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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jimbo20

  1. After losing 85 pounds in 18 months and having 2 c-sections, my body is ready for this! I am scheduled for April 30th at 7:30am for a circumferential tt with fleur de lis, muscle repair, hernia repair and Lipo. Surgery is supposed to last around 6 hours and my doc is letting me go home the same day with a pain pump. I will be following up with him the next day in the office. I plan on posting before and after pics soon. I just want to thank all of you for sharing your experiences and pics. I also want to thank Dr. Schulman for his advice, opinions, and time to this forum.


    Hi, Cathy:

    Im having lap band surgery this Thurs - I was suppose to be on a pure liquid diet 7 days prior to surgery to shrink my liver -I had a hot dog today - how bad did i screw up?

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