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LAP-BAND Patients
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About OneLangley

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  • Birthday 11/02/1955
  1. Happy 57th Birthday OneLangley!

  2. OneLangley

    A important question!

    :sad: congratulations on all that have wonderful and successful lap band experiences! I have an alarming problem :crying:. I gained lots of weight from 2007 to 2008. I normally ranged from 115lbs to 145lbs for the last 20 years. I now weigh 208lbs. Because of large removal of part of right lung in 1990, and trouble with ankle pain when walking the pulmonary dr said get the weight off. I ran to get lap band in Oct 2008. I quit gaining weight, but no weight loss. Was grateful of weight gain seizing. Dec 2008 unspecified fever started, and now it is at a serious stage. Monday I had to go in for IV of antibodies for 5 hours, my blood pressure went from 200/105 to 95/50, fever 103 to normal, and pulse 120 to 60 after fever broke. Friday the hospital called for blood test to be done stat! I ran to hospital, and was taken before all patients in waiting area. They say hazardous fluids are showing in blood, and urine which could cause liver and kidney damage. My friend said she heard that a lap band caused a serious infection which killed someone at work location. I have one kidney because of kidney cancer in other in Oct 2007. I am so scared. Has anyone heard of infection throughout body because of lap band? I have every type of doctor trying to isolate problem. Found new lesions in liver. Looks like deteriation in upper arm bone showing up. They believe because of infection. Help! Need information! Debbie
  3. I haven't had a good experience, but I want to give you advice anyway. A nurse recently told me to sit down and look at all the medical options. Make a decision on what is comfortable for me and what decision would bring me peace. Once the decision is made, do not let anyone make you feel bad about it, and quickly put them in their place. This is your life, your body, your decision, and no one will live with the outcome but you. I feel most of the time when we really think things through we know within us what is best for us. The nurse continued saying some family members will be unhappy, some friends will be unhappy, and some doctors will disagree with what you decide, but you find what will may you happy.
  4. I still don't know why I got a lap band, one of my friends thought I should and I went along. I faithfully followed the rules the first six weeks and lost 2 lbs. I was having trouble gaining weight during 2008 and not eating anymore than normal. I go to an oncologist because I had kidney cancer Oct 2007. He is trying to isolate my problem. I have been so sick. I have 102.5 fevers since the lap band, now I am having bruises all over my body. I keep having pneumonia and doctors thinks it's because of heart burn during my sleep going into my lungs. I get so horribly sick every 8 or 9 days. The rest of the time I'm better. Just insane. I throw up everything. The last time I went to my lap band doctor he was upset I wanted some taken out. I couldn't get any water past my chest area. He thinks I am not losing weight because I am not trying. I was just checked for Leukemia because every since I've had this lap band I've been having those type of symptoms. They have me on antibiotics right now and testing my whole body. I had an ultra sound on every organ this morning. Since December they had me on and off of antibiotics. I hate when these antibiotics end because the hell will be back. This is stupid, I can't even get ice cream down even when I don't have a fill, some of it comes back up. Why am I eating ice cream, excuse me I want something down my throat. Sometimes I can get cheese enchiladas down good. Most of the time I drink slim fast, ensure, milk, eat candy. It's crazy I have thrown up chocolate. I weighed 208 lbs when I started, now I weigh 197lbs. My blood didn't look good this last time, low Red Blood Cells, Low Lymphocytes,etc., and they think now have I have developed some type of liver infection. I had a kidney infection in January. Hey, why not? I can't drink water well. How could I flush out impurities. I will never go back for a fill. Any suggestions?! Any ideas?! Please Debbie

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