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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by isaviolinist

  1. isaviolinist

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hey everyone - just wanted to update. I got my fill today. My doctor originally was thinking that he didn't want to do it because I had lost 10-12 pounds since I last saw him (about 4 weeks ago), but he looked at the size of my opening under fluoro with contrast and said that it did in fact look a little big so he added 1 cc (he tried .5cc first but the opening still looked a little big when I drank the contrast). Based on the amount of fluid we have put in so far, I should have 9 cc in the band (after this fill), but before he filled me he could only withdraw 7cc or so, so he said I now have 8 ccs. He mentioned that 1 cc gets stuck in the tubing and is impossible to draw out, so I'll go with that. Anyways, I'm on liquids for a week (3 days clear, and a few days after that with full...I love liquids diet, I always lose a lot) so I won't know if I have restriction for awhile. But please keep your fingers crossed that this fill does the trick for me!
  2. isaviolinist

    You want me to lose how much??

    I did a 3 week preop diet and lost 20 pounds during those 3 weeks. However I was definitely eating less than 1200 calories a day. 15 pounds in 3 weeks is probably doable though. Good luck!!
  3. isaviolinist

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hey everyone! I'm going in for a fill today, so I'll let you know if I get to my sweet spot (I feel like I'm close). I was just wondering if all of us banded in June were at, or close to our sweet spots yet? I'm really hoping this fill does it for me. If you've reached your sweet spot, how many fills did it take?
  4. isaviolinist

    I am Hungry

    I use PB2 as well and I love it! I LOVE peanut butter, but the nutrition facts are just killer. I put PB2 in my protein shakes so I can have chocolate-peanut butter. Its kind of expensive but I think it worth it. Also, since you're 3 weeks out, you're probably on mushies now so make sure you stick to that. Even though solid Proteins make you feel fuller longer, you'll probably be kind of hungry since mushies pass through the band. Good luck and stick with it!
  5. isaviolinist

    RealizeBand Patients

    I listed my fill amounts in my signature. I'm going for another fill today. I have some restriction but not enough. Hoping this fill will do it - I feel like I am very close to my sweet spot.
  6. isaviolinist

    Tomorrow 10-29, IS IT

    I just wanted to send along my well wishes to you!! Are you getting banded in Philadelphia? I am from Philly and was banded at Temple. Anyways, let us know how everything goes and good luck!
  7. isaviolinist

    About to have my first fill

    My doc doesn't numb - its either one stick or two. Fills have not really been painful at all either. So far, my fills have been under fluoro. I was SOO nervous the first two times, but its really nothing. I still get a little nervous because I really hate needles. I can't remember how much my first fill was (it says it in my signature) - something like 5 cc. Im going for my 4th fill on Wednesday. Good luck!
  8. I didn't have any problem with my insurance co. I have BCBS. My hospital is a "Blue Cross Center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery" thus the surgeons and team have a lot of close contact with them and have no problem getting approval. I was also not required to do the 6 month supervised diet. Good luck!
  9. isaviolinist


    I eat fish, so I guess Im a pescatarian. But aside from fish (which provides most of the protein I need), I eat A LOT of tofu, milk, beans (I love beans...any kind), and I do supplement with protein shakes. If you feel like you want to eat fish, it is very helpful for getting all the protein in (plus good fat as well).
  10. I lost 13.2 pounds or so the first month. Looks you are losing at the same rate. Congrats on your surgery!
  11. isaviolinist

    Going to start my new life 11/19!

    Congrats to everyone who is getting banded! You are in for a big life change!! I wish everyone success! I have not been banded for long (June of this year) but I really feel like I've done well with the band so far. I think if I can do well, anyone can! I still have a long way to go to get to goal, but I have lost almost 70 pounds since June (including 20 pounds lost preop). My postop was pretty easy and I recovered quickly. I am going in for my 4th fill on Wednesday, and I think that should get me to the right amount of restriction. I hope so. Please keep us updated on your progress and take advantage of LBT! So much information here!
  12. isaviolinist

    How are cravings after being banded???

    I still have a lot of cravings and I also don't have enough restriction (going for my 4th fill on Wednesday) yet. I do have some, but its not right yet I think (or at least, that is my gut instinct). Looking forward to fewer cravings, hopefully, with this adjustment!
  13. isaviolinist


    Congrats to both of you on your surgeries! It probably is just gas pain, but if its worrisome to you then I would call your doctor. After my surgery, I called my doctor for every little thing that made me worried. He was very helpful in reassuring me! Good luck :blushing:
  14. isaviolinist

