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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by katrinka

  1. Now that I am on soft foods, I find that I am not too hungry, as long as I eat every 2-3 hours and drink a lot. I won't have my first fill until June 15th. The Dr. did say that I will start to get hungrier though and this is the hardest time till the fill. They recommended small pieces of cheese or yogurt to tide me over. Hoping I can hang in there till the 15th!!! _______________________ Banded By Dr. Keith Kims Kissimmee FL (Celebration Health) Surgery Date - May 4, 2009 1st fill - June 15, 2009
  2. Hi Everyone - I was just banded May 4th by Dr. Kim in Kissimmee FL and am down 30 pounds already.
  3. katrinka

    Newly Banded

    Thanks GB, will check it out. Congrats to you as well, sounds likes you are doing very well too. Wish you the best!
  4. katrinka

    Anyone in Orlando FL?

    I live in Orlando and was banded by Dr. Kim May 5th. My experience was great. Dr. Kim is wonderful, strict in a great way..I am following his program and have lost 30 pounds since pre-op.
  5. katrinka

    Newly Banded

    Thanks All went well! No complications, I was up and around right away. Just had my follow up with the surgeon last week and doing fine. Im down 30 pounds since pre-op...I am starting week four of the diet, last week was puree and for the next 2 weeks I can have soft foods. I haven't been too hungry..I get pretty bad migraines so I am trying to eat every 2-3 hours and making sure I meet my Protein and 80-100 ounces of liquid goals to avoid the headaches and the hunger...I will have my fill in 3 weeks. How much protein are you getting in each day, have you tried the unjury shakes to supplement? Congrats on the weight loss...what a great feeling :tongue: On the road to a new life.
  6. The Isopure premixed protein drinks really helped, they were clear, and I just sipped on them in addition to broth and water during the tough liquid phase after surgery. They seemed to fill me up...though I couldn't be happier once I hit the puree phase...thank god that only lasted a week!!! Sugar free popsicles and jello really helped too!!

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