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Froggie D

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Froggie D

  1. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    My thoughts are with you. Get well quick!
  2. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    No, you are not alone. My surgery was 4/7/10 and I can finally turn over and lay on my side with minimal pain. It was pretty painful at first. Now I am having more itching than pain.:crying:
  3. Froggie D

    Started pre op today

    I had surgery on April 7. I did my own preop of two shakes and one meal of lean meat and steamed veggies. I lost 23 pounds before the surgery and it went very well. Minimal pain and discomfort. I continued liquids for 7 days and had my first egg today! I have lost another 4.5 pounds since surgery. It feels really great. On the preop, just remember that day 1 thru 3 will be rough but hang in there. On day 4 you will begin to lose yor appetite and feel better. After that it is not too hard, just boring. If you cheat and add a lot of carbs in, you will take a step back and have a harder time again. It feels so good to be losing and not hungry! Hang in there, you can do it.
  4. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Good luck to everyone getting banded this week. It is not as bad as I thought it would be. I am one week out now and doing great. I do have restriction, from swelling I suppose, but it feels great. My fluids are going down ok but no hunger. I got to start soft foods today and had a scrambled egg. I was terrified I would eat too much or too fast or something, but it all went down and I feel my pouch full, but not overstuffed. Not sure how long it will take to go through, but it has been several hours and I am still full. Never thought an egg would be so exciting!
  5. I want to know if you ever get to the point that eating feels "normal" or are you always conscious of being banded and having to pick the "right" foods? Do you always think about it constantly like I am doing now? I am getting banded on April 7 and I am really getting excited. I feel like I am obsessed with my surgery and eating right and posting.
  6. I put on my underwire and it was just too tight and stiff, even though I lost 23 pounds before surgery. I went out on day 4 and bought a soft, stretchy front closure and that is what I wore to go back to work today. It will just have to do because I refused to be squeezed when I am sore. It feels pretty good. I am wearing lose clothing and I don't care who thinks what. I figure I never looked that good in my clothes at 120 pounds overweight anyway, so who is going to pay attention now? Wear what feels good! You deserve it!
  7. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Sunday Night and I am starting to feel pretty good. My stitches are losing their soreness. My stomach is not aching like it was. I did not have shoulder pain until yesterday (banded on Wednesday) and it was because of having allergy symptoms on Friday night and coughing a lot. Still having some shoulder pain, but not bad with Tylenol. I go back to work tomorrow. Hopefully I will feel pretty good. I am not hungry at all, but I am trying to get in more protein powder drinks to get all my protein. I can only take one drink at a time and my stomach feels sooo full. I am not bringing it back up, but it goes down really slowly. Behind my breast bone is really achy. When my breast bone area aches, my shoulder aches too. I have had three diluted protein drinks, 24 ounces each, one can of broth, 14 ounces, and one bottle of water, 24 ounces. Seems like that should be able to run through pretty easily, but it doesn't. I am still using Gas-X as that seems to help it a bit. Hope everyone else is doing well. It does get better each day.
  8. Froggie D

    Back from the trip from hell

    Stress makes you retain Water and not lose. If you did not gain and lived to talk about, you are a Hell of a Woman in my book! Glad you are home and safe!
  9. Froggie D


    I just read Fighting Weight by Khaliah Ali. She is Muhammad Ali's daughter. She had the band done and this is her history from childhood to band to normal weight. It is really good and very supportive. I would strongly recommend it for clear data, great support and making you feel like you are not alone.
  10. Froggie D

    *Deep Breath*

    The wait is a killer, believe me I know! I had to change surgeons midstream and it was devastating. I decided that I would keep trying, no matter what, and it finally happened. Even at the last visit with my surgeon, when I had done my cardiology consult, pulmonary consult, psychological consult, dietary consult, 8 week dietician program by phone, pre op, preop class, and had the insurance pre-approval in hand, I was fully expecting the surgeon to tell me why we could not do it. Instead he looked at my chart and said, "OK." I looked at him and said, "Is that it?" He laughed and said, "Yep, see you Wednesday." During the waiting time I tried to convince myself I did not really want to do it. I tried to find reasons it would be ok if they decided I could not have the surgery. I started protecting myself from the hurt if they rejected me again. I had a myriad of emotions and it was a roller coaster. I had them all, good, bad and ugly. But it happened!!!!!! I am Day Four past surgery and doing fine. Once your approval is in place and you are all set up, take some time to look at all your feelings again. If you are still unsure, talk to others, talk to your surgeon. Make an informed decision about what you really want and are able to truly commit to. If you decide not to do it, make that decision with confidence. If you go ahead, go ahead with conviction. It is your life. Don't feel bad either way. I decided to go ahead with banding and I am looking forward to the best days of my life with the band and a new thin, acitve body! We are with you!
  11. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Hey Kim, hang in there! We are with you! :thumbup: I was banded on April 7 also and I did not have a real preop but after reading on here about others, I put myself on one. The first 3 days are the hardest. :cursing: On day four if you are getting in Protein your appetite will start to diminish. You did not mention protein on your orginal post. Are you doing a Protein shake or Protein powder? I am having two per day (I really have to push to get them down as I can only do a sip at a time now). My surgeon insists on getting enough good protein to help with healing. Feel free to post frequently and people will respond and the support is terrific. :tongue: It has been a Godsend to me. I understand about feeling left out of the family. I feel that a bit too, but have decided I am going this for me and no temptation when watching family eat is going to get in my way. This is my last-ditch effort to change my life and I am going to succeed. There will be time with family after the habits are more ingrained. My family is very supportive, but certainly have not stopped eating. LOL :sad: Glad you are one of us now!!!!!!!!! :confused::Dancing_biggrin:
  12. Wow, you have been through it! Good luck to you in May. It will be great!:confused:
  13. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    I was on Metformin extended release too. Before my preop and some weight loss, I was running 150-160 fasting ON the Meds. After the surgery (three days out) and down 23 pounds, I am running 115-130 fasting NOT on the meds. My other readings are all under 115. I am hoping to not have to take any more meds for diabetes. There is a liquid Metformin called Riomet, but it is not extended release so you have to take it across the day. When I thought I was going to get my band last August (long story) I tried it. It did not work quite as well, but not too bad. Taste was ok, for me anyway. Hope you can go off the meds and not need them. The preop diet was really important for me. My surgeon did not require anything except two days of liquids so I did my own version. I had protein shakes (very low carb) at breakfast and lunch and lean meat (chicken breast, pork tenderloin, shrimp) and steamed broccoli or cauliflower with fresh celery, peppers, cucumbers, etc for dinner. I lost 23 pounds in 4 weeks. It was hard, but worth it. The first 3 days are really hard but day 4 you lose your appetite and it gets a lot easier. It was worth it to me to know I had a good start and my liver was shrunk down. I think it made my surgery go a lot better. Good luck, it is just around the corner!
  14. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    It is Friday and I got my band on Wednesday. I am doing really well. I have had my protein today (protein powder in soy milk and in chicken broth) and working on the rest of my water. I am sooooooo full. I guess from swelling. I am not having any real pain, just soreness from the incisions. All my systems are finally working and today I walked 1.2 miles. Yesterday I walked a half mile. It was a beautiful day. Since I feel so full in my sternum area, I am guessing from swelling, it is a bit hard to take full breathes so I was a bit short of breath walking. I think that is probably normal. It just feels really weird not eating. Food smells good, but I know I could not eat. Already missing the taste, however. Wow - it is done and it went by so fast. Anyone else have a feeling of slight let down after the high adrenalin rush of getting banded is over?:biggrin:
  15. Froggie D

