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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Padanelle

    So how do they decide?

    Actually, the Standard is 10cc, the Large is 14cc.
  2. Padanelle

    what size is the large band?

    The Lap-Band AP Standard is 10cc
  3. Padanelle

    So how do they decide?

    Good question. I've been wondering the same thing. My surgeon gave me a choice between Lap-Band or Realize, but not on size. I think it has to do with your size and also the positioning of other organs/parts when they do the surgery.
  4. Padanelle

    1st fill today

    Susie Q, Since you say he is a good surgeon, you may want to discuss your feelings with him on your next visit. I have seen other posts on this site that have said their surgeon doesn't tell them how many cc's they are injecting for the fill. Frankly, I think if you want to know, you should be told. Also, many people have trouble eating Breakfast, due to more restriction in the morning. My surgeon/nutritionist, and quite a few others from what I have read on this site, advise that it is okay to skip breakfast. In saying that if you don't want to have breakfast or 64 oz of Water a day, then don't, he is saying don't obsess over the rules, listen to your body. I doubt he is advocating just having 8 oz of water a day. Some days you'll want all 64 oz, and some days you just won't. Use common sense in your eating/drinking habits. There is no stedfast rule that works for everyone, and we each have to find what works best for us. Good luck!
  5. Congratulations, Rae. Great job! Wishing you continued success. Joan
  6. From reading the posts on this site, it seems most recomend calcium citrate. My nutritionist lists both. Since I'm supposed to take 1500 mg p/day, taken in 500mg doses spread out during the day, I take caltrate in the morning, and Viactive later in the day. I also get a lot of calcium from food sources (milk, yogurt, etc).
  7. Hi Bobbie Jean, May I suggest that instead of using small baggies, you use ziplock or glad containers. They come in various sizes, and go from freezer to microwave. Great for individual portions for a picnic. Tuna sald can be a good choice. If you're worried about the mayo spoining, make it with balsamic vinegar & spices. A crustless quiche is also great, and will not spoil at room temperature for several hours. Applesauce, a pureed gazpacho Soup are some other ideas. Good luck.
  8. I,ve been banded a little over 2 months, and don't seem to be making any headway in eating slower. I may manage to pause for around 30 seconds - 1 min inbetween a FEW bites, but usually loose my focus and go back to showeling the food in. I've had a few minor incidents of tightness/some chest pain, but it usually passes after a few minutes. At least I'm smart ebough to stop eating when that happens. lol. Definately a work in progress...
  9. Wootsie, I would definately check further what your surgeon means by 3 bites per meal. I don't see how you could get sufficient nutrition by having only 9 bites per day, unless you are also taking major supplements, specially since most instructions say each bit should be small. How would you determine which 3 bites you take - all Protein? 2 protein,1 veggie? 1 protein, 1 veggie, 1 fruit, etc? It sounds like something is missing in the instructions.
  10. Padanelle

    how many incisions?

    I had just one incision, just below my belly button.
  11. Padanelle


    Good luck on Monday, FFC. The NYU operating team is great. Hope it all goes well for you.
  12. Padanelle

    Tuna Salad

    Amy. Congratulations on your fantastic weight loss. I was also banded by Dr Fielding this past June. I love tuna fish for a quick Protein fix. When I'm on mushies, I just add spice (garlic, red pepper, tarragon) and some balsamic vinegar. When I'm on solids, in addition to the spices, I add Water chestnuts for some crunch & either sliced scallions or diced shallots.
  13. Padanelle

    Wii ea-sports active game

    Thanks. That was helpful.
  14. Way to go, Sandi! Since lapband is a relatively new proceedure here in the US, it is so nice to hear a success story from someone who has been banded for 5 years.
  15. Padanelle

    Wii ea-sports active game

    Forgive me if this is a silly question, but I am technically challenged. I have been reading the posts on Wii, and am a bit confused. Is the Personal Trainer part of the EA Sports Active Program? What's the difference between Wii Fit?
  16. Padanelle


    Hi Jenny, Glad it went well. Hope to eventually meet at one of the NYU support meetings or events. Joan
  17. Padanelle

    Approved for Solids at 1 week post op

    After reading posts for a couple of months and noting how different everyone pre/post op and fill instructions are, I have come to the conclusion that it in many cases, it might not be a particular surgeon's general instructions vary, but that these instructions vary based on the needs of his/her patient. This would make more sense. I have seen bandsters who had the same surgeon as me post here that they have been given different instructions than I received. After all, when it comes to something as import as this surgery, there's a certain comfort to knowing its not just cookie-cutter.
  18. Padanelle

    First Fill Today - Questions

    After a fill I have to be on liquids for 2 DAYS & mushies for 2 DAYS. Most of the posts seem to have similar instructions (1 or 2 days of each), although some can eat right away, if they can handle it. We all have different reactions and in addition to what our doctors tell us, we also need to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. After 2nd fill last week, when I started back on solids, I absent-mindely munched on dry Cereal, and immediately felt tightness. Fortunately it passed after about 5 minutes. That was 4 days ago, and I still am not interested in eating solids. I am mainly having soft foods, and will avid solids until I feel comfortable swalling them again - hopefully very soon.
  19. Padanelle

    Any wine drinkers out there?

    As far as I know, its just the empty calories at issue. Cheers!
  20. Padanelle

    What is the deal? *rant*

    I probably have not been reading a lot of the same posts, but I never felt those I read by people banded in Mexico were trying to promote having surgery done there. I am fortunate to have my surgery covered by insurance, but if I was self-pay, I would seriously consider having it done in Mexico. Mexico has been doing Lap Band surgery longer than the US, and many US bariatric surgeons have been trained on lap band by Mexican surgeons. A think post operative care & programs are an import part of the weight loss process, so I definately would opt to have surgery done close to home. But if cost was an issue, I wouldn't hesitate to have it done in a foreign doctor, by a surgeon and facility that has been checked out.
  21. Padanelle

    TV shows about obesity; Ruby, Big Medicine, Brookhaven - etc.

    I've just started watching Big Medicine & Ruby. For me, the jury is still out on Big Medicine, as I find the surgeries a bit TMI. I really enjoy Ruby. She's really inspiring. On the lighter side, Drop Dead Diva is fun, and I have gotten hooked on Dance Your Ass Off.
  22. Padanelle

    Peach Cobbler Smoothie!!!!

    I have been so turned off shakes, but this I gotta try!
  23. Padanelle

    Oh i have one more Question

    before I was able to meet with the surgeon, I had to meet with a psych and have a letter from my PCP recommending the surgery. After meeting with the surgeon, I was given a list of medical tests that I had to complete before surgery. My insurance didn't have any addl requirements.
  24. Padanelle

    Taking Medications

    My thoughts are, why risk it when there are fairly good tasting chewable calcium and multivitamins. Regarding meds, I was told not to swallow anything larger than an advil. If you are going to try swallowing your pills, start with something small and see how it goes. And remember, each time you have a fill, something you may have been able to swallow before, you may not be able to swall after the fill.
  25. Padanelle

    More fill with Fluro?

    When I went for my post-op check-up, I had to go for a esophofraham first, to be sure everything was in the right place and that I was healing ok. The NP showed me the pictures, and it was interesting to see what was going on inside. I've had 2 fills so far. The NP who does my fills is fantastic. Barely feel the pinch, and it is over before I know it. A fluro fill may be more precise, but if the person doing the fill is experienced, I don't think you have to worry. Besides, who needs all those addl x-rays...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
