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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tspowell

  1. I had my surgery on March 6th, 2009. Dr Dewitt in Birmingham, Alabama did my surgery. I have had 2 fills so far total of 5cc. I am scheduled to return next week for another. I have been very pleased. I have lost 40 pounds so far. I feel great. I am type 2 diabetic and am off ALL medications. That is the best part.
  2. Once I made up my mind I tried not to discuss the sugery with anyone......people do not understand. I had some try to talk me into gastric bypass, but I decided on the realize band instead....I have been so very pleased...yes the weight comes off slower but I am working out at the gym, walking when I play golf and loving the 40 pounds gone!
  3. tspowell

    swelling after a fill

    My Dr is very strict after a fill.....You can only have a clear liquid diet the day of and the 3 days after..... due to the risk of swelling. I have to stay in his office for 30 min and drink a bottle of water to make sure it goes down...no protien shakes or anything. That is the hardest part of getting a fill. But I have had 2 so far and done well. I am at 5cc now.

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