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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fatduck

  1. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare, I too am still experiencing pain & stitches and like you when I stand up I feel I have too hold it all in. Mine isn't nearly as painful as you described. I agree with Gillian though as I too am wearing "Bridget Jones" knickers for a bit of support. The majority of my pain isn't from the port wound but the drain scar. OMG how weird a feeling was that when the nurse pulled the tube out and you could feel it snaking out of your body. Bluugh it was horrid. Hope the pain eases up for you a bit and that you can go onto "real" food soon. Take Care, Vikki
  2. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I've heard quite regularly on the board people talk about the pain when you eat something that won't go down. I experienced this yesterday when without thinking I shoved a filo wrapped prawn in my mouth. HOLY COW!!! It was one of the most alarming experiences I've encountered. I had to go and dislodge it myself. The pain was incredible and I think i'm still a bit raw inside. For anyone who's lucky enough not to have experienced this, BEWARE!
  3. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That sounds good Homecare, hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones to get restriction straight off. I have read of folk who never need a fill because of instant restriction so hopefully you'll stay this way but you maybe still have some internal swelling to go down. I definately feels tighter but I know I'll need filled soon, wish I could have one now.
  4. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I can still eat everything that I could before, not the same quantity though, thank god coz I could eat a troughful of food in one sitting before!!! I can still manage bread. I know this through pinching a bite of hubbies sannies, but don't want to try a full one as I miss bread desperately and pies and etc etc:w00t: I did treat myself to a jam doughnut on saturday. I'm eating weetabix for Breakfast, soup for lunch and noodles or pasts or tatties with mince or something for tea. I'm not having the same every day but that's a rough idea of my daily intake. I think any weight I lose between now and fills will have to be lost through will. I've a problem with a lack of will power so I foresee a tough road ahead for me. How are your incisions healing? I'm not even sure which one of mine has the port behind it because I have two that are pretty lumpy. One must be the port and the other must be a big lump of scar tissue:scared2:
  5. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi All, Everyones doing great. Congrats to you all. :thumbdown: Homecare, I'm experiencing the same stitch. I get it when I sit down to eat aswell. I'm not worried about it though, don't know if I should :biggrin: but it is quite painful at times. I went back to work today, (took 2 weeks holidays to be banded) and my chefs whites which 2 weeks ago I couldn't close the bottom button now shut with ease. My weight loss had halted but I must be losing inches.
  6. fatduck

    Recent "bandits"

    Hi Ocotillo, I'll paste the advice below I was given regarding the bread in Soup stunt I pulled. "You should try your hardest to stick to the liquid diet for as long as possible, as it gives your band the best chance of healing and 'bedding in' around your stomach. If you give your stomach something to start churning and digesting (like solid food!) there will be less chance for the scar tissue to start healing etc and your risk of slippage is apparently increased." Gotta say this knowledge scared me sufficiently to stick to liquids. I'm not even that hungry anymore and 7 days post op I've lost 15 pounds.
  7. Wow only 4 days, you're so lucky lol now you can go on to mushies!!! I agree with you about the recovery, it's probably a lack of energy through virtual starvation and of course our wounds. I have 5 incisions, how many did you get, different surgeons seem to use different methods.

  8. fatduck

    Recent "bandits"

    Hi Aimnut I feel the same about the recovery time. I do have another week off work ( taking holiday time) when I hope I'll be feeling better. I feel great when I'm sitting down:laugh:, when I stand up I get dizzy and nearly white out!! I'm sure I'll be fine by next week. You take care too. Good luck
  9. fatduck

    banded 6/30/09

    Hi Mil51 30 stones is 420 pounds.:thumbdown: 1 stone is 14 pounds. 18 years ago I lost 100 pounds in less than a year and over the subsequent years I've lost, at various stages, 2/ 3/ 2/ 4/ stones etc, etc. You know how it goes. So I guesstimate that over the past 20 years that lot will probably add up to around 30 stones. Now I know though that I'm banded, what I lose wil stay off!!!!!!!!! :tongue_smilie: I'm so happy with that. Good luck on the 28th. It's soooooo worth it XXX
  10. fatduck

    banded 6/30/09

    I was banded on June 30th also. How are you feeling now? I'm doing good, a bit sore around the port wound but I understand this takes longer to heal. How are you coping with the liquid diet? OMG on day 3 I was absolutely starving and put slice of bread in my soup out of desperation. BAD GIRL! I know now, after I had eaten it ( and felt much better) I researched it and was shocked to the core to find out the possible consequences of what I'd done. I genuinely didn't know this, my doctor told me liquids only for 10 day to let the band heal but didn't go into much detail. Now I know why I am a bit worried I may have done some damage so believe me, I won't be pulling that stunt again!! I was lucky in that I didn't suffer the gas pains or any other side effects that other bandsters talk about and am just raring to go after fighting for over 20 years now to lose weight. I reckon in the past 20+ years I have lost ( and put back on most of it:glare:) around 30 stones!!! Hope you are feeling well and good luck on your journey.
  11. fatduck

    severe abdominal pain

    Get yourself to a doctor honey. I'm no expert because I'm a newbie but please go see about this. Even if it's to have an x- ray. Pain like that just isn't normal so please go see your doc. Take care and good luck
  12. fatduck

    Recent "bandits"

