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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wilkie94585

  1. Wilkie94585


    I had my lapband installed in 2009. In the first couple of months I felt it was a success. I lost 30 lbs. I suffered from acid reflux most of my adult life and the lapband "CURED" that, so that part of it is good. Since that first 30 lbs I have been unable to lose any more weight. I'm 6' 2" tall, and my weight fluctuates between 300 and 310. I eat small portions and get full quickly, I can't get adjusted down any more than I am because I'm already eating small amounts and I sometimes have to throw up because I get plugged up easily. I don't drink soda, I drink coffee and Water mostly. I did join a gym in December and I go once in awhile. Before the band I was slowly gaining weight. I guess since I lost a little bit and I no longer gain weight I am better off then before the band. Still, I really wish I could drop 100 lbs.
  2. Wilkie94585


    Thans appetoni. Yeah, I didn't think I was getting snippy either and was surprised at Stephyanders response. Not important or worth dwelling on though. I appreciate the advise. I remember the last fill I had, I ate a single egg for breakfast a week after, and 20 minutes later while on my way to work I had to pull over and throw up rather violently. Now, If I'm carefull, go slow, I can eat an egg and a few slices of bacon. Yep, I know, "that" is not a good food choice, oatmeal, malto meal, small bowl of cereal, a fiber bar, these are my "typical" meals, egg and bacon is rare, I can eat 1/2 of a sausage bisquit from mickey "D's" and have to save the rest for later. The bread is not easy to eat. I hate to go down on the band size any more, especially since I know I dont' excersise enough, I don't want to be malnurished and have to rely on lots of suppliments. Still, if I can't get off some more weight I will consider that too.
  3. Wilkie94585


    Thank you to everyone for your responses. I agree totally that I need to excercise "more". The pool is not for me, I'm very self concious about my weight and wont be caught dead in a pool. I do enjoy the excersise machines though and don't feel bad about myself when I use them. I'm pretty sure I'm not being judged when I'm in the gym, that's where I "should" be right? As for calorie intake, I'm usually pretty good about it, I have an app called "calorie count" that is free and really good, I recommend it to anyone looking for something like that. I think my problem is my metabolism, and I probably "do" need to excersise every single day. What a curse!!!!
  4. Wilkie94585


    hmmmmmm......this was my own thread and all the responses "were" geared towards my post. Thanks anyway.
  5. Wilkie94585


    Falling Leaves, no fears what-so-ever, I was excited the whole way. The surgery went smooth.
  6. Wilkie94585

    bypass versus lap band

    I go in for my preop next week and I am scheduled for surgery 3rd week of June. I have been planning on the lapband but I have heard some horror stories that now have me second guessing myself. Bad infections being one and "weight gain" being another. How the heck can weight gain be a problem? I'm also worried about health problems that may occur as a result of the banding and my new eating habits. Are there side effects? I've heard with a bypass, gallbladder removal usually comes after a year due to it failing from lack of protien. Anything like that with banding?
  7. Wilkie94585

    bypass versus lap band

    I "am" comparing it to a GB. The sleeve is not available to me through my insurance. And I did say, "if there are complications" it's good to know it can be removed. If I were to get the bypass, and there are complications due to it, I can't get that reversed.
  8. Wilkie94585

    Wilkie's Album

    Before and after pics. The after one's are coming, hopefully by the end of the year! My surgery is in 3 weeks.
  9. Wilkie94585

    Halloween 2006, Toronto-- Angel/Devil... best costumes....ever.

    I can tell from you all of your pictures your a pretty funny guy. Love the angel/devil pic.
  10. Wilkie94585

    bypass versus lap band

    I'm pretty sure now that I'm going to do the band. I'm already eating right so it shouldn't be too hard for me to eat very small amounts after the band is installed. I've always struggled with my weight and excercise was the only way for me to stay in shape. After retiring from the Navy in '98 I stopped excercising and the weight started coming at a rate of about 10 -15 lbs a year. Due to my health, I "can't" get out and start excercising again, legs hurt, I have a herniated disc in my back, and I have early stages of C.O.P.D. Once I get the weight off I'm hoping to get back on an excersize program. Not sure why anyone would get mad about people saying it's reversable. :redface: Advertising ploy or not, it's nice to know that if there are complications, it can be removed! :crying:
  11. Wilkie94585

    bypass versus lap band

    Silvers, I'm glad to hear from someone who is happy with the band. I'm pretty sure this will be my choice. It seems there are problems that can occur with either one so I guess it's the lesser of two evils. The biggest thing in favor of the band, for me, is that fact that it is reversable. Yeah, I know what you mean. My favorite food is pizza and if we go out for it, I'll eat 5 peaces without batting an eye and that's more than 1000 calories right off the bat for just that meal. After this, no more of that, maybe a "bite" or two, if I even want it at all. I'm practicing now for the big lifestyle change. I'm drinking more Water, eating small meals and watching my calorie intake. I wasn't told I have to lose anything before the surgery as some people do. I just want to teach myself now so it will be easier later. I'm so unhappy with the 140 lbs excess that I'm carrying around. I can't wait till the pounds start coming off. :purplebananna:
  12. Wilkie94585

    bypass versus lap band

    Thanks for the replys. My insurance covers the band or the bypass so I have to choose between the two. I have a choice between two brands of lapband but that's it. I was originally going to go with the band but then some people who had the bypass said they knew people with the band who have had problems with infections and or weight gain. They said they were happy with the bypass even though they both had gallbladder failure a year after the surgery. After reading comments on "this" forum, I'm now back to considering the lap band. It's not an easy decision.

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