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Froggie D

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Froggie D

  1. Thanks for your replys. I know I will have to take months to learn how to make the best use of my band and lose weight while avoiding getting stuck or PBing. I am prepared for that part. Glad to hear the new life style becomes routine and I won't always be this obsessive about it. I am hoping with losing weight I will start doing more things and develop a busier life style and not sit around dreaming up things to eat like I have been doing for years now as a fat person. I am so excited. Wednesday is it!!!!!!
  2. Froggie D

    Pre-Op diet help

    Yes it is normal. The headaches can be from going off sugar and carbs and detoxing other things out. It is an intense headache but if you get enough Protein and drink all your Water, you will feel better by day 4. You will also start to lose your appeitite and that gets better each day. By a week, you will start to feel energetic and healthier, as well as losing weight! Hang in there - it is worth it.
  3. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    But you will be losing weight and they will be gaining! Hang in there!!!
  4. Froggie D

    Job Grief?

    Have you been on your job for 12 months? If so and if you have worked enough hours in that 12 months, about 24 a week, I think, you should qualify for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act). This permits you to take off up to 12 weeks unpaid for something medically necessary. Your doctor has to fill out a form saying it is medically necessary and you can take off whatever your doctor says you need. A job is guaranteed when you come back. This is a Federal Law and everyone must follow it. You may have to give 30 days notice, but you have already done that. Look up FMLA on the internet and see if you qualify. Don't give up!:bored:
  5. Froggie D

    I got approved!!!

    Congratualtions on your 100 pound weight loss! Give your self a huge pat on the back. You deserve it!
  6. Froggie D


    Great work. I do not smoke but I watched my husband try to quit for years but it didn't work until he really had a reason to quit. Your band could be just the motivation you need. I had to wait 18 months for my band, so jsut use the time to read, learn, talk to others and really be ready. I am finally gettng banded April 7!
  7. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Glad to hear the first of you are through it and on the mend. I am getting ready for my surgery with two days of liquids and then surgery on Wednesday. I am glad I did my own preop because I think even two days of liquids would be really really hard without having been through the carb withdrawal first. I lost 16 pounds so I am ready. Wish me luck!
  8. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    I am so sorry your surgery was tough one. I hope each day is getting a little better. I am feeling for you! Hang in there. It will be worth it in the end!
  9. How fabulous! Treat yourself to something new to wear! You deserve it! You must really look different. Enjoy it!
  10. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    So glad all is well with you! Post about pain and hunger as soon as you feel well enough. Wow, you are through it!:thumbup:
  11. Froggie D

    I got approved!!!

    Congratulations! :frown: I am just ahead of you. I am through the process, saw my surgeon today for a preop visit and surgery is next Wednesday!!!!!! I have been working to get this all in place for 18 months. Long wait, but I am READY!!!!!
  12. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    GOOD LUCK to Montynic, DeeDee, HappyTrucker280, Mamasugar, and anyone else who is starting the April Bandster Bunnies out on our journey. :frown::Dancing_biggrin::smile2::Dancing_biggrin: Post as soon as you can so we can know how you are doing. I know you must be experiencing a million emotions right now. Relax and enjoy starting your new lives. We are right behind you! :welldoneclap::welldoneclap::welldoneclap:
  13. I know you must be frustrated, but it is better to find this out now and do well in surgery. It will happen when it is time. Then you will really be ready and do great!
  14. Froggie D

    Feeling vulnerable....

    Once you have your official weigh-in for submission to insurance for approval it doesn"t matter if you lose or gain, so just relax and quit worrying about it. be ready for whatever preop diet your doctor requires when the time comes. Stressing yourself out will only make the waiting worse. I know how you feel. I have been working toward this for 18 months and have experienced every emotion possible. Now that my surgery is set and I have started on the preop diet, I am feeling less stressed and more ready to move forward! Good luck to you! It will happen for you.
  15. Froggie D

    Pre Op Diet starts tomorrow.

