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LAP-BAND Patients
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About RandiG

  • Rank
    Randi's Lap-Band Journey
  • Birthday 03/10/1986

Contact Methods

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About Me

  • Biography
    I am 23 and I live in a small town in Alabama. I attend Gadsden State, and maybe I'll be a nurse here in a year or so. The college journey is taking me forever but I know it is all going to be well worth it. I work full time at a Nursing Home!
  • Interests
    I love photography, the colors pink and black, concerts, motorcycles, being with my family and friends, gerber daisies, Alabama Football, the beach, the Hiwassee, flip-flops, candles, perfume, tanning, tattoos, working out, smiling & camping
  • Occupation
    CNA, Student
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  1. Sorry I haven't been on here in forever.....life is chaos with three girls and being a working mom! How are you doing now? I just broke 56 lbs, so I am happy with that.

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