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Froggie D

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Froggie D

  1. Yes I had that feeling after being banded. I am now almost 6 weeks out and it has calmed down. I no longer feel everybite go down and settle into place. My first fill did not bring this feeling back, but now I get a sensation of fullness all at once, one bite I am not full, the next, I am. Boom! Having a band is different, though. I used to eat until very full and my waistband on my pants felt tight (sometimes had to unbutton) but now when I feel full, my bra feels tight, since the pouch is up high. It is weird, but not painful if I eat slowly and chew well. There is a lot of adjustment to new feelings with the band.
  2. Don't expect more than that. Two pounds per week is good. Remember you have swelling (and that means Water weight) from the surgery and that takes 4-5 weeks to all subside. They keep reminding me that weight loss in the frist few weeks is a bonus, not expected. Don't be so hard on your self. It is a time for healing and learning to eat properly. The weight will come off. Just keep doing the right things, like you are, and it will work!
  3. Betsy, I just started with FitDay yesterday and it is really cool. It does so many things. Anyone who has not tried it needs to!! I love that it allows custom foods so I can make a receipe, figure the ingredients and nutritional info for each item and come up with an accurate listing for that receipe and use it over and over! I am reading a book by Dr. Duc C. Vuong, Ultimate Lap Band Success and in there he states, "The medical field is pretty sure now that when caloric intake drops down to around 1100-1200 calories per day, human metabolism will slow down. This is a natural, evolutionary response." He advocates exercise to keep the metabolism up. He is a Lap Band Surgeon in Houston. He does not footnote or list references so I do not know where his info is coming from. Seems this is an accepted belief, even with Lap Band surgeons. Just not sure what to believe. I am glad to hear that someone else is not feeling compelled to eat carbs. It does make it harder to get enough calories if I need to get over 800. I just know what carbs do to my appetite. I do not want to go there and risk cravings I am not having now. When I do get hungry, I add another 1-2 ounces of low fat deli chicken or turkey or half a Protein drink. I think I will do that to make sure I get at least 800 calories per day. I am not exercising much so that is my new goal. I HAVE TO EXERCISE! It is not my favorite thing to do so I will have to force myself. UGH! I have not lost in a week, so that is probably why. If I get opinions and info from the dietician at my class Thursday, I will post it. This seems to be a questions many people have.
  4. Froggie D


    Hope you are doing better. the thing I would worry about is getting dehydrated. It is my understanding that getting dehydrated can cause more swelling and you sure don't need that right now. If you get dehydrated you will end up back in the hospital on IVs. Call your doctor again. Please take care of yourself.:redface:
  5. Glad we have moved over now. I spend more of my time reading over here now that I am a true bandster. I had my fill on Tuesday and I am feeling the restriction now. I had three ounces of canned chicken with a table spoon of mayo and 3/4 of a pear and I was stuffed. I was not hungry for hours after. I had my first episode of hiccups that I keep reading about when I was nearly done with my pear. I am now eating lean meats and low carb veggies and fresh or canned no sugar added fruits. I am not eating breads or rice or Pasta or any type of grains. I get in at least 70 grams of Protein and yet I am only at about 700-800 calories most days. Is that where other people are running? Today I tried to push the envelop and added another half a Protein Drink to bump up the calories and see what happens. I am going to put out a post for experienced bandsters and see what they think. Just curious.
  6. Froggie D

    Am I doing it wrong??

    Everything you do to get prepared will be helpful in the long run. I got obsessed with learning, getting prepared and I am happy I did it. I have done well and think I will continue to do well as I know what to expect. I am with you on this one!
  7. Froggie D

    Yeah Me :o)

