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LAP-BAND Patients
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About StephM

  • Rank
    51 pounds to goal!!!
  • Birthday 03/01/1975

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  1. Happy 38th Birthday StephM!

  2. Happy 37th Birthday StephM!

  3. You look great!!!! How are you doing now several years later? Id love to hear how our doing, :)

  4. StephM

    StephM's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  5. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary StephM!

  6. What area are the protein bullets in at Wal-Mart?
  7. Former user name: Losin' It OK, I am as guilty as everyone else for not checking in more often. The last two years have definitely been an experience, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have had my ups and downs, complications, etc., but I still believe getting my band was the BEST thing I have ever done in my life. I have lost a little less than 100 pounds and only want to lose another 25-30. If I didn't lose an additional pound after today, I would still consider myself a success story. This past Thursday I was back in the operating room for Lap-Band revision surgery, yes my band slipped due to vomiting (just don’t do it), and to have adhesions removed. My docs were able to save my band and re-seat it while they were in there, so I have a second chance. I have the BEST doctors anyone could ever ask for and have been nothing but supportive with everything, even the slip. Some information regarding my slip: I just want to advise everyone that if you, at any time, feel like you can’t swallow more than a sip of water, go get an unfill (even a slight one) immediately. I wish I would have learned this earlier. I would go for months with no problems and then one morning I would wake up and couldn’t drink even a sip. I would try to live with it a few days (vomiting every time I tried to drink) and eventually take myself in for an unfill. Not going in for unfills is just as nonproductive to your success as not going in for fills. It looks like everyone is doing wonderful. Congrats to all. Thanks for being there the few weeks before and the months after surgery. Each and every one of you has been and continues to be an inspiration.
  8. Mike and all - Thank you for this thread. I wish EVERY lap band patient would read it. I know when I started having my syptoms: reflux, not loosing weight, PBing, etc, I thought I was just stressed and/or underfilled. Well guess what I WAS OVERFILLED! I lived with the symptons for over a month and finally called my doc a week and a half ago. When he looked at my band under fluero he found that I had an actue slip, probably caused from the PBing, which was caused by the overfill. Prior to my docs discovery I was able to eat with no problems, then started having severe reflux, and then couldn't keep anything down including water, then the next day could eat fine, then the reflux returned, and then one day the sucker just tightened up like a snake and wasn't letting go no matter what!!! Although I have had my band over a year, I have to remember it is a very fickle piece of equipment and requires constant learning on my part, even when you think you know it all! Anyway, just to reiterate...if you have reflux...and haven't eaten spicy food...call the doctor immediately so you won't have a slip like me. Just an FYI so you are not concerned about my band...I was told to stay on liquids for three weeks and will then be looked at again under fluero. The doc beleives the slip is "small" and will "repair itself" with the unfill. I will let you know what the doc says when I go in on 9/11.
  9. Nina: Did you get a hold of your doc on Friday? I had the same symptoms and had to be completely unfilled as it looked like I had a slip on fluero. I am going back in a week and a half to look at my band and make sure everything is in the correct place. DON'T LET THIS GO ON TOO LONG...I did and was in pain for 2 weeks before seeing the doc. Good Luck! Steph
  10. StephM

    Frustrated with my (lack of) fills..

    Lauraj23 - I know you are anxious to be "filled up", but take it from me, going slow is the best way to go. I have been over filled several times and the vomiting and numerous trips back to the clinic for unfills are a pain. BUT, on the other hand, if you doctor is not filling you more than what your last fill was, it might be time to find a new doctor. Your doctor should listen to you since you are the one that is living with the band each and every day. Although he can put an MD behind his name because of a piece of paper on the wall that says he "knows what he is doing", you are the one that KNOWS what your body is doing. I am lucky enough to see docs in a practice that one of the docs is banded himself so he KNOWS what the band is truely doing on the inside. Like I said before, take it slow as being overfilled is just as frustrating as being underfilled, but find a doctor that will listen to YOU. Good Luck!
  11. StephM

    Abc - August 2007 Chat

    Hi guys! I haven't been around much lately as work is keeping me very occupied. I wanted to drop in and wish everyone a very happy first Bandiversary. We made it and we have all done a terrific job! Keep up the good work!
  12. StephM

    ABC - June 07 chat

    Hi everyone! I haven't been around for a while, but really need to come here more often for support. I have continued to gain since my fill (a month ago), about a pound a week, but nothing like I did when I was completely unfilled. I go in Wednesday for another fill, which will hopefully do the trick. In the beginning, when I was at my current fill, I gained a pound in a month, so I guess four pounds in a month isn't too bad. I am having trouble breaking the drinking while eating habit. I was really good about this until I was unfilled in April and since then I just can't seem to stop. Any suggestions? Exercizing is also missing right now. I have a membership to Curves, and I love Curves, but getting out of work with enough energy left to go is difficult. I guess I should just bit the bullet and go. I always feel so much better when I work out, but just have to remind myself of this everyday. Well that's my confession and sob story. Congrats to everyone on your weight loss. You are a true inspiration to me right now!!! Steph
  13. StephM

    ABC -- May 2007 Chat

    Well guys, I am finally back! About 19 pounds heavier, but feeling "normal" again. As I reported the end of April they had to completely unfill me due to pouch dialation and constant PBing. After resting my band for 3 weeks, they filled me back up. I gained 19 pounds while unfilled, which my doctor said was normal (18 pounds a month is average). I have been filled 6 days now and have not lost a thing, but I also haven't gained. I have not PBed since being filled last week so I guess that is a victory in itself as well. I am having to relearn to eat slower, take small bites and chew like it is my job, but I feel great. I don't think I will lose much this month as I don't feel much restriction, but that is fine with me as long as I don't gain anything.
  14. StephM

    ABC 06~April Chat

    I can definately feel my port more easily. A few months ago I thought it had flipped, but it is still in the originial position. When I went in Monday for my unfill the doc said that it had some lumpy stuff (fat cells?) ontop which made it more difficult for him to locate the center of the top side, but he was able to locate it and hit it the first try.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
