Hi everyone,
I am new to the forum, but almost two years out with the Lap band. It has worked really, really well for me and so far I have lost 78 lbs. and I have about 30 left to go (I have been plateaued for over a year- grrr!).
Anyhoo, I have had a sinus infection for the past week and a half after having the flu and I have noticed that for the last week or so I have had a hard time keeping ANYTHING down, even fluids. It's like my band it too tight or everything is getting stuck. I think it is from having so much mucus and goo running down my throat that it is plugging up the band?? Almost everything is coming back up, even Water, juice, milk, Protein drinks, etc. I am almost back on a clear diet and it is very frustrating. I am on antibiotics, Sudafed, Claritin and the band problem isn't getting better...
Has anyone else every experienced this? I have even sunk to having a glass of wine tonight hoping that the alcohol would relax the esophagus enough that I could get some Soup down, but about half a glass down and it came back up.
I would hate to take the trouble to go all the way into my doc and get loosened, pay the big co-pay to have it go away in a couple days, then have to back and get tightened again, but I have hardly eaten anything in days. I. Am.SO.Hungry.
Help! I am getting desperate and I am miserable. Anyone have any experience with that and have any good ideas??
Thanks in advance!!