    That is sooooo great for you! I lost 23 on the preop and it was well worth it. I think it helped me get mentally prepared and made the surgery so much easier. I have lost 14 pounds since surgery and feel great. Hang in there - hope you love your band as much as I love mine!
  8. I think part of it depends on how much you have to lose. I have lost 37 pounds and two sizes. It is harder to see in the mirror because my personal self image is caught up in it. I am critical each time I look in the mirror. Other people started noticing at about 25 pounds and now mention it all the time. The best things for me, though, are my blood pressure and blood sugar are already going down. Even mu shoes are looser!!!! My granddaughter told me that my head is getting smaller and you have to trust the honesty of a six year old!
  9. I know it is scarry the first time, but you will be fine. Focus on the prize! I had my surgery April 7. I can't believe how different trying to control what I eat has been since the band. I was lucky enough to get some restriction with the surgery and have had my first fill now. My hunger is SO MUCH LESS. Even if you don't get the real early restriction, you will get it eventually and you won't believe the difference! I also have apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, reflux. I have only been banded five weeks and my fasting blood sugar has dropped from 150 ON meds to 125 OFF meds. My blood pressure has dropped from 128/85 on meds to 110/60! I will have to see my doc about reducing those meds soon. I feel so much better and I can't even imagine what it will feel like to lose down to a normal weight! Don't back out because of fear of surgery. It will be fine! It was minimal pain and discomfort afterwards. I don't remember anything between the nurse taking my BP and putting on my TED hose and getting home with my husband. It is SOOOOOOO worth it! Just hold your nose and JUMP!
  10. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    djbabe, Got my fill on Tuesday and did liquids for all of that day and breakfast and lunch yesterday. For dinner I had canned chicken mixed into refried beans with salsa. I was really hungry and did not feel much restriction. Today, however, I feel it. I had three ounces of chicken with a tablespoon of mayo and 3/4 of a fresh pear and started the hiccups. I was able to eat the last couple bites of pear but was really full. For dinner I had a 4 ounce fish fillet and some broccoli but could not eat everything I put on my plate. I am really full now. They said you could start to feel the restriction in 1-10 days. I can't figure out why it would take time to feel and not be immediate. But here is day 3 and I am tighter. I have not tried any bread, tortillas, rice, crackers, etc yet as I am still having fasting blood sugars that are a bit above where I want them to be, especially since I stopped my diabetes meds. I figure if I lose more weight I will bring those down and then I can try some whole grain stuff. I have not lost any weight in almost a week, but I figure it will start now that I am feeling some real restriction. I am feeling really good. I need to exercise but that is my weak point. That is my next goal.
  11. I had this kind of swelling restriction until the last 4 days. I am 5 weeks since I was banded. Had my first fill today since I was starting to feel hungry in 2-3 hours rather than 5 hours. It has been wonderful having restriction with no fill yet. I have lost 14 pounds in 5 weeks since surgery and lost 23 before surgery. It is great!:smile2:
  12. I had my first fill today too with Dr. Hoehn. It was really easy and no pain, no bruising. I have lost 14 pounds in 5 weeks since my surgery. I feel great and I am ready to lose more!:smile2:
  13. I am so happy for you! I know just how you feel. For different reasons, I started my journey October 08 and just got banded April 7, 2010. I love my band and have lost a total of 37 pounds - 14 of it since surgery. You will love it! Congrats! :smile::party:
  14. As far as I know, everyone is expected to eat 60+ grams of protein (my nutritionist said 70) and at least 64 ounces of water. I can have other things if they will fit in my pouch after the protein. I was told to try and get that amount of protein even when on liquids, soft foods, etc. I totally avoided the mashed potatoes amd other carbs as I knew they would make me hungrier.
  15. The best thing I found was to only allow myself a Diet Coke after I finished drinking 16 ounces of Water. It did not taste nearly as good when I was not thirsty and I cold not get as many in. I gave up caffeine first, then went to Diet Rite to avoid the Aspartame (makes my joints ache) and finally none. I do not crave it and do not really miss it. I am like the poster above - I was very addicted (six to eight cans per day) and I do not want to know if my band can tolerate it. I don't need it. I need my band to work for me AND IT IS! Hurray! You will be surprised how quickly you forget about it.
  16. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    Had my first fill today. It was a breeze. It hurt less than a blood draw. He just used iodine. It took about 3 seconds as you can feel my port under the skin easily. I have a drop of blood on the bandaide, but no noticible bruising, yet anyway. Did you bruise? I expressed my concerns about being too restricted like I keep reading about so he did 1.5 cc instead of the 2cc they usually do. I scheduled to go back in 4 weeks. He said I should feel restriction for 2-3 weeks and start feeling hungry again about week four. So how have you done with your fill? Are you feeling restriction? Are you hungry? Are you losing weight? Hope you are doing great and seeing the pounds drop off.:smile2:
  17. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    I am so sorry this has happened to you. I hope they get you straightened out really quickly. Thinking about you and sending good vibs your way!
  18. Froggie D

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I was banded on April 7 and have lost 14 pounds since surgery (23 before surgery) and I feel great. I am 57 and beginning to feel younger! Woowhoo!:scared2: I have not gotten stuck or PBed yet. I go for my first fill this Wednesday. Not sure what they will do, as I am still losing and not too hungry.
  19. I totally agree! I work in the medical field so I know the score. LaTosha's rudeness and gate keeping is not professional or called for. I was never rude to her and I paid for service I never got. In addition, my insurance paid nearly $500 for my wasted visit. I am sorry I never got to know if Dr. Selim is a good surgeon or not. He should demand more from his staff or terminate them. He is the person who makes or breaks his practice there. I have since gone to Dr. Hoehn at Shawnee Mission. I saw him the end of January, had a surgery date set by March 8, was banded April 7, and have now lost 37 pounds. Dr. Hoehn's staff has been wonderful and treated me with respect and kindness. No one should put up with the kind of treatment I received at KUMed. You are the consumer and are buying their services. As long as you tolerate that sort of treatment, you will just get more of it. Sorry if I offended you.
  20. Me too! In fact, I show my scars to everyone. I am pround of them and my 37 pound weight loss in 2 months!!!!!!!!!
  21. Your numbers look great! Tell us about you NSVs. You must have many. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!:confused::party:
  22. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    djbabe, I am so glad to hear you had a good experience with your fill. I have been dreading mine. :thumbup: I was supposed to go this week, but I went to the doc and was put on antibiotics and steroids for and ear infection so I postponed. I have not really been hungry and am losing. I hope your fill works well for you. I guess we always expect the worst.:thumbup:
  23. Froggie D

    Today is my one year Bandiversary!

    I am one month out from surgery and I AM SO INSPIRED BY YOU! Keep up the great work and keep sharing your experiences!:bored:
  24. Froggie D

    April Bandster Bunnies

    I vote to move to the post op side. It is like moving from Jr. High to High School! It would be easier than trying to jump back and forth all the time for me! Rebmommj, Wow that is great about your A1C and your weight loss. I am like you, not really hungry yet, so I postponed my fill. Isn't it great! Twinserely, Glad you are doing well and I hopw your first fill gives you some restriction. Hunger is NOT FUN! Mammasugar, Glad to hear from you too. Great that your weight loss is starting. SOOOOOOO REWARDING!
  25. I have been having problems navigation on this site all day today. Never had this trouble before.

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