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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by freddy

  1. Hi. I would love some insight and some advice from you guys. I have hit a roadblock in my journey to Lap band. I went to the pulmonary specialist who sent me for a sleep study to determine if I have Sleep Apnea. The sleep test was awful. 7 hours of not being able to sleep with all of those wires and paste etc... It also came with a co pay of over $600. I went back for the results and the doctor says I have sleep apnea. He tells me that I only slept for brief 10-15 minute intervals but it was enough to determine that I do have it. I wasnt surprised. I have always snored my whole life. The shocking news was the he wants me to go back to determine what type of Apnea I have??? I walked out of his office when he told me that. The test was 7 hours of misery and $600. Why do I need another test? Couldnt that have been accomplished with the first test? He said that after they determine what type kind apnea I have, I will then be advised which C pap machine I need. I need to use the machine and go back to him, so that might even mean a 3rd sleep center trip?? I called my surgeon and his assistant advised me I need the clearance and that having to go back to the pulmonologist was not unusual. I dont understand this. The real cure for sleep apnea (in my case) is weight loss, not this machine that I wont be able to use because I move around a great deal while sleeping. I dont understand this. Is pulmonary clearance required for other types of surgery? Why does a bariatric procedure require it? I have 2 friends that did the surgey in another state and they didnt need a sleep test. They went for a pulmonary exam and were cleared in the same day based on breathing exercises. I feel like the doctors (who are businessmen, first and foremost) are miliking me and my insurance company. Were you guys required to take multiple sleep exams? Does anyone know what purpose these sleep exams provide? I am already paying $1500 for a mandatory 6 month program that is required by the surgeon that really isnt much more then Weight Watchers meetings. Between the co pays and all these tests, it will be well over 3k for these required procedures that dont seem to be required by every surgeon. My question is this-- Why is a Sleep Apnea test required for this procedure but not others? Ok, I have sleep apnea and I understand the dangers, but what's the point? It isnt going away without weight loss, so why do I need to go back to the sleep center? Again, I dont trust doctors. I feel the way I do when you get your car's oil changed and they tell you you should have some internal maintanance that is recommended by your manufacturer and it is only 89.99 this week. Sorry for the long windedness but I am at the crossroads and I dont know what to do. Thanks for your time.
  2. Have you slept with the machine on since the study? Do you feel any better? I cant imagine being able to sleep with that thing tethered to my face.
  3. Thanks Monkey. I want the band, I think I trust the surgeon but I dont trust the pulmonary guy. I cant fathom sleeping with that machine strapped to my face. I just dont see why they require me to be getting treated for the sleep apnea when it isnt going to get fixed without weight loss. Kinda like getting braces for teeth that are going to get pulled anyway.

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