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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Padanelle

  1. Padanelle

    soft cheeses on mushy stage?

    I like ricotta cheese. I put marinara sauce over it and some parmesan and bake it.
  2. Padanelle

    How long until first fill?

    My first fill was 4 weeks after. Afterwards, every 3-4 weeks, if I can get an appointment (they're very busy). I had my 3rd fill scheduled for today, but the NP decided not to add any thing more, so now I have to wait another month.
  3. Padanelle

    Approved in NYC

    Congratulations! Getting the insurance approval is the hardest part. Depending on sur surgeon's requirements and schedule, you shouldn't have a long wait. Where are you having your surgery?
  4. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hi Darlene, PB stands for productive burping. It happens when food gets stuck in the stoma, and then comes up with saliva (aka slime). It very often is accompanied by variying degrees of pain, and be over quickly, or last for what seems like eternity. The longest pain I have experienced so far is 1/2 hr. The pain usually passes after whatever was stuck comes up. It usually is caused by eating too fast or not chewing thoroughly. It can also be caused by the band being too tight. Mine was caused by my own stupidity. You think I'd learn... Joan
  5. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    I was scheduled for my 3rd fill today, but the NP decided not do add any more, since I mentioned I have been PBing a few times recently and he was happy with my weight loss (7lbs since my last visit 4 wks ago). I'm okay with that, but concerned since my next appointment won't be for another 4 weeks. Hope I don't get a bad case of the hungries before then.
  6. Padanelle


    I was banded Jun 8 and started on solids about 3 weeks later. I slowly added in different solid foods, to see which I could handle. Up until my second fill, I was able to eat anything I tried (steak, calamari, shrimp, saladetc). Since the 2nd fill I have more restriction, and have to be more careful to remember to eat slowly & chew throroughly, as if I don't I will PB, even on items I didn't have a problem with before.
  7. My main shopping expense now is pet food. My food bill has gone way down. As others have said, since eating less, everything goes a lot further. I also find I am buying better quality items and more organic items.
  8. Three weeks post op - yowza! I'll be pulling for you. When you call your doctor, check if you can have a different brand shake - something with higher Protein, so at least you won't have to drink as many of them. Good luck!
  9. Padanelle

    Hey, New York City Partner? Where are you?

    Wow, Gwen, you've done fantastic! When & where were you banded? I'm a card carrying couch potato, and excersise has never been high on my list. But now that I've lost a bit of weight, I am enjoying more activity - mainly walking. I'm thinking of getting a WII - something I can do at home. Have you ever tried it? I'd be interested in staying in touch, and maybe working my way up to some light activity.
  10. This is the worst part of the journey, but it will pass soon enough, and only be a dim memory. lol If your doctor/nut allows other forms of liquid Protein, try to alternate the shakes with unjury chicken broth Protein powder (21g protein), Isopure Zero Carb Protein drinks (40g per 20 oz bottle) or New whey Liquid Protein shots (42g protein in 4.3 oz). I still use them on days when my protein intake is low. Hang in there - its worth it!
  11. Padanelle

    Finally under 200

    Congratulations, and weclome to Onderland! Hitting milestones are so rewarding and energizing...
  12. I have had a lot more restriction since my second fill. Prior to that, although I never was really hungy, and content to eat small portions, I was able to eat5 anything I tried. Since my 2nd fill, I have experienced several incidents of food getting stuck. The longest was for 1/2 hour, and was painful. I know its due to poor eating habits which I desperately need to change. I also discovered that I now have problems with eating tilapia, which I never had before. I think I will need to be sure to have a sauce on it in the future (and on all my meats)to see if that helps.
  13. I can't believe it took me so long to discover Greek yogurt. I think one of the reasons I held off trying was the sugar count. But as Unforgettable said, the Fage Non Fat is the way to go. I buy the 500 g container, and try to limit my portion to 1/2 cup, which has only 60 calories, 0 fat, 4.5g sugar & 10g Protein. I am constantly looking for new ways to try it. Its great with strawberries, blueberries and other fruit, I put it in scrambled eggs, make sauces for meat/fish (I add horseradish for beef, curry powder, chili powder and other spices for chicken or fish). Later I'm planning to make a crustless quiche and am going to mix some in with the ricotta.
  14. Padanelle

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    [/url] After almost 3 months since I started the pre-op diet, I am sooooooooooooo happy to say I have hit the half-way mark - I have lost 40 lbs!! Its been a struggle the past 2 weeks to get those extra few pounds off, but it paid off when I got on the scale this morning. Joan
  15. Padanelle

    A good dinner?

    Hi John, I have usually heard that 3-4 oz is the recommended portion, but obviously one size does not fit all. Most men normally can consume more than women, so you may be allowed a larger portion size. I'm only 4'11', so the nut told me to aim for 50g Protein a day, which is less than a lot of the other recommended grams listed on the posts here. You should talk to your surgeon/nut if they haven't already given you portion sizes. Remember, listen to your body, chew thoroughly, and be cautious - just because you can eat something today, doesn't mean you will not have a problem tomorrow. Good luck! Joan
  16. I can only echo what Grandma & Kristen said. Everyone heals and looses weight at a different pace. Be patient, and hang in there... Joan
  17. I was told not to have anything an hour before the fill. I understand it can often take several fills before some people feel restriction.
  18. Padanelle

    crackers..yes or no????

    I believe chili is considered solids (unless you have pureed it), so crackers should be okay. From the posts I have read, most people do not have problems with crackers. Of course, you could be the exception, so small bites, and chew. Enjoy!
  19. If your doctor is allowing you to make the choice to move on, then just start slowly and remember, small bites and chew thoroughly. I would avoid hard items to digest, like steak, for awhile, and besure whatever meats or fish you select are moist. If not, use a sauce to moisten. I just discovered Greek yogurt, and I am putting it practically on everything. It tastes like sour cream. Good luck. Joan
  20. Hi Ddem, What was your reaction like after your first 3 fills? Did you also have problems with yogurt after 3 days? It definately doesn't sound good that you vomited, especially since you had stomach acid in your lungs. I would definately call your doctor. The last fill may be too tight. Or, as you said, maybe you tried the yougurt to soon. In either case, better safe than sorry. Good luck.
  21. Padanelle

    Two tips and oh, that Murphy

    Congratulations on your banding! I use a mortar & pestle to crush my pills. Also great for crushing mint for mojitos. lol Check with your doctor, but most say its ok to have a cup or 2 of coffee. Good luck! Joan
  22. Padanelle

    Silly question

    That's awful. Thank goodness I was able to be fully clothed.
  23. Padanelle

    What are the Bullets?

    Thanks, Grey. I found it!
  24. Padanelle

    What are the Bullets?

    Is it the Grab n' Go? That was the only nectar I saw that came in lemon. Tks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
