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Everything posted by fatduck

  1. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks for that Gillian. Cheers :thumbup:
  2. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi all Sorry to be a pest, I know it's been posted umpteen times but does anyone have contact details for Wendy at WLS. I've spent ages reading back posts but can't find nowt. I had a scout around their sight & couldn't seem to find anything about the promotion, I was probably looking in the wrong places. Any help would be appreciated mucho grande. Cheers, Vikki
  3. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Wishful I know you're right! I managed to stay off it last night I don't think I'm an alkie or anything just get really bored at the weekends and have got into the habit of feeding that boredom with booze and grub :biggrin: I think the key word there is habit, the band is going to help me break bad habits. I love food and wine. I think I've said before I'm a chef so it's a passion for me. Guess I'll take up crochet or knitting or something else instead :thumbup: Homecare, don't worry yourself unnecessarily, you're doing a commendable job in your pre- op preparations and I don't think a couple of glasses of wine are going to disrupt your hard work. I'll be thinking of you on Friday
  4. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Aw bless you, you're a wee angel. :tongue:
  5. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Homecare, How are you getting on with your pre- op diet? I see you've lost 3lbs so you're doing something right. I just can't get into it. I had a chicken curry and 2 bottles of red last night I think its a case of making the most of it whilst i can but I know its wrong! I've tried slapping myself but my will- power is weak :tongue:
  6. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Rose, where are you from, I'm flying from Edinburgh. How are you feeling about things? I'm starting to get really excited about it now and so please you're on the forum now. Read back as much as you can and you'll learn so much, the support you will receive from everyone will really boost your confidence and help ease any nerves you may have. They're a fab bunch :tongue:
  7. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Wishful ( soon to be Wishfullfilled coz you're doin FAB) I'm excited about knowing that there's gonna be someone else there. I'm going on my own- not the 1st to do this I know but i'm a big bambino n can't afford to take anyone to hold my hand so knowing theres another threader there will ease my apprehensions a bit- maybe lol, U had Gillian n big Sis and I'm sure it helped. If you wanna volunteer to come baby sit me n hold my hand you're more than welcome:thumbup: Don't panic that was just a jest, I'm not a psycho hose beast :tongue:
  8. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    WOOHOO at last someone who's gonna be there the same time as me!!!!!! HIYA rose:thumbup: Sorry went a bit over OTT there, just a tad excited :sad:
  9. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done all you losers especially Odge & Westie. You're all doing fantastic!!! About the arnica tablets, I've posted a link here from the bbc that you might like to read. BBC NEWS | Health | Homeopathic remedy 'ineffective' I am pretty sceptical about homeopathic remedies but I have to admit I am taking the milk thistle tablets " just in case":laugh: I too am a wee bit worried about the state of my liver coz I've given it a battering over the past 20 odd years:ohmy: BTW Garry, Bobo & Flirty I've been warned about the dangers of the internet and some of the dodgy sites that might corrupt an impressionable young "ahum" girl like me but I am SHOCKED to the core of my apple to find out that this is one such site :thumbup:
  10. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Welcome Allan, it a bissum to find this thread but glad to see you found your way eventually mate.