    Getting banded very soon

    Hi Lisa. Congrats on your upcoming surgery! Only 4 days away!! I'm sure you are nervous and excited all at the same time. I was definitely one of the people who, like you, was completely unconvinced that I would be successful with gastric band (I have Realize C band, not lapband). I had never been successful with any other type of weight loss (I wasn't even really a yo yo dieter. A few times - maybe twice - I lost and then gained more than I lost, but primarily I just kept steadily gaining over the years until I found myself at 286 pounds, my highest weight ever). Although I'm really far from my goal, I feel that I have been successful so far! If I can do it, I really think anyone can do it. Before I got banded, I felt sort of the same as you as far as giving up my best friend, food. And before my pre-op diet I went out for "one last foray with my bff". Looking back now, it seems so silly because, in actuality, I haven't given up anything that I really like to eat! I do give myself a treat now and again (I'm one of the bandsters with a sweet tooth) - usually ice cream. The other day, at my work, someone had brought in a halloween cake. I got there after it was cut, but when I got there someone had cut it into relatively small pieces on a plate. I chose the smallest piece (it was probably 1x2 inches....not too big, I ate it in 2 bites) and I was satisfied!! Before I would have probably eaten 3 big pieces with ice cream on top. You can eat what you like (although you can't eat ice cream all day everyday because it will just pass right through your band), but you will be able to eat small portions! Counting calories (I use fitday.com) is really helpful and you can start now, before youre banded to see what you are actually eating. Im sorry that your surgeon was negative - thats the last thing you need before you are about to have a surgery. Perhaps, it was just his way of being realistic or trying to motivate you to do great with the band! I think if you have the mindset that you won't fail and you WILL succeed (and there is no other option) then you will do great! Good luck and keep us posted on how your surgery goes!
  15. isaviolinist

    Losing hope...what now?

    I don't have much advice unfortunately but I just wanted to chime in with some support and let you know that I really hope it turns out ok for you :blushing: I agree that if it was the dr's error, he should fix his mistake for free. Good luck and let us know what happens next week!
  16. isaviolinist

    What if i dont/cant do preop liquid diet?

    I agree with canada girl. I strongly disagree with everyone else who has said "just do what I did - I was fine and my surgeon knows what he's talking about". If you want to do what they did go to their surgeon. Otherwise, do what your doctor tells you to avoid dangerous complications (not to mention a waste of time and money should you not get your band). I also agree with the statement that if you can't stick to a 1 or 2 week preop diet, then you may not be ready for wls. I did a 3 week preop diet (liquids only. No small meals here and there or anything like that) and I know others who have done 6 weeks. If you think you can't do it then you won't. Good luck.
  17. Hi! I friended you. We were banded around the same time. You have lost so much weight! Is that all from being banded or did you do a 6 month diet beforehand? Anyways, congrats on your awesome progress! I'm hoping to make into onederland by thanksgiving!

  18. isaviolinist

    New Year, New You Challenge!

    I just joined as well! I'm not sure where I'll be by Thanksgiving (hopefully at least close to my Thanksgiving Challenge goal weight) but I'll adjust my goal based on where I am at by Thanksgiving. I REALLY hope I can meet my Thanksgiving goal but this will be a great way to continue the motivation! Totally excited!
  19. isaviolinist

    Going on a cruise... OMG

    I LOVE cruising! The last cruise I went on was 6 months or so before I got my band. I have to say, it was a food FRENZY!! So many restaurants, 24 hour fast food restaurant, 24 hour FREE room service, all you can eat buffet at lunch, all you can eat grill at the pool. It was crazy. I gained a couple of pounds on that cruise to say the least. I haven't booked another cruise because I'm really nervous about the food. There are definitely tons of options on a cruise, but I don't remember any of the "healthy" ones, because I don't think I ever ate any of the healthy foods on the last cruise. And if its anything like the last cruise, I'd be SO nervous that the room service would be so tempting. Anyhow, I'm sure there are healthy options - just get yourself mentally prepared to choose them (over all the crap thats on board). Maybe you should meet with your nutritionist and make a very specific eating plan for the whole vacation? Cent - if you go on your cruise 3-4 weeks after being banded you'll probably be in the last week or the last couple of days of mushy foods. However, during the 5th week, you should be really easing into solid foods as you'll need to figure out what works for you and your band. If you're still on mushies during your cruise, I would really suggest not breaking your post-op diet as it could lead to band complications (which are not worth it for some cruise food...they'll definitely have mushy foods, or foods that you can mush down with your fork on the cruise, so stick with those. Also, you may want to bring some Protein shakes on board - the kind that you can buy pre-mixed and can just open and drink. Just check to make sure you'll have a fridge in your cabin). If you have begun to move to solids, be careful and go slowly as you won't know what you'll be able to tolerate at first. Good luck!
  20. I've only had mine since June 2009, but no problems so far!
  21. Hi! I sent you a friend request. I was banded this past June. I have lost around 67 pounds since my pre-op diet at the beginning of June. I really like seeing people who have been so incredibly successful with the band. Its very encouraging. I'm hoping to be where you are, this time next year. Congrats on all of your success!

  22. isaviolinist

    stuck feeling

    Thats strange. Is it causing you pain or making you nauseous? If so, you should definitely call your doctor (or maybe just all anyways to be safe). Good luck!
  23. Welcome back! I'm glad you are doing well, and would love to hear about your long-term experience with the band!
  24. isaviolinist

    wls before surgery?

    I didn't have to lose any weight before my pre-op diet and actually between my initial consult and my final pre-surgery consult I gained 10 pounds. However, on my 3-week pre-op diet I lost 20 pounds and my surgery was fine with no issues or complications. Good luck!
  25. isaviolinist

    Stuck Sushi Situation

    There is a roll called Kanisu and actually it is typically crab, shrimp, avocado and sometimes some veggies wrapped in very thin cucumber. IT IS AMAZING! There is no rice or seaweed. Also, sometimes the restaurants that serve kanisu will make other rolls for you wrapped in cucumber instead of rice and seaweed (but call ahead to see). I used to LOVE sushi, but I like Kanisu even better - it is so refreshing and light and you can taste the fish inside. Its really amazing and much healthier than sticky rice, and much easier to go down!

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