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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RandiG

  1. Dr Britt Did my Lap-Band on 3/23/09, He was great before, during and after the surgery. I would reccomend anyone to him!
  2. In the first two weeks I lost 22 lbs, then the next 2 I had lost 14 more. It's been slow after that. Where do you live at? Exercise, Exercise, Exercise is the Key!
  3. I believe I only had 1 post op visit before I had a fill. Thank You! Im sure you will do great! Have you ahd surgery yet?
  4. I just had my 2nd fill and now am up to 5cc and I can really tell that I have the band now... Not eating more than 4oz at a meal and Im loving it! I work 2nd shift and I need something to take to eat for Supper thats quick and small. I dont want to take more than Im gonna eat or I may want to snack on it again later. I need some ideas of just quick things to take! I'm stuck with ideas.
  5. Thanks soo much! I cant wait to try these sandwich wraps. I hadnt really thought about them yet.
  6. Great Great Great ideas! I have some small 4oz bowls so I can just divide the chili/chicken and tuna salads up into this. Thank You sooo very much! I'll try ths! Looks like you have surpassed your goal! Congrats!
  7. Hey!! I had my 2nd fill and I can really tell that I have this band now! I Have 5cc in the band. Whats something quick that I can get to take to work to have for supper at night? I dont want to take too much..

  8. Hey!! I had my 2nd fill and I can really tell that I have this band now! I Have 5cc in the band. Whats something quick that I can get to take to work to have for supper at night? I dont want to take too much..

  9. It's very very hard to stick to the liquids as long as we do! I had SF Jell-O everyday. I tried every flavor. I had SF popcicles everyday and Drank Tons of Crystal Light(I like the Walmart brand best)... It's very hard. A few times I drained the broth off of some Chicken Noodles soup, It was more flavorful than just Broth. I hope that this helps some. I know its not much variety. I almost forgot how to eat!! lol ...
  10. Hey!! I had my 2nd fill and I can really tell that I have this band now! I Have 5cc in the band. Whats something quick that I can get to take to work to have for supper at night? I dont want to take too much..

  11. Hey!! I had my 2nd fill and I can really tell that I have this band now! I Have 5cc in the band. Whats something quick that I can get to take to work to have for supper at night? I dont want to take too much..

  12. Hey!! I had my 2nd fill and I can really tell that I have this band now! I Have 5cc in the band. Whats something quick that I can get to take to work to have for supper at night? I dont want to take too much..

  13. I was banded on 3.23.09 also...

  14. Hey! I was also banded on 3/23/09-- Im in Alabama!

  15. Hi! My surgery was also 3/23! Just checkin in to see how things are going.

  16. RandiG

    Surgery March 23rd

    My surgery was also March 23, 2009! I have lost 25lbs since then, and I am refusing to get on the scale. I had one fill so far but I still get hungry and I still eat!!! :smile: I workout but I just dont feel like its coming off anymore!
  17. Looks like you and I are about in the same boat. I was banded 3/23 and our weights are about the same. I thought that I was doing bad, now Im glad to see Im probably on track. Hope we can be friends.

  18. RandiG

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    I was banded on 3/23(so thats close you you guys), in Alabama! I think im doing pretty well, but im kinda at a stand still... guess thats part of it.:smile:
  19. Hey! Im Randi and I live near Gadsden... not too far from ya! I was banded on 3/23/09 by Dr Britt in Albertville, AL.

  20. Hello! Im new to this forum. I was banded 3/23/09 by Dr Britt. Was just wanting to meet new lapband friends.


  21. RandiG


    I go at least 6 days a week to the gym. I do at least 45min of Cardio on either the Bike/Treadmill(3.8) or the Elliptical, I do the Elliptical set on 10(Incline) and 25-30(Resistance). I love it! After cardio, I do my weight training.
  22. RandiG

    One word-TRAUMATIC! First fill-10 1/2 wks out

    My first fill didnt hurt at all. It was rather quick, and I could see the fluid going into my band on a machine, but that was it. Didnt feel a thing.
  23. :confused:I also had my surgery 3/23/09. I am stuck at a stand still and Im sure I dont get enough protien. i bet thats my problem. I workout every day!
  24. Hey! I didnt want to tell anyone! But I have opened up and now everyone knows and they are all positive about it now. I know before that some people were jealous of me for getting to have it done becasue they also wanted it, but its all worth it now and everyone is pulling for me. But if I wouldnt have had to tell them, I prob wouldnt.

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