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Never Again

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Never Again

  1. Never Again

    Monique and her "Big jeans"

    for those of you in the contemplation stage.. just set your mind on what you want and go for it... (if your ready to change your life.... go for it!!!!) yes that is me in the posterboard... for my arms i really didn't do anything.. i just walked on the treadmill and i guess while i was doing it i just made sure to move my arms while doing it.... but i would suggest getting a 2 - 5 pound weight and use those to keep your arms tighter. i noticed that once i did start working out my arms (lifting light weights) some loose skin in the arm area got tighter.. so i wish i started it earlier... remember just light weights but high reps... i did have loose skin and i did end up getting a breast lift and augmentation.. i also had a body lift to get rid of some little excess skin... be prepared to have additional plastic surgery.... thank you for all the comments!!!! you guys are looking great too... and you guys will do great!!!!
  2. hi kelly... i do think you should wait. i got a breast life and body lift a bit early... becaue my skin still hadn't adjusted properly it still continued to get loose. so if i could i would have waited a little bit longer before doing it. How much more do you want to lose? get to the goal and then go for it. as long as it isn't causing any issues like rashes or anything like that i suggest waiting...

  3. I think it's funny how some of you are replying and saying that the guy in the picture wasn't you... i mean really? we may not have taken bites like that but we ate like that.... OUT OF CONTROL..... I was and still am an emotional eater.... As soon as I hit a down moment I run to food for comfort.. I may not have taken big bites like that but I ran to fun and basically stuffed it down my face to get that comfort. again.. I didn't mean it according to the size of the bite.... i would constantly eat... didn't have to be cupcakes, or chips.. it just had to be something... i would even over eat on fruit... when we were fat.. we ate out of control and that is what i mean about it reminding us of our previous selves. it really isn't a misconception about fat people... the band isn't for people who have medical problems that cause them to be overweight (like thyroid) ... it's for those of us who can't control our portions... we over ate... therefore we got fat......... does anyone get what i'm trying to say????
  4. hey there... thanks for the comment... looks like you'll be banded soon. let me know when... i'll give you some of my secrets... also look at my profile page.. i had answered some questions there....

  5. Never Again

    My Weight Loss Journey

    In case your wondering I had surgery 1/18/08... had a nose job 6/08... had a boob job 7/08... but i'm still the same girl.... I lost 96 pounds and most of it in 7 1/2 months...
  6. oh and of course i really watched what i ate... i didn't care about anything except losing the weight... my determination was the main reason for my success. i would go out to dinner with friends and just watch them eat.. it was hard seeing and smelling the food but i didn't care.... i wanted to lose the weight. it was a hard 8 months but since then i've been able to eat whatever i want... of course within limits... but once you reach your goal it's all about maintaining... not as hard.... so my suggestion to all pre-band patients is to make sure they are mentally ready to make this change. go for your weight loss no matter what... don't worry about any food you might be missing out on... cuz later you'll be able to eat it... (after you lose the weight)... like me...

  7. during my weight loss period (7 1/2 months) i started on the treadmill 15 min a day (i'm talking walking at 2.0) and then ended up walking around 45 min at 3.5. And of course the last few months i started doing sit ups. got the surgery in jan and by aug i had a six pack... i had minimal loose skin but after all that hard work even having a little bit bothered me.. so in oct i had a body lift along with a tummy tuck... since the tummy tuck i lost my six pack but plan on getting it back hopefully soon.

  8. Never Again

    Monique and her "Big jeans"

    i've lost 96 pounds... 87 of it in 7 1/2 months
  9. I had it done 1/18/08.... and I lLost 92 pounds in 7 1/2 months... how about you?

  10. I'm a little bit confused as to exactly why everyone is having a fit over this billboard. I think it's hilarious. Most of you guys are complaining over the size of the bite.... That's not the point of the billboard... Realize that the guy in the picture is before the band... It's telling them to come and get the band.... Apparently, most of you guys have forgotten that guy in the picture WAS US. This is how we were. MAYBE YOU GUYS ARE PISSED BECAUSE IT REMINDS YOU OF YOURSELF BEFORE THE BAND! That's who we WERE and the band may have changed our lives but that guy WAS us. The fact is that yes dieting sucks... we know that.. if we didn't we would have never gotten the band in the first place. yeah we worked hard... we didn't diet... we changed our lifestyle... our eating habits... our change is for a lifetime and not just a temporary diet!!! - so the billboard hits it on the spot if you ask me... DIETING SUCKS!! I LOVE IT

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