O.K. So I have called Aetna about 12 times to make sure I get things done the correct way. Sometimes I have to talk to member services and sometimes they refer me to precertification. Anyway, from what I understand (and believe me, I've written everything down), is that you see a nutritionist monthly for three months; have an exercise program that can be verified, meaning that they can print out all the times that you've gone (for example, I go to Curves), for a least three months; go to all the required "ologists" (psychologist, pulmonologist, and in my case, cardiologist); and then, all the information from those visits need to be sent to your surgeon. The surgeon sends all of that information in together to precertification with Aetna. Then Aetna makes the decision. I saw that someone had posted that they required you to see your surgeon every month, but I'm not aware of that requirement. So guess what? I'll be calling Aetna today and finding out that answer. Don't be afraid to call Aetna as many times as it takes to get the answers you need. Just like anything else, you're going to get those who really know and care and others who do not.
Sorry about the long post. Hope it helps a little.