    I was banded on June 30th also. How are you feeling aimnut? I'm doing good, a bit sore around the port wound but I understand this takes longer to heal. How are you coping with the liquid diet? OMG on day 3 I was absolutely starving and put slice of bread in my soup out of desperation. BAD GIRL! I know now, after I had eaten it ( and felt much better) I researched it and was shocked to the core to find out the possible consequences of what I'd done. I genuinely didn't know this, my doctor told me liquids only for 10 day to let the band heal but didn't go into much detail. Now I know why I am a bit worried I may have done some damage so believe me, I won't be pulling that stunt again!! Hope you are feeling well and good luck on your journey.
  13. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Wishful, thats even better news :smile2:. You know what its normally like, you lose a few lbs, look at food and it's back on again:ohmy: So I hope your right. Thank you for making my day better :thumbup: X
  14. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Morning Garry, I know it's only day 5 and it'll probably go back on a bit when I start eating again, but I thought I'd just tell you coz I'm cheezin':w00t:. I've lost a stone !!!!
  15. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Rose, Good to hear you're doing good. I'm feeling pretty good too. A wee bit sore of course but it's not a problem. The bread thing was a moment of madness, I know that now, I did a bit of research and I'm shocked to know some of the possible consequences of eating at this stage. I genuinely didn't know this, I was never informed of this, the Doc just said stick to liquids for 10 days. The possiblities of what might happen has shocked me and I can assure you I won't be pulling that stunt again. Keep in touch sweetie and let me know how you're trips going. Take Care, Vikki :eek:
  16. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Day 2 post-op & I'm absolutely starving hungry. I understand its liquids for 10 days but I've had to have a slice of bread with my soup tonight because I'm famished. Does anyone have any ideas how I could overcome the hunger pangs, they're worse than the incision pains :tongue2:
  17. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi All, Just to say that's me back and I'm feeling fine. Well, feeling a bit like a bull has ran head first into me but apart from that I'm good :tongue2: I haven't suffered from wind pains or any of the other symptoms that I've read about so I'm grateful for that!! For anyone that's thinking of booking I'd advise that you go directly with Dr. CDB. When I booked I wasn't aware of that option and now regret it. When I arrived at the hospital I wasn't on their list. As I'm sure you can imagine I had a few choice words at the receptionist whilst she flapped about repeating "you're not on our list so you're not here today" Luckily before it got "physical" Frederick appeared. The up shot was that pre-op I was sent to day care on my own and after the recovery room I was in a ward on my own. I got taken care of well by the nurses though and they kept me well topped up with pain relief when I asked but I think i was kind of forgotten about due to being in a ward on my own. I didn't even get offered any lunch. I even had to prompt them to get my x- rays before I left. But all that besides I'm pleased I went through with it and feel pretty good.
  18. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare, So glad all went well for ya!! This is the beginning of the good times for you lady:thumbup: I've followed all your posts since we joined, you've asked all the questions I have needed answers for, so thank you for that and thank you for posting tonight. I've been thinking about you over the last couple of days and I'm well chuffed you're back and feeling so good.I'm away in the morning and hearing from you has eased my jitters a wee bit. Ta HC Vikki P.S does anyone have an answer for my earlier Q please Thank you
  19. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi All, Could anyone who's been tell me what happens if you haven't booked direct with CDB (I booked with Bidget) about the consultation the night before. Should I phone him to say I'm here or will they look me up? Just crossed my mind, think the pre- nerves are starting to kick in now. Cheers
  20. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Rose, Good to here from you!! I hope to meet up with you on Monday night, not sure how we'll know each other though, we'll just have to look out for nervous looking individuals who look like they enjoy there food . How are you feeling now that the days are creeping away towards d-day or perhaps I should call it b- day! It's still all a bit surreal for me to be honest, like it's not really happening to me but to a character in a book I'm reading- all a bit weird. I think that this dreamlike feeling is probably whats stopping me from feeling nervous. That will probably all change on Sunday night :scared2:. Hope to speak soon. Cheers, Vikki :wink:
  21. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Ooooh Garry, don't blush, no need, you gorgeous, captivating specimen of MAN XXX
  22. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    For everyone else, I met Garry today in Edinburgh for a quickie. Wo Ho slow down tiger!!!! It was only a quickie chat :thumbup: What a sound bloke he is. When I got there I forgot all the questions I had planned to ask him but he still filled me in ( behave !!:confused:) and gave me some much needed and fab tips for my trip next week. Thank you Garry for affording me some of your time and experience. It is very much appreciated. XXX BTW Garry has the most striking, engulfing blue eyes that I have ever seen. They are beguiling!:tt1:
  23. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Garry, I know I can't give you any advise regarding the band as yet but there is a hint of agitation in your posts. You've got my number please contact me if you want someome to talk to about it. I'm here for you like you are for me. XXX Vikki
  24. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Laura, That is such dissappointing news for your, I'm so sorry. Don't give up on the band though. I'm sure CdB isn't your only option. Cosmetic Bliss based in Cornwall do banding in the czech republic, they're a bit more expensive but their cost includes your first three adjustments. Money is a problem for most of us but for me, personally, I think its worth paying off a loan for a few years if it will afford you a new future with a richer quality of life. Cosmetic Bliss say on their web site-: (link below) "BMI over 50 – those patients whose Body Mass Index is over 50 tend to be more at risk of peri-operative and post-operative complications". This seems hopeful to me, at least they are not saying we don't band patients with a BMI over 50 Please don't be pushed down the bypass route if that isn't where you want to be. Good Luck Laura and please let us know how you are getting on, we are all in the same boat with the same goals in mind. Take Care, Vikki Laparoscopic Gastric Banding Surgery Abroad Only
  25. fatduck

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    :thumbup: Good luck Homecare, I'm sure you wont need it though, everything will be fine n dandy. I hope to catch you when you come back telling us what a breeze it was and how your worries were unfounded!! Speak to you soon, hopefully catch up with you before I go. X Vikki

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