Mike and all - Thank you for this thread. I wish EVERY lap band patient would read it. I know when I started having my syptoms: reflux, not loosing weight, PBing, etc, I thought I was just stressed and/or underfilled. Well guess what I WAS OVERFILLED! I lived with the symptons for over a month and finally called my doc a week and a half ago. When he looked at my band under fluero he found that I had an actue slip, probably caused from the PBing, which was caused by the overfill. Prior to my docs discovery I was able to eat with no problems, then started having severe reflux, and then couldn't keep anything down including water, then the next day could eat fine, then the reflux returned, and then one day the sucker just tightened up like a snake and wasn't letting go no matter what!!! Although I have had my band over a year, I have to remember it is a very fickle piece of equipment and requires constant learning on my part, even when you think you know it all! Anyway, just to reiterate...if you have reflux...and haven't eaten spicy food...call the doctor immediately so you won't have a slip like me. Just an FYI so you are not concerned about my band...I was told to stay on liquids for three weeks and will then be looked at again under fluero. The doc beleives the slip is "small" and will "repair itself" with the unfill. I will let you know what the doc says when I go in on 9/11.