    Best of luck to you! I know how you feel. I did so much Last Supper Syndrome eating I actually got tired of eating. I started a preop (my doctor did not require it) on March 8 and now I am down 16 pounds and my appetite is much reduced. I feel ready to have my surgery which is scheduled on April 7. The frist few days are hard, but after that you appetite starts to go away. It gets better!
  16. Hang in there. It will happen when the time is right. I hope it is Wednesday as I know how you feel. I was scheduled before and it did not work out. I am scheduled again for April 7 and I feel I am more ready now than I was then. Trust the universe and send out positive thoughts so you get positive back. Being stressed and angry is natural but doesn't really help. I will be thinking about you!
  17. Hand in there. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::cursing::thumbup::cursing: You will do great!
  18. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    I know just how you feel. Once I got into the process, I was pretty certain the band would work, but I went through a period of time where I was sure I would be the failure, not the band. Afterall, I have failed at losing the weight for many years. Then I started worrying about being too old. I am almost 58 and I just started thinking I would not lose weight. I put out a question about age on this forum and got amazing respones from people up to age 72 who have been sucessful. It really helped. :thumbup: I got a lot of support from this forum and from my frieds and family and that has helped a lot. I have been corresponding with someone who felt the same way before her band and now a year later, she has lost over 100 pounds and is a size six. :cursing: She says once she got true restriction, it was easy and now she actually forgets to eat some times. She says she was obsessed with food, just like I describe and now she does not think about food constantly. I can't wait. Hang in there and keep working toward your goal. The odds are with us. It will take work, but the results will be so reinforcing! :cursing:
  19. I found a "Blender Bottle" at the health food store. It has a metal egg beater sort of thing in the bottle what mixes things when you shake it. The advantage of the bottle is that it has a mouth sized hole to drink out of. When I put my mouth over the entire hole and tip it up, the foam continues to rise to the top of the liquid and I am technically drinking from the bottom of the liquid, with no foam. It is not like drinking out of a straw as there is no air to take in with the liquid. It works for me.
  20. Froggie D

    what if i fail....?

    I feel the same way. I have lost the same 50 pounds 4 times in my life and in March was at my highest weight ever. :smilielol5: I am determined to give this all my best effort. I believe the band will work - now I just have to do my part. I know it won't be easy, but I am determined. Hang in there - I understand!
  21. Froggie D

    3 More days....nervous!

    I have 10 days to wait but I am feeling the same way! Looks like you have a great start and are ready. We just have to take it a day at a time! I'm with you!
  22. Froggie D

    About Yourself

    My name is Debra and I am 57 years old. I have been married to my husband for 17 years and he is supportive of my decision. I have a 30 year old son, a 27 year old daughter who is married and a 6 year old granddaughter (my son's). She is, of course, the best part of my life. :thumbup: I work as a nursing home administrator in a 60 bed building. I love my job, but it is very stressful and I, of course, respond by eating. :crying: I have been fat since I was 10 years old and I am an expert dieter. I have lost 50 pounds four times in my life, but each time I gain it back with more added. I was at my highest weight ever in March. :eek: I finally have developed diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, apena, reflux and joint/back pain. :yikes: I feel like this is my last chance to really impact my life and I am ready to do it. :rant: I am scheduled to have my surgery on April 7. I was not required to do a preop diet, but have been worried about them getting in there and my liver being too fatty, so I started my own preop on March 8. I have lost 15 pounds so far and still doing pretty well. :smilielol5: I am doing Protein drink for Breakfast and lunch and lean meat and low carb veggies at night. I have gotten to the stage on the low carb diet that I am not overwhelmingly hungry all the time. I do not find eating meat difficult and I hope with the portion control aided by the lap band, I will be able to lose and maintain. :yesnod: I decided to look into the band in October 2008 and have seen three different surgeons. I finally have found one I can work with and who is approved by my insurance and practices at the right hospital for my insurance. It has been a difficult journey, but I am finally there. :ack2: I am excited and nervous and worried and scared and happy all at the same time. I am unable to think about anything except my upcoming surgery. I feel obsessed. I want to get through this and have a new life where everything is not about food and weight. It is wonderful to have this outlet to express my feelings and help with my stresses. I am looking forward to taking the journey with some others on line here, so keep posting! By supporting each other, maybe we can all be successful together! Group hug! :cursing:
  23. Froggie D

    April 2010

    Dear Twinserely, Hi :smilielol5:. Have you found a journey buddy yet? I am being banded on April 7 and I would love to have someone to compare notes with daily. I am fully commited to doing this, but very nervous about it. I am not required to do a preop diet, but I started anyway just to make sure I don't get rejected for a fatty liver. If you are interested, send me a PM and we can get to know each other.
  24. Froggie D

    So Upset

    I can only imagine how hurt and angry you are feeling by what seems like such a betrayal. I know I would feel the same way. :cursing: It is really unfortunate that this happened, but you can make it worse by focusing on it and arguing about it, or you can focus on yourself and your journey and enjoy it.:rant: No one can make you feel bad if you choose not to let them. DON"T GIVE THEM THAT POWER! You can choose to ignore them and have the best journey. We all know how stress and anger can turn into hunger and eating! DON"T GIVE THEM THAT POWER! :thumbup: Just remember, "The best revenge is a life well lived!" When those pounds start falling off, they will all be eating their words and choking on them. :ack2: Then you can just smile to yourself and enjoy!:smilielol5: YOU GO GIRL! WE ARE WITH YOU!
  25. Froggie D

    Newly Banded

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I get banded April 7 and I am so ready. Glad to hear from someone who is happy with her dicision so early.

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