    Need Advice Re: Co-workers

    I LOVE THAT!:biggrin:
  16. I had difficulty finding the right surgeon that my insurance approved and it took me 18 months to get banded. It was a long wait, but here I am today, 2 days out form surgery, 23 pounds lighter and hopeful for the future. I was really angry, bumbed, frustrated, you name it, but it all finally happened. Just use your time to pan, learn, read and be ready. It is a BIG undertaking and the more prepared you are, the better you will do. Thinking about you!!:smile2:
  17. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Ravyn, I had mine on Wednesday and it is behind me. I am feeling good and learning to drink without gulping and taking in air. My incisions are sore but overall it was easy. Best of luck to you!!!!!!!!! :smile2:
  18. Froggie D

    April 2010

    Good luck tomorrow Waynoo! You eill do great, I just know it. I am at day two and feeling much better than I ever dreamed! Let us know how you are doing as soon as you can. :smile2:
  19. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    I packed a bag for the hospital with things I had been told like Gas-X and my Cpap, book, etc. Never even opened up my bag! They took away my C-Pap and not aware if they used it or not. I took out my contacts and put them in my case, and the next thing I really knew, I was going home. Since I got home I have used the Gas-X a few times, my protein powder, dissolvable fiber and chicken broth. I had my husband go get me some liquid Tylenol because I have not used the Loi-Tab on day two. Made me dizzy and just not in that much pain. Doctor also said to get some Glad Press and Seal to cover up my incisions so I could shower. Haven't tried that yet. All my woryry about what to take was really for nothing as it was over so fast! Good luck - hope your surgery is as uneventful as mine.:smile2:
  20. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Had my surgery yesterday and home around noon. Slept good last night on Loritab. Got in over 60 oz of water and two protein drinks yesterday. Walked about a quarter mile. Not taking the Loritab today as it makes me feel fuzzy and dizzy. I am feeling my stitches a bit now so I had my husband go get me some liquid Tylenol. Walked half a mile and have had 40 oz of water and one protein drink. Started adding dissolvable fiber to my protein drink so I do not get constipated. I stopped taking my Metformin (last dose might before surgery) and my blood sugar today was 115. It has been running 150 in the AM. I am watching it closely and hoping I do not have to get some liquid Metformin. I have five incisions. They are stapled, not stitched. The biggest one has a bit of drainage, but not too much. They are sore, but nothing I would call pain. Hurts the most when I roll over. I get really full really fast, with only a few drinks of liquid. Not hungry and can't even imagine eating at this point. I hope everyone is doing as well as I am!:smile2:
  21. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Greetings all, everyone. Had my surgery today. Went in at 8:30 and at 8:50 they told my husband I was done and I was a textbook case!!! Then they told me I could go haome. I thought I had to stay overmight, so I insisted they call my insurance and I got to go home. I am sore, as if I had just done a thousand sit ups, but no pain, no gas, no farting, and some nice, releaving burps. I am drinking my water and a protein drink. Not hungry. Walked around the block with my husband. Overall, much easier than I anticipated. And, when they weighed me, I had lost 23 pounds. Hurray for me! Life is good. Best of luck to those getting banded tomorrow. :thumbup:
  22. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Hey everybody! Tomorrow is my day!!!! I go it at 6:30, surgery at 8:30. I am really excited and ready. Thanks to everyone who has share in this group. It has really helped me get ready. Good luck to everyone else getting banded this week! :thumbdown:
  23. That is what I am hoping it is like, too. I start my two day liquid tomorrow and surgery on Wednesday. Good luck in getting your date set!
  24. Froggie D

    I won't lose the weight..

    Wow, congrats on your wonderful weight loss. I am getting banded April 7 and I am so ready. A year from now I hope to be half the person I am today! :bored:

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