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Posts posted by katrinka

  1. Now that I am on soft foods, I find that I am not too hungry, as long as I eat every 2-3 hours and drink a lot. I won't have my first fill until June 15th. The Dr. did say that I will start to get hungrier though and this is the hardest time till the fill. They recommended small pieces of cheese or yogurt to tide me over. Hoping I can hang in there till the 15th!!!


    Banded By Dr. Keith Kims

    Kissimmee FL (Celebration Health)

    Surgery Date - May 4, 2009

    1st fill - June 15, 2009

  2. Thanks :lol: All went well! No complications, I was up and around right away. Just had my follow up with the surgeon last week and doing fine.

    Im down 30 pounds since pre-op...I am starting week four of the diet, last week was puree and for the next 2 weeks I can have soft foods. I haven't been too hungry..I get pretty bad Migraines so I am trying to eat every 2-3 hours and making sure I meet my Protein and 80-100 ounces of liquid goals to avoid the headaches and the hunger...I will have my fill in 3 weeks. How much Protein are you getting in each day, have you tried the unjury shakes to supplement? Congrats on the weight loss...what a great feeling :tongue: On the road to a new life.

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