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angel bear

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angel bear

  1. angel bear

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    Yoda, You're doing so great. It was great seeing you today! I'm on such a high this week. (Must be all that exercise!!) Have a great weekend!!
  2. angel bear

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Cloe, Hugs, I agree with Yoda and your body knows you're sick and is helping itself - just hang in there. U r doing great! I did the E-bay thing for awhile with my gift baskets - seems everyone is doing them now - and the sales out of province (while a pain for mailing etc were great) but setting up an account etc was time consuming. I haven't kept it up and now just do special orders. Craft shows were slow this Christmas too. Lots of ppl but not lots of sales for any of the crafters. Let us know how you're feeling! (again hugs and hydrate hydrate!!)
  3. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Good luck Yasmina, Ask lots of questions and enjoy "chatting" in the lounge. You'll never regret it!
  4. angel bear

    Dr. Beausoleil (Moncton N.B.)

    Sherrylynn, Do you live in Moncton or the surrounding area? I grew up there and still have lots of relatives and friends there. My mom tells me I wouldn't recognize the city since it's grown in leaps and bounds the last 5 years (the last time I was home for a visit) The band is a great tool but as the girls replied don't read too much into the complications. If you have a problem do the research and ask the questions. There is alot of information but some of the sights and the comments are not as good as others. The support on this site is second to none.
  5. angel bear

    Ok Cloe Heres Some Pix!!!

    I agree Cloe. WTG!!
  6. angel bear

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Cloe, Love the new photo. How was your sale?
  7. angel bear

    Just stopped in to say hi!!!

    Ditto Khrissy, Have fun!
  8. Yoda, I have friends from there - I still keep in touch with them. They're now farther up island for his fishing. What a small world! Glad you got such a great deal. Patience paid off and I don't think you'll do better than that one. Your parents will be so proud when they see you.
  9. angel bear

    Argon's Activities

    Yoda, Thanks girls. Hubby says he can't wait for the summer and bathing suit/lingerie shopping (he he) I can't wait for the weekend for two!! I'm back in the swing of things but man I am STARVED! The last week I'm not restricted at all and I'm hungry between meals. I've added some fruit and more protein but I know I need a fill so I'll touch base with the clinic this week. On the carbonated drinks it's not just the calories - the fizz is painful. I don't know what it's doing to the band but I tried (just out of curiosity cause I'm like the cat) diet rootbeer and I've never attempted it since. I don't chew gum though and I don't want to find out about that! mmmm looser Neenagh... in what way????
  10. angel bear

    Argon's Activities

    Argon, It was hilarious - only my daughter noticed- and YODA shamed me into going shopping for a new one after I tied a string to the straps the following day. But it was fun shopping for it - took a couple of days to get the courage up to try one on - I fingered them for one day and went the next - sounds crazy eh? But that's been my struggle.
  11. angel bear

    Wheezy Whispers-AKA September's Goals

    Well, they had so many toxins that they are now going to pass some environmental laws.... I can't remember all of them but PCB and arsenic were a couple of them and some other banned chemicals showed up in their bloodwork - they also said that their cholestrol was very high (and one was shocked since he's an exercise nut -l just shows you they have to eat right too not just exercise and be a great weight)
  12. angel bear

    Canadian January Goals

    Good for you YODA! I'm only 4 away from being back on track.
  13. angel bear

    Argon's Activities

    Now girls, I've never had a problem with popcorn and many of you know that I've had PB for several weeks (much better now!) The object is to chew, chew until it dissolves - but I haven't felt the need for the "extra" calories of late and I'm doing much better without the fat that goes with Popcorn. Have a great day. Back to work on Monday - oh and I went Bathing suit shopping!! Yes I got up the courage since the kids had me at the pool all this week and the BS fell off - yes it's ok to laugh!! Ha ha. I got a nice (and striking black one piece with a splash of hot pink and dusty blue)
  14. angel bear

    Quick Thanks to the TLBC crowd Jan 4th

    Good luck on your journey. You will do great. Visit often!
  15. angel bear

    Ontario Clinics

    Yes, it's totally normal not to want to prodcast what you are doing because some aren't supportive at all - the unknown scares then and others are very opinionated. I've opted for selective telling and it's been wonderful so far. This site and others are your best form of support(besides family and close friends) Good luck and enjoy your journey.
  16. angel bear

    My Life as a Bandster

    Bandiva, Business trip to obtain great stuff - no time to eat or think about eating???? I'd go for it girl and have a blast!
  17. angel bear

    Question About Flights in Canada....

