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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by questions09

  1. questions09

    Getting Banded Tomorrow

    Good luck to you!!!! so excited for you and looking forward to hearing/reading how it goes.
  2. questions09

    Post-OP days 6-8

    Keep up the good work!!!! Doin great!
  3. questions09

    Proof is in the Low Fat Pudding

    I too enjoy your blog posts. You look younger now too!! all just benefits of shedding the weight. I can't wait to start....hope to have procedure in Sept. or Oct. Keep up the good work.
  4. Hey- i have been keeping up with your posts, but i lost the thread the other day....couldn't find it....hope to find it again soon. Just wanted to congratulate you on all your hard work and say YIPPEE!!!!! about the August surgery date. I am hoping to have surgery in Sept. or Oct. - currently doing a 3 month supervised diet (insurance requirement). again, good luck....talk to you soon.

  5. questions09

    Thinking about getting banded

    .....oh and I think the procedure costs about $12-14,000 if you self pay.
  6. questions09

    Thinking about getting banded

    Hey there- I would call your insurance company and just ask if they cover weight loss surgery...if so, what are the criteria you have to meet. They should tell you- possibly give you a website where you can download information. I would also find out what your BMI is (you can find BMI calculators online). Usually, your BMI has to be 38 and have some co-morbidities or a BMI of 40 with some other stipulations. I have just recently done all of this in hopes of getting the surgery. I have started my 3 month dr. supervised diet that my insurance requires. I wish you the best of luck in your decision!!! I know it's an important one. Let me know if I can help with any other questions. You will definitely find this site/blog to be very helpful and the people to be very supportive. Talk to you soon!!
  7. questions09

    A week from now....

    Keep up the good work....you can make it through!!!! Surgery is coming soon!!!!!!! yea : )
  8. questions09

    Best Compliment

    Congratulations to all of you!!!! I haven't had the surgery yet...hoping for October. I will be so excited to post some "best compliments"- reading all of yours was and is an inspiration!!!!! Keep up the good work ladies and gentlemen
  9. questions09

    June 2009

    These are some before pictures- starting my 3month dr. supervised diet. Highest weight- 250(1year ago-has fluctuated between 240-250 over last 2-3 years) Today 6/7/09- 239 Goal- 140
  10. questions09


    From the album: June 2009

  11. questions09


    From the album: June 2009

  12. questions09

    oh my!!!!

    From the album: June 2009

  13. questions09

    May 2009

  14. I read your post with your new pics.... You have done a fantastic job. I am hoping to get the surgery in Oct 09. I have just started my 3 month dr. supervised diet and have my psych consult on the 16th. I would love to be able to stay in touch with you for inspiration and suggestions. much happiness to you! hope to talk to you soon.

  15. congrats on the surgery date!! I am hoping to have mine by October. I am aprehensive and have some anxiety about it all too. However, won't it be nice to be healthier and , for me, have a slight measure of control. (on the other hand...hahaha that is also what causes me anxiety.....that i still won't have control.) Oh well- we will all make it through- and we are here to support one another. Good luck!!!!!!

  16. questions09

    I can't believe I have to wait 4 months for surgery! :)

    Im in the same boat....It really all has to do with insurance requirements etc. Hang in there! It will come soon enough.
  17. questions09

    Ready for a Change

    Cari- i too am new to the process....but i have just started my 3month supervised diet for insurance puposes and am hoping to be banded in Oct. I wish you all the best in this journey. let's keep in touch!!!!
  18. questions09

    Goals/baby steps

    Well- I had my first nutritionist appointment on the 4th. I was so excited to just get started with the 3 month supervised diet. She briefly went over what was entailed with the surgery and the pre and post op diet and some of the rules. Then we set some goals for the next month: 1. dont' drink with meals (as right now that is a biggie for me) 2. chew, chew, chew, and wait a minute between each bite. Ok.....so the not drinking with meals is going well (and I know we will change this to not drinking before and for sometime after), but the waiting one minute between bites is pretty hard for me....Oh well, just keep on trying. (I just keep telling myself.....if i don't slow down(once i have the band)its all going to come back up). Learn it now and it will be better/easier later. I have my psych evaluation on the 16th....kind of worried about that, but I have read in other's blogs that it isn't so bad. I truly am happy to have found this site and am happy to be able to connect with others who are going through the pre surgery part and with those who have had the surgery. It is great to have all of the support and validation etc. etc.......ok....thanks for listening today. Good luck to us all!!!!! Keep up the good work one and all. :wub:
  19. questions09

    Goals/baby steps

    Well- I had my first nutritionist appointment on the 4th. I was so excited to just get started with the 3 month supervised diet. She briefly went over what was entailed with the surgery and the pre and post op diet and some of the rules. Then we set some goals for the next month: 1. dont' drink with meals (as right now that is a biggie for me) 2. chew, chew, chew, and wait a minute between each bite. Ok.....so the not drinking with meals is going well (and I know we will change this to not drinking before and for sometime after), but the waiting one minute between bites is pretty hard for me....Oh well, just keep on trying. (I just keep telling myself.....if i don't slow down(once i have the band)its all going to come back up). Learn it now and it will be better/easier later. I have my psych evaluation on the 16th....kind of worried about that, but I have read in other's blogs that it isn't so bad. I truly am happy to have found this site and am happy to be able to connect with others who are going through the pre surgery part and with those who have had the surgery. It is great to have all of the support and validation etc. etc.......ok....thanks for listening today. Good luck to us all!!!!! Keep up the good work one and all. :sad:
  20. questions09

    hurt and disappointed

    Hang in there- it will come soon. take care!!
  21. questions09

    Done and done

    So happy for you!!!
  22. questions09


    Congrats!!! looking forward to updates!
  23. questions09

    12 hours til go time!

    Good luck to you!!!!! excited to hear how it goes.
  24. i too have done alot of research and reading about it all. this site is great for information and support. I am just starting the process....3 moth dr. supervised diet and hopefully surgery in Oct. I understand the whole doing every diet and not lasting success.....here's to the new journey. keep doing the research and ask the questions...good luck to you!!!!!
  25. questions09

    Fri. June 5th surgery time!!

    I wish you the best of luck for surgery and beyond. I have my first nutritionist appt. tomorrow to start my 3 month supervised diet. Im looking forward to the journey, but scared too. So glad to have this site and good supportive friends and family to help through the process. talk to you soon.

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