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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. Ariel

    What's Up With All The Tipping?

    I can't see either changing anytime soon. We can dream.
  2. Ariel

    What's Up With All The Tipping?

    I really really hate tipping. I think it is a system that does not make a bit of sense. Waitstaff should be paid a living wage by the establishment, we should not have to support them. I work in retail and i think my job is every bit as demanding as waitstaff but i don't get tipped.
  3. Ariel

    Pain Management after PS

    get liquid pain meds. Just like after you band surgery.
  4. Ariel

    WARNING Grumpy July 06 Bandster

    What, we do't lose 50 lbs a day?!?!?! I have been decieved! J/K. I hate when people come on and say I'm 1 day pre op and I'm in alot of pain whats wrong....well hum you had surgery yesterday.
  5. Ariel

    Mourning Food. I feel like a freak!

    oh man i feel you. I just got my first real fill so now i can't eat as much. The first week after the fill, i was fine but yesterday i had a really hard time i was almost in tears. I thought i was crazy so i'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one.
  6. I actually gained weight and they still did my surgery. I remember being so scared that they would cancel on me but thankfully they didn't. Welcome to LBT!!
  7. Ariel

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Well so far i have been eating the same just smaller amounts but i think that it has to change. I think low cal maybe 800 cals a day. Thanks everybody I need all the help I can get.
  8. Ariel

    Woo-Hoo! Down 40 lbs!

  9. Ariel

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Denise me and you are in the same boat. I am getting so discouraged I was thinking of going on a liquid diet. I have lost about 37lbs . I really want to speed up this weightloss. My surgon is happy with this but I'm not! I have lost a lb a week since surgery, i want to lose 2 a week. Wasabubblebutt would you mind posting your typical daily menu.
  10. I use a straw all the time and I don't feel any differance. I can drink alot more water if i use a straw.
  11. The only time i had a problem is when i took too big of a bite and didn't chew enough. That happened with a chicken wrap with lettuce in it. Ouch. That was painful.
  12. This is an interesting thread. it might also be good to put your clothing size down. I can't wait to shop in normal stores.
  13. Ariel

    Sara Lee....what the???????

    what?! maybe they changed it because it just sounds so stupid. I like the nobody does it like sare lee better.
  14. Ariel

    What to wear

    I wore my gym pants and a sweatshirt without a bra. I don't think i wore a bra for like a week after surgery. It was much better without one. I did ask my doctor when I could wear an underwire bra and she looked at me like i had two heads and said i could wear one that day. So its all up to you. Good luck.
  15. if it was going to cause a problem, i think it would be immediate just like a pb.
  16. Ariel


    I also drink right up until i eat then i wait 30 mins afterwards. Discuss this with your doctor.
  17. wait, why are you going to san diego if you surgery is in MX? I really don't think that you should drive. The mix of meds, emotions, pain and driving are not good. You are going through alot right now and will be going through even more after surgery and it just dosen't sound like a good idea. If you drive you would not be able to take the pain meds and i just can not imagine doing that.
  18. Ariel

    Frustrated and Confused!!!

    Oh i had that conversation with my doctor. I had a borderline BMI and i was afraid to go on a diet because if my BMI dropped I would not qualify. She told me that they go by your intial weight at consult. But you should talk to your doctor about that guy, does he realize that he is referring people to someone who is anti weight loss surgery? I would also check and make sure your doctor uses your intial weight. Good luck!
  19. Ariel

    Details of fills please

    I just had a fill this morning. You lay down and puff out your stomach. They insert the needle and first take out all the liquid to check it then they add it back in plus a little more. After that you drink water to make sure the fill is not too tight. And then its a liquid diet for 2 days. Thats how my doctor does it.
  20. Ariel

    4 minute workout

    It seems soo tempting. Bet those 4 mins are like hell on earth though.
  21. Ariel

    Working out

    Yup you can lift weights. Just check with you doctor to see how soon after surgery you can start.
  22. Ariel

    1st time writing

    welcome to LBT..... now get to the gym!!
  23. Ariel

    What about work?

    You should really talk to your doctor. But for i think 6 weeks i was not allowed to pick up anything more than 10 lbs. Every doctor has thier own set of rules so talk with them about it.
  24. Ariel

    too tight for broth?

    It sounds like you really need an unfill. You should be able to drink liquids fine. if you keep this fill you are risking dehydration and malnutrition. Go to the city and pay the 20 bucks in the long run it will be worth it.

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