  11. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi there, I still can't find this thread going through the site either but if you say to your friend to google "anyone know of dr de bruyne chris" he should find it. It will have 41669 in the address. or he could put this straight into his address bar. lapbandtalk.com/f11/anyone-know-dr-de-bruyne-chris-41669
  12. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thank you for that Garry :bored: Cheers, Vikki
  13. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I went to get all my bits n bobs from the chemist today, cost a bleedin' fortune, I got adhessive dressings then afterwards wondered if they are big enough. What size can I expect the wounds to be? I had keyhole surgery a few years ago for a heart op and I assumed that they'd be about the same- half inch or so- can someone enlighten me please. X
  14. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Wow what a busy day it's been for posts after such a quiet weekend. I don't post much myself but I check in usually a couple of times a day to see how everyone getting on and to see what new info and tips I can pick up. I find I don't need to ask many questions because the back-log of advice is wonderful and so definitive but I would like to say a hearty thank you to shelly for that enlightening chronicle of her journey so far. Please keep us updated Shelly, every morsel of knowledge and experience is gratefully digested:thumbup: Sounds like I'm thinking about food again Cheers XXX
  15. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Food Standards Agency - Eat well, be well - BMI calculator if you follow this link it will take you to a bmi calculator. its very simple to use and does all the complicated calculations for you. :confused:
  16. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I, like you Sara, worry about the fill process, it seems that people who have their fills through CdB seems to need an extraordinary amount of them. Would you all say that's a fair comment or am I being niave. The thought of trying to find the money for fills is a worry on top of the bank loan to pay for the band
  17. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi High Anx, I'm sure all will go well for you but to ease your mind try giving her a quick call. On the few occassions that I've phoned her she has answered promptly. Her number is 0208 1444 254. Sorry if I've missed you and your on the way already- good luck, you go g/f you'll do great !!!!!!!!!!
  18. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thats a brilliant post wishful, very helpful and informative. Questions I was going to ask too. Thanks.
  19. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Found a photot of me, believe me there aint many of them on the go. It was taken about 2 or 3 stone ago but its got the love of my life in it ( ' cept hubby n kids of course- society tells us we've got to put them top of the list even if we love a hunk of FAST metal and rubber just as much- just joking!! no really just joking!!) my motorbike. You can hide behind the internet and be whomever you want 38-24-36 but reading you guys posts makes me want to be honest and frank about things so my avatar is now a photo of me instead of a duck. BTW the fat duck is one of my favourite restaurants and I'm terrified about coping without indulging in mammoth amounts of food on a daily basis. That scares me more than surgery.I'm gonna go now coz i'm just in from the pub and realised I'm bletherin shi*e:ohmy:
  20. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Flirtylass you're doing the right thing having the surgery you plan. I reckon you won't regret it for the rest of your life. 17 years or so ago I lost 7st 11lbs on WW (blughck), my belly was like a mini skirt and I think had I had a tt then I probably wouldn't have put the weight back on, it would have given me the insentive to keep it off but because I looked so freakish- not saying you do mind!!- I didn't really care too much when the weight started to creep back on. The way you've succeeded with your band is an inspiration and I can only dream that I can accomplish what you have in such an incredible time scale. You go g/f!!!!!!!! In the indomitable words of Mowgli- ooh ooh ooh I wanna be like you- ooh ooh xxx
  21. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Westbourne & Gillian, I had just got in from my work this afternoon after a stressful week whith hardly any sleep when I posted and now after a sleep on the couch feel a bit of a ninny for being such a baby. I'm a chef and eat all day long (literally) so am not sure how I'm gonna cope with that side but I'll cross that bridge when I come too it. :wink:
  22. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    30th June, I just booked it a couple of days ago. I'm really excited about whats ahead and losing weight but I guess I've the same apprehensions as a lot of folks get. I'm just really emotional about it all just now because of what losing and keeping weight off will mean to me. I'm sure everyone on this site can relate to that:smile2:
  23. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Westbourne, congats and I'm so glad it all went so well for you. I feel quite emotional reading your post because although I know everyones got a different tale to tell about their op hearing yours has lifted my spirits no end! I'm pretty scared about the whole affair so thank you for sharing your good news. Xxx
  24. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Odgemodge and Shoes for your encouragement. Having a weird time getting my head round things. I don't think it's regrets coz I'm really excited about my life ahead, I just know it can only get better as I lose weight, gain a bit more confidence and stop despising myself as much. I'm finding I keep bursting into tears for no reason :thumbup: and i got hauled in front of the bosses today for losing my rag and cursing at another worker. I'm so emotional just now but hopefully it will pass, 30th June seems like a lifetime away. I'm like a shark during a feeding frenzy just now aswell, I think I'm eating all food the for the next year in a week, I'm a chef, so food is all around, ooh that was a Troggs/ Wet, Wet, Wet song wasn't it :w00t:

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