    Yoda, Wow, how fantastic to have a "new" family to reach out too. I think it's great that you're still in contact with family over there. I found a branch of my grandfathers family and have since discovered even more cousins - we had a huge family reunion a few years ago and I have worked with several of my cousins and never knew! (a very small world) Yes I go to the same pool you're thinking of - heading there tomorrow with kids - I go until about 3:30 when I pack them up to get supper. I'm usually pooped by then! I looked in at the beginning of the week and our office is deserted as well - I agree next week will be a zoo.
  18. angel bear

    Wheezy Whispers-AKA September's Goals

    Sometimes not by choice! did you see the news about the cabinet ministers and what's in their blood???? Kinda makes ya wonder how long we've been doing nasty things to ourselves and our environment.
  19. angel bear

    Banded Dec 15th

    Yoda, Don't want to embarass myself with BS shopping - just yet. Borrowed one for today - and it was GRRRREAT!
  20. angel bear

    Not gonna happen to me..syndrome

    Well, I'm familiar with Pb and it isn't vomit - it is productive burbing and I hope if you're a PB virgin it stays that way for you. Have a great day!
  21. angel bear

    Question About Flights in Canada....

    Yoda, Have you been to Germany??? Mr Bear grew up there (well almost 8 years worth!) and still talks about it. 2008 isn't far away. Glad to hear you'll be able to get a cheaper flight. Maybe waiting until later will be the ticket to a great seat sale. 4 more days until back to work ...sigh :0( I don't know whether to look forward to the stack of paperwork in my in-basket or just a change in scenery. March break seems like a long ways away. Pool was PACKED today so swimming was kinda intimidating but I did it anyways. Feels good to be getting back into some physical exercise. Hugs.
  22. angel bear

    Referral for Consultation

    JLB, I was banded at the Lapband centre with Dr J/Y and the clinic is the best. I can't speak for the other clinics but I have had the pleasure of numerous conversations in the clinics waiting room while waiting for a consult, surgery or fill and the staff and patients are all very supportive and wonderful. My experience with the TLBC has been fantastic but you're right - it is a personal preference and just because you see more posting from Dr C's clinic doesn't make it the best one. I researched before choosing and they are the best and their continuing care is great too. Many of the staff have had bands and are walking successes. They will tell you about their bands and the triumphs as well as the valleys. Many of their patients don't have time to post to the forum or find their support from the support groups offered at the clinic. I have to travel for them so I prefer to use the internet as one form of support. These folks here are wonderful. If you have specific questions someone will answer. Maybe not to your liking but you will get an opinion non the less. Have a great day!
  23. angel bear

    Banded Dec 15th

    Argon, Ya know it wasn't that bad. I wrapped a towel around and this time my daughter had tied a string around the straps - no nude swimming today for me!! Mostly kids in the pools so I didn't feel quite OUT there.
  24. angel bear

    Question About Flights in Canada....

    Yoda, Spill the beans! OH, I forgot, taking the ferry from Vancouver as a foot passenger will save you on fare to Victoria. The added costs from Vancouver to Victoria are what makes your flight so expensive. Friend just flew before Christmas and took the bus from Ferry to Victoria and being a foot passenger plus the bus still saved her money (not time but depends on what you want - $$ savings or time) You're going to Wow your parents!
  25. angel bear

    Banded Dec 15th

    ahubar, If you can stomach the egg beaters in the Protein drink I think it would just add to it - but I found it GROSS. Then again I can't stomach cottage cheese either. I made it back to the pool but not the gym. The weights and machines were calling me but the pool was so much better and the hot tub was fantastic. Just take babysteps to get to the gym. You'll do great!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
