Hello, banders. This is my first post. I am 64, in good health (I have 6 month check ups with family doctor) and my doctor thinks it is a good idea to have the surgery. I have filed for pre-determination with my insurance company. I haven't heard back and I understand that they have 90 days to respond. I have been over weight since my 30's, obese since 50's, and morbidly obese since age 59 on. In my life I have tried several weight loss programs without much success. That could partly be because I never stayed with one very long. I laugh and say that over the years I have lost a total of 1,000 pounds. Trouble is I've always gained it all back and more to boot. Of course, physical appearance and self image are important. However the reason I want the surgery is quality of life. I want to be able to walk, get up off the floor, etc. without pain, huffing and puffing, and even inability to do it. I am aware that extra weight increase my risk factor for heart disease, stroke, cancer, just about everything. I want to live to be able to know my great-grandchildren. I don't want one of my kids to have to take care of me.
I have been to a seminar and a consult with a doctor in Fort Worth. I am doing research to try to become band literate.
I am beginning to feel some anxiety about the finality of my decision to have the band placed. All of you say it's the best thing you've ever done for yourself and would do it again in a heartbeat. Questions haunt me: will I be able to mentally cope, will I get tired of chew, chew, chew, and will I get off my butt and exercise (apprehension due to my past track record.) What about sweets? They are one of my bug-a-boos. I crave sweets of all kinds. Will I be able to avoid them? What about nausea, pain, etc. You all seem to have plowed thru all or most of your problems, but can I, will I?
Then there's the doctor. Something doesn't sit well with me about this doctor. I would like to see another doctor at the same office, who is more experienced (and the one my doctor actually recommended.) When I was at the seminar and made the appointment it was with the doctor who gave the seminar, not the recommended one. I didn't think to ask, and they didn't say which doctor the appointment was with. I have heard there is one out of Dallas who has a lot of positive feed-back on the obesityhelp.com web site. He has an office in Ferris, TX which is closer to my home than Dallas. The problem is that they charged $350 for the consult and then would have to pay the new doctor for a new consult. A question: is it customary to have to pay for consult, psych, nutrionist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, upper GI all in to the price of the surgery? And what are customary charges for a fill? I know the number of fills vary with individuals. What about baggy skin after weight loss? I know that health is the goal, but I'm human and concerned about looks.
I'm sorry for the length of the post. I'm just looking for some answers and hope you guys will be able to help me.
Ema in Texas