.
  15. Hi Michelle, I find a warm cup of tea or chicken broth is very soothing. I understand that warm liquids help open the stoma, and the nutritionist recommended having a warm liquid in the morning before anything else, as that's when the opening is tightest. Don't forget, you just had surgery, so you need to heal. It gets better every day.
  16. I was also banded by Dr Fielding. I had my first fill on Wed with Gaspar. I heard great things about him, but he really was wonderful. I hadn't a clue where the port was, as Fielding only made one incision, but Gaspar found it right away. I'm so sorry to hear the horrible experiences some of you are having.
  17. Padanelle

    How do I???

    You need to edit your signature. Select the "BB" code to paste.
  18. Padanelle

    New to the site

    Hi All! I was also banded on Jun 8th. I just had my first fill on Wed. I barely felt the needle and it only took a couple of seconds. I haven't been hungry since the surgery, so I wasn't sure if I should postpone the fill, but went anyway. They put in 4cc. I was on liquids for 2 days, and now have 2 days of mushies. I'm feeling like I did right after surgery (minus any discomfort - I have absolutly no desire to eat or drink anything. Tonight I had half-cup of ricotta with some sauce on it, and I could barely finish it. I stoped loosing weight when I started solids, but managed to drop 2.5 lbs on liquids after the fill. I am afraid when I go back to solids that I might not continue to loose. Since I started the pre-op diet on May 25, I have lost 28 lbs. I'm pleased with that, and hope I can continue to loose each week. Good luck to all of you! Joan
  19. No problem! I was a little concerned, since we're nbot supposed to have carbonated beverages, but I figure an occassional glass or two won't hurt.

  20. I was banded with no fill. I think that is more the norm, than the exception. Yesterday I had my first fill. I was going to postpone it, as I really haven't been hungry, but decided to go ahead with it. The NP put in 4cc. Since then, I feel the same as I did after surgery, with any discomfort. I have no desire to eat or even drink anything. I has no idea where my port was - probably too much belly fat. LOL. I had single incision surgery, so there is no separate port incision. The NP knew exactly where to find it & then had me to a crunch, so it would pop up more for me to feel it. Its a few inches from my navel. I guess its a good thing I can't find it on my own, as I probably would be poking at it all the time.
  21. Padanelle

    Where here....

    Glad to hear Agnes is doing well. Have a safe trip home.
  22. Padanelle

    Need some advice

    Every doctor has different instructions and length of time for a pre-op diet. Mine was 2 weeks of high Protein liquids & up to 2 cups of veggies p/day. It seemed a lot stricter than many of the others posted. Your doctor may not have recommended a particular shake, but should give you instructions on the length of time for the pre-op diet, and what you can, and cannot eat. Many allow a low carb meal each day. I've even seen some postings that have no pre-op requirements. I haven't seen any postings here that havce required more than 2 weeks, so if that is the case, you will not need to start anything till the last few days of your trip. So try to make healthy choices, but most important, check with your surgeon or nutritionist on more specifics on diet length and requirements. As far as shakes, I like Designer whey & Trader Joe. I also really like unjury chicken broth Protein Powder and Isopure protein waters. There are lots of other recommendations on this site. Good luck! Joan
  23. Padanelle

    First Fill Today - Questions

    I had my first fill today. I barely felt the needle, and it was over before I knew it. They put 4cc in a 10cc band. I have to be on liquids for 2 days, then mushies for 2 more.
  24. My doctor says stop drinking 5 min before eating & resume 20 minutes after eating. I can habdle that.
  25. What's the word on tomatoes? I'm not allowed to have any fruit on my pre-op diet because of the sugar. Tomatoes are fairly high in sugar and are, technically, a fruit. I wasn't allowed fruit on my pre=op diet, but it did say I could have tomato juice & tomato Soup, so I gues tomatoes are ok.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
