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LAP-BAND Patients
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About 2911plans

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    Banded: May 28, 2009
  • Birthday 02/12/1964

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    Married with 2 children.
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    Insurance Agent
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  1. Ivy, I'm glad you are doing well. The gas pain will lessen after a full week or so. I stuck to the liquid phase for 2 weeks. I had chicken broth, protein shots and jello. I stayed in bed most days of week one. I wasn't hungry, but did not want to be tempted so I stayed away form the kitchen. My family was great the first week. They ate out so as not to add to the temptation to want what they were having. It was not a bad time, especially when the scale was showing weight loss.


    What are you having on the liquid phase and how long do you remain on that stage?

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