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LAP-BAND Patients
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About bashful1269

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 10/18/1970

About Me

  • Biography
    [url=http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/w36BMQq/] [img]http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/w36BMQq/weight.png[/img] [/url]
  • Interests
    Photography is my passion! I also like to scrapbook, imagine that. Love to cook, I enjoy writing, camping, crocheting, floral arranging and oil painting.
  • Occupation
    Human Resource Manager
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday bashful1269!

  2. bashful1269

    Can't Eat Without Throwing Up????

    Thanks Ryan! I will do some research. I have a phenominal GI doc, who I trust with all of my hear and soul. But, I have to tell you I did something today that I never thought would work, but it did. A friend of mine told me to go to a hypnotherapist to see if he could help and believe it or not I CAN EAT!!! Basically, he put me into a hypnotic state and then had me visualize the muscles contracting and pushing the food down. I'm praying that it stays working. I'll let you know how I do a few days out. Have a great day Stacy
  3. bashful1269

    Can't Eat Without Throwing Up????

    I'm so glad that I found this post. I was banded in 2009 and I was doing great until about seven months ago when I started having the same issue of not being able to eat anything, heck there were times when I couldn't even get down milk or Water. I've been through tons and tons and tons of test everything from a cardiac cath, stomach emptying study and so on, it's been brutal and expensive to say the least. My doctor called it esophageal spasams or esophageal parastalis and wants me to have motility study done. I'm just glad I'm not alone. Thanks for posting this...
  4. bashful1269

    Very Discouraged

    I feel your pain, I've been banded since July 2009 and have been battling the weight ever since. Although, upon looking at what I've been eating I realize that I really have a sugar addiction. I'm not sure how to compensate for it or how to get over it. It's a struggle I do workout a lot, but I too can eat over a cup of food at a time, even though I know I'm only supposed to be eating a half cup...it's frustrating being a slow loser. i'm glad I'm not alone.
  5. bashful1269

    Bummed i have only lost 25 pounds in 3 yrs

    I'm right there with you guys, however I've been paying attention to what I put in my mouth and realized that I'm really not following what the nut has told me to do as far as staying AWAY from the empty calories of chocolate and candy and the bad food. I just started a biggest loser competition at work, so I'm hoping it gives me the motivation to stay away from the crap I've been eating that's kept me from losing. The band is a tool, and I've not been using my tool...I definitely need support and I'm glad I'm not alone in my battle of the band.
  6. bashful1269

    One Year ago and today

    Me a year ago and today
  7. Good luck on your goal before your next fill, you can do it!

  8. bashful1269

    Haven't posted for a while

    Good point JeweI I'll work on that. I need to be diligent about being on the site it really is inspiring to read about what others are going through.
  9. bashful1269

    Haven't posted for a while

    Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Mainly because I have been so frustrated and down about my band...For three months my scale did not move, despite repeated adjustments and hours of exercise everyday. I'm happy to report thanks to my last adjustment a week ago, I have finally had a change in the number on the scale. I kicked the darned thing out of my bathroom and refused to look at it for a week. Low and behold this morning the number shocked me so much I had to take a picture! WHOOP WHOOP!!! :thumbup: I am now 18 pounds from a goal that I had twenty one years ago. My sister had promised me that if I got down to under 200 pounds that she would buy me a new outfit. Fortunately, she's still willing to do that...can you say "SHOPPING TRIP"!!!!!!!:thumbup::wub::thumbup: Loving the shopping! It's so nice being able to go into a store, pick out the size and know that it's going to fit or that it's going to be a little big..Yup, I said it "BIG" hehe!! Anyway, to all of those who may read this and feeling discouraged by your band, don't give up, just keep going back and getting fills and talking to your fill nurse, it helps. Good luck to all! I'd love to hear from you!
  10. bashful1269

    Haven't posted for a while

    Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Mainly because I have been so frustrated and down about my band...For three months my scale did not move, despite repeated adjustments and hours of exercise everyday. I'm happy to report thanks to my last adjustment a week ago, I have finally had a change in the number on the scale. I kicked the darned thing out of my bathroom and refused to look at it for a week. Low and behold this morning the number shocked me so much I had to take a picture! WHOOP WHOOP!!! :tt1::thumbup: I am now 18 pounds from a goal that I had twenty one years ago. My sister had promised me that if I got down to under 200 pounds that she would buy me a new outfit. Fortunately, she's still willing to do that...can you say "SHOPPING TRIP"!!!!!!!:closedeyes::drool::thumbdown: Loving the shopping! It's so nice being able to go into a store, pick out the size and know that it's going to fit or that it's going to be a little big..Yup, I said it "BIG" hehe!! Anyway, to all of those who may read this and feeling discouraged by your band, don't give up, just keep going back and getting fills and talking to your fill nurse, it helps. Good luck to all! I'd love to hear from you!
  11. I've been struggling with being a slow loser for the last four months. The first two after my surgery were great and then the holidays hit and the loss came to a screeching halt, it's been really frustrating. I workout nearly everyday, come home and make terrible food choices. It's like I'm sabataging myself, I can't for the life of me figure it out. It's like I get to a number on my scale and then freak out. If anyone has been through this and come out of it I'd love it if you'd share some tips as to how in the heck I can stop this terrible behaviors...These are the behaviors that got me to the point of needing the band and I'm scared that I'm going to start gaining weight again...any and all advice welcome. I have gone back to the phyc and she has come up with some good ideas that I am trying to implement in my daily life. I eat great through out the day and then when I'm at home alone I want to eat all night long. H E L P :cursing:
  12. bashful1269

    Whats on your playlist?

    Biggest Loser top 40 hits remix, it's set at 128 bmp and really keeps me moving as long as I stay focused on the beats and not just the words.
  13. bashful1269

    My six month point

    6 months after the band...still have 65 pounds to lose
  14. bashful1269

    How often do you vomit/PB?

    I PB a lot right after a fill, but I think it's mostly because I haven't adjusted to the new way of eating. It takes time to learn, chew chew chew chew...
  15. For me the worst thing is the numbing shot they give you before doing the fill. My last three fills I have told her to just skip the numbing and just do it. It feels like someone is pinching you with sharp fingernails but that's about it. I just take a deep breath and it's done in about ten seconds. I did feel restriction with my first fill the night of my fill, remember it's important to follow what your doc tells you about eating after your first fill. My doc says soft foods for the rest of the day and the following back to normal. I've had seven fills and finally feel like I'm where I need to be. It takes a while, but worth the wait. Good luck, don't be scared.

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