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angel bear

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by angel bear

  1. angel bear

    Argon's Activities

    Congrats on both Mandi!
  2. angel bear

    Calling all Toronto area LapBanders!!

    Peaches, I added Protein powder to milk shakes after my fills and that seemed to help. Good luck - you're doing well!
  3. angel bear

    New diet i found

    I've been on this before and it worked great - any weight reduction before your surgery is a bonus so if you want to try it - what do you have to lose? (HA HA) Starting any pre-op diet is difficult but if you get yourself into the right mind set you can do it. I did straight yogurt for 2 weeks (I am sick of yogurt even to this day 11 months later) but I did it as well as lots of others on the site. Good luck and welcome aboard!
  4. angel bear

    Needing some advice!

    Thanks! It was a long haul so I know how you feel. I hit several plateaus along the way and had a few gains too but it's all part of the journey. Yeah, blockages are never fun but it sure teaches ya to slow down and chew. I find different textures do it to me if I'm not careful. You're doing great though - 30+lbs gone for good!! My first 30 gave me the taste for more. Be sure to keep track of NSV(non scale victories) as those are just as good as the lost lbs. Yesterday my doctor walked by me in the hall of the hospital and didn't even recognize me - she did the double take thing and said WOW! You look fantastic. I was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day. Good luck on your journey.
  5. angel bear

    There are cookies in the office

    Sweetforlife, I think negative thoughts are normal but in order to succeed with this journey, you have to start positive self talk and use the words like - I can do this and I will succeed and this is the right option for me. Like the little train who could we know and we're proof that you CAN do it. Don't get me wrong - it's not a cake walk (pardon the pun) but it is doable. Look at all the successful and continuing successes just on this site alone. Think positive and you will succeed and take it in babysteps. I would set mini goals and not think about 150lbs - that will over work the brain but most of us have used other increments to measure our successes. I started off with 10lb goals and soon enough I was using sizes to determine my success - now it's how I feel and the amount of exercise or activity I can complete before feeling winded! Susan has it right - take it easy and believe in yourself. You'll do great!
  6. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Thank you for your kind words Doddie, I found lots of encouragement from the posts and especially from Yoda. She is the best. And each members journey is special so it's fantastic when someone is successful or has a great day from just a kind word or piece of advice. I think you're a very strong person and you'll do great. I've noticed your words of encouragement to others even as you are struggling. Enjoy your journey - for I firmly believe it's going to be a lifetime commitment (I never want to be big again cause thin feels so good!) Have a great day!
  7. angel bear

    Argon's Activities

    Love the hair cut Mandi! Congrats on the weight loss.
  8. angel bear

    There are cookies in the office

    Sweetforlife, You've made the right decision in starting your journey and just think how sweet feeling thin will feel? Each step along the way will be a matter of choices....good and bad ones but they are yours to control. Take control and look at the sweets laying around as another challenge. Maybe take it one day at a time - I know the pre-op diet sucks but think of it as the first step on your journey and how great and more successful surgery will be because of your success with the pre-op diet. Then concentrate on something you're going to do JUST FOR YOU....whether it's a good book, manicure, new jewelry etc. You have to do things for you to celebrate your successes. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  9. angel bear

    Susan's Solemn Silliness

    Hi susan, Congrats on the milestones - yes I agree it's as much about head hunger as it is physical and each one of us has our own trials on this journey. Support systems are great but I love how you've taken ownership of your journey - WAY TO GO! Slow and easy will win your race - good luck! Each pound gone is one step closer to goal. Have a great sunny week.
  10. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Doddie, I think that it's a very individual journey and we can't measure our progress based on others even though it's very difficult not to do so. I think it's wonderful that you have conquered some of your snacking problems - I too had to start small and not deny my snack foods because then they are more tempting. I can eat 5 chips (my kids think I'm nuts) but that satisfies me and sometimes 1 is enough (if you had told me a year ago that was the case I would have laughed!) Keep up the good work and remember that the tortoise won the race with his slow and steady pace. Have a wonderful sunny week! Makes it easier to enjoy when the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming. Hugs,
  11. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Sorry, I'm going for a defill on 25 Jul in the morning. Good luck!
  12. angel bear

    Needing some advice!

    Jetlagjane, Part of this journey is very mental and having these feelings is normal - how you let it control you is the next step. You said you did great today - that is FANTASTIC. Give yourself a big hug. Try starting your day with a positive self talk and don't be hard on yourself. Give yourself a goal for the day - even if it's just for the morning. Keeping yourself busy has also been a favorite theme on the site. Besides surfing the web (when I have spare time) I search out new recipes, write and cross stitch. Not much time these days with the beautiful weather I'm out walking - yes even in the rain. My youngest loves picking up worms when it rains - not my cup of tea but hey it kills two birds with one stone. Take it easy on yourself. Some days will be like that but the band is pretty resilent but if in doubt contact the centre for advice. Have a great week. Hugs.
  13. angel bear

    5 more Sleeps until Surgery...

