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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by oliviasmommy

  1. oliviasmommy

    i am just beginning this journey...

    It can be a long process but totaly worth it
  2. Your significant other loves you for you not your body type. When my hubby got banded 2 years before me I was worried he wouldn't be attracted to me anymore since I was fat and he was skinnier but nope he loves me for me.
  3. oliviasmommy


    Yeah I had a pop every once in awhile but enjoy a mikes hard on my nights off work
  4. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thanks all. My weight is 276. I'm feeling better so I'm getting back to the gym asap! Although I made sugar cookies mainly for my daughter to decorate so hopefully between her and the hubby will finish them. Although I might just have one lol.I bought some cod so can't wait to bake some of that yum! Although school starts next week so ill be sleep deprieved. Suzie- any loss is a good loss ill take a pound lost than a pound gained any day. Hehe
  5. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thanks all. My weight is 276. I'm feeling better so I'm getting back to the gym asap! Although I made sugar cookies mainly for my daughter to decorate so hopefully between her and the hubby will finish them. Although I might just have one lol.I bought some cod so can't wait to bake some of that yum! Although school starts next week so ill be sleep deprieved. Suzie- any loss is a good loss ill take a pound lost than a pound gained any day. Hehe
  6. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I have had such a horrible night and just need to vent a little and a shoulder to cry on. On my way to work tonight I get a flat tire, so called work and said ill be there don't know when but ill be there. Called road side assistane and come to find out our service had been cancelled and we were never notified. It was through our cellphones so assumed we were just paying it never questioned. Anyways my hubby was at work had a few hours til he got out and so I was screwed so I called work and said I wouldn't be in and explained the situation. By then its a no call no show and an absence. Next thing ya know my boss calls me calling me a liar and threantening to fire me. Someone from work offered to come get me but I didn't want to leave my car to get broke in to.so I tell her that and she tells me my husbands not a man why would he let me sit there that long. Tues and weds I missed work bc I was so sick and found my own coverage so she says to me well does this have anything to do with the time uve missed at work. At this point I'm fuming I start yelling at her " no deni I was sick those days and now my car is broke down and I wasn't expecting to get screwed with my road side. Its life. I started crying and just couldn't stop. Was I wrong? Isn't that harrasment? Sorry so long guys! I'm just so upset and then she tells me well I don't know what's going to happen to u it doesn't look good basicly sounding like she's gonna fire me. I wouls have left my car if it wasn't 11 at night. Cari
  7. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Ill join the challange!
  8. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I haven't been to the gym all week, I've been so darn sick. Hopefully next week will be better
  9. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good job tracy! Ugh I need to get to the gym tomm. I have a horrible cold thank god I was off last night so I got to catch up on rest. Have to take my daughter to ballet in a bit.
  10. oliviasmommy

    Newbie question

    Depends on your surgeon and how hungry you are
  11. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Dr phil is on cbs here, he got taken off nbc here a few years ago. Didn't do so hot today went to the cider mill and had some cider and donut. Oh well can't be good all the time :blushing:
  12. I hear ya my surgeon told me I was doin good so didn't need a fill when I had no restriction he ended up giving me 1cc
  13. oliviasmommy

    Many Questions

    Ok yes carbonation is bad for the band it can stretch your pouch and what not HOWEVER my hubby has been banded 2 yrs and he has a beer everyonce and awhile and I still enjoy mikes hard. So once in awhile you'll be ok. Caffine me and my hubby drink it and it has not affected our weight loss. Why lap band? Yes lap is a tool so there is work involved but ill tell u this it takes away my hunger I have been overweight since elementry school and have tried every diet I could work out and not lose a pound with lap band I lose weight and exercising just helps lose more! Lapband has given me the hope I lost years ago
  14. oliviasmommy

    I am so excited I have to share

    Yay congrats
  15. Babs I posted this in the home thread but are you exercising? That can help. Also drinking your water? I recomend keeping a food journal. If you want pm me
  16. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Babs are you exercising? Drinking your water? I suggest a food journal and limiting your self to 1000 cals a day. I was losing slow until I started the gym
  17. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi courtney I'm cari glad you're joining us. I can't answer your qs bc I've only been banded 4 months.
  18. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi kat I'm cari . Well I got out of work this am and did 2 miles on the cross ramp! And did some weights today. I love how good it makes me feel
  19. oliviasmommy

    hey all

    Hello welcome to the board
  20. I called the docs and they think my pouch is stretched. I don't get it though, I've followed the rules
  21. oliviasmommy

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Jennifur- I'm sure the 1lb will come right off. Maybe your just gaining muscle. W. Well I had a fill yesterday and my mom bought me subway for dinner and now can't have bread any more I used to be able to if a chewed real good so I ended up pbing. I forget that every fill is like learning to eat all over again. I need to go to the gym tomm no matter what. Gotta work in a few hours oh how I hate midnights lol.
  22. oliviasmommy

    pouch stretched

    Well had my appt with the surgeon and he just thought it was my new thyroid problem giving me the troubles thankfuly. And I even got a fill today.
  23. oliviasmommy

    what much $ ?

    I had to pay 170 upfront to the surgical clinic. And 250 copay for the surgery
  24. oliviasmommy

    Surprise Pregnancy

    Congrats! I have not had pregnancy with the band yet but plan on trying after the new year
  25. Congrats! Hmmm tips... Stick with it! I was such a slow loser and discouraged because I thought the band wasn't going to work for me but went for a follow up today and lost 10lbs. Also exercise when you can

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