    Good luck Peaches and welcome to the journey. You'll do great! Follow the clinics advice and take er easy for the first little while. Hugs.
  14. angel bear

    step one done

    Good luck with your surgery and your journey. Positive thoughts are needed to make it successful. I had the most negative responses from my family and you should see them eat crow now. Remember to take things one step at a time and do what the clinic tells you to do. If you take their advice you can't fail. Have a good week!
  15. angel bear

    Needing some advice!

    When I started my journey I also got some professional counselling. Admitting that we have a food obsession is part of the problem and doing something positive to get over these thoughts makes the banding all the better. Without a positive reinforcement over the reasons for "overeating" or "over indulgence" or having food calling us, the band can't possibly work - even with a fill. Think of how you can make wiser choices - if McDonald's is calling you - take a walk, divert your attention but if it continues to call - order a salad and put a small amount of the dressing on it - there you've given in to the call but you haven't added all those calories. And if you do "fall" off occasionally shake yourself off and get right back on. If you can put non food rewards in place during your journey that will help motivate you as well. Whether it's a book, scarf etc that you wouldn't normally buy yourself - you're worth it! My husband use to find me a piece of clothing one size smaller (about 10-15 lbs if you think about it) and use to hang it over my closet door - that was my incentive for keeping on track. Some other rewards when I hit big loses like the 50 mark (a manicure), we had a night of dancing when I hit 75, and I had a romantic dinner cruise when I hit 100lbs. Others here have celebrated other victories - such as being complimented on how great you look, staying on course, exercising etc. You'll have to find the things that work for you but remember to take it in baby steps. I know if I had thought of the enormous amount of weight I had to lose I would have given up - but 10lbs at a time seemed manageable and it seemed to do the trick. Good luck.
  16. angel bear

    Northern Ontario

    I'm in Barrie so not quite so far north.
  17. angel bear

    Did YOU Start Solids Early???

    I stuck to the instructions to a T. I didn't want to have the journey start off on the wrong foot. The body needs time to heal and I figured they were the experts and have the experience with what works and what doesn't. If I need help they're there to answer questions based on past experience and their knowledge.
  18. angel bear

    Calling all Toronto area LapBanders!!

    I was banded in Aug 06. Does that count too?
  19. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Doddie, I would take it easy with the fills and it looks like you're doing the right thing - 23 lbs is great. One trick that works for me is putting down my fork or spoon between bites. I don't watch TV while I eat either since I can't listen to my body. I often close my eyes and savor my bites while I eat - especially if its a treat! I've learned to use spices too- and I have my own herb garden this summer - what a difference in taste. Have a great week!
  20. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Hi Doddie, I have 5.5 cc left in my band. I needed several defills since I wasn't getting enough in - very tight. I waited about 2 weeks worth of misery before getting the first defill and then decided that I was close to goal and got another 1 cc taken out. Take it easy with fills - it is a tool and must be used wisely - too tight and you're setting yourself up for problems. Like the tortoise - slow and easy wins the race and it will stay off. Have a great week!
  21. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Doddie, From reading your posts I see that you are succeeding. Our brains are amazing aren't they? I had a lot of issues with food and found that once I conquered the Brain the rest was easy. Now just to take it slow after this latest surgery - my brain says - wow you have time off - time to get stuff done - but the body says slow down you're stiff, sore and need time to heal. It's tough being a woman! Have a great week.
  22. angel bear

    My Day has come !

    Just remember to get back on the healthy food and the junk won't win - but ya know junk in moderation is ok - and won't become a forbidden food. Once something is "off limits" we tend to want it more. I've learned to make the dangerous foods limited so I don't find I crave them as much. I have my days when I need salt or sweets but I try to have emergency snacks available for this - so far it's worked. Have a great summer.
  23. angel bear

    Another one Banded

    Every pound gone is one step closer to goal. You're all doing great. Have a great summer. Lots of great choices out there for exercise and food. It's my favorite time of the year - I putter in my veggie and flower gardens. Swimming and biking or just walking in decent weather makes the summer so much easier to exercise. If you have to contend with heat just make it early morning when it's cooler out. Enjoy your journey to a healthier fitter you!
  24. I agree with all the posts here. it's a journey and the decision to go on it is a mental one as well. you have to give yourself positive self talks so you can make it thru each stage. Keep close ties with the clinic and use this forum for support. Everyone has different experiences but ultimately the journey is yours. You will be so very proud of yourself when you pass the pre-op phase and then have the challenges of post op, then your first fill and maybe a de-fill along the way but it's your journey - and reward yourself along the way. You are worth it and your family and friends will thank you for starting the journey. I'm now in a size 6-10 depending on the make of the garment - and I use to wear 24! I feel fantastic and my kids love my new found energy. They also benefit from new recipes and healthy life styles. My daughter especially loves shopping and swapping clothes. Remember baby steps and stay positive. this journey is for YOU!
  25. angel bear

    Argon's Activities

    Hi Mandi, Great to see you doing so well and on vacation too! It's great getting into new clothes isn't it. Now my biggest challenge is chosing what style I want to wear (now isn't that something!) My daughter is even losing too - we've made wiser food choices as a family and they're all feeling much better. The band was the best journey I could have gone on.

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