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Everything posted by BHalf31

  1. I went to my first informational session a couple of months back and I have my initial consultation with the doctor today. I'm just trying to get an idea as to what to expect. What do they do at the first appointment? What kind of questions do they ask? Thanks in advance!
  2. I'm curious as to what everyone did once they lost weight. I know some people by goal outfits and some people get tattoos and piercings. Some people are just happy with the weight loss itself. What did everyone out there do? I was thinking I want a tatto on my ribs... I think this will help me stay positive and have something new and exciting to look forward to... :smile:
  3. BHalf31

    What to Do...

    So, today I had my first "meeting" with my phone coach from Tufts. I had to answer like a billion questions and listen to all of the program details and stuff. She had me make goals to try to meet in the next two weeks. Now I'm all for losing weight, I mean thats what this is really all about but I'm kind of on the edge of the weight limit anyway and I don't have any other co-morbidities. I'm not really sure if I should take the program seriously and try to do the stuff or if I should just lie to her considering she can't see me anyways. I really want to have this surgery and I think its going to be the best thing for me in the long run. I will even start doing this stuff after I hvae my initial consult but thats not until July! And every where else that I call has just as long of a wait until the initial appointment. I'm on a cancellation list and stuff but still thats a long time. On the other hand, the program might work for me. I don't know. I need something strict but I used to be a college athlete. I know I have some serious will power under there somewhere. I mean come on... I used to wake up at 4 am to go weight lift with the football team. Why can't I find that will power and just make it all go away?!? Why does weight loss have to be so hard and slow and emotional... And maybe I don't have that will power anymore. Maybe somewhere a long the way, life took it away. Well the get up and lift weights at 4 am part... maybe its in a different form now... maybe its me working full time and going to school so I can build medical devices that will change someone elses life... I don't know... What do I do? Follow the program and see if I'm strong enough to do it with it surgery and possibly miss the biggest opportunity I've had... or fake it and lose my last chance to do it on my own... Help!
  4. BHalf31

    What to Do...

    So, today I had my first "meeting" with my phone coach from Tufts. I had to answer like a billion questions and listen to all of the program details and stuff. She had me make goals to try to meet in the next two weeks. Now I'm all for losing weight, I mean thats what this is really all about but I'm kind of on the edge of the weight limit anyway and I don't have any other co-morbidities. I'm not really sure if I should take the program seriously and try to do the stuff or if I should just lie to her considering she can't see me anyways. I really want to have this surgery and I think its going to be the best thing for me in the long run. I will even start doing this stuff after I hvae my initial consult but thats not until July! And every where else that I call has just as long of a wait until the initial appointment. I'm on a cancellation list and stuff but still thats a long time. On the other hand, the program might work for me. I don't know. I need something strict but I used to be a college athlete. I know I have some serious will power under there somewhere. I mean come on... I used to wake up at 4 am to go weight lift with the football team. Why can't I find that will power and just make it all go away?!? Why does weight loss have to be so hard and slow and emotional... And maybe I don't have that will power anymore. Maybe somewhere a long the way, life took it away. Well the get up and lift weights at 4 am part... maybe its in a different form now... maybe its me working full time and going to school so I can build medical devices that will change someone elses life... I don't know... What do I do? Follow the program and see if I'm strong enough to do it with it surgery and possibly miss the biggest opportunity I've had... or fake it and lose my last chance to do it on my own... Help!
  5. BHalf31

    Fun Goals...

    Everyones ideas are great. I'm not a very positive person but these make me feel great!
  6. I have a few questions for those of you who have dealt with the program through the UMass weight center. First off, how long did you have to wait for your initial consult? I called them yesterday after I got my insurance approval and they told me they were booking two and a half months out!!!! Yikes! I wanted to get started ASAP! Also, how long was your process after your initial consult? What were the steps you had to go through? I can't wait to begin but I'd like to hear some stories about the process...
  7. Its so slow! I went to my orientation in April and my initial appointment isn't scheduled until the end of July! I'm a little discouraged. I just want to get started with the process! I do start my 6 month program with a coach through my insurance next week though... Hopefully I can keep being positive. I wish I started earlier! Anyone else going through UMass? We can support each other through the process.
  8. Everyone looks great!!! I'm just beginning my process but this is a big inspiration for everyone who needs some hope! Keep posting people!!!!
  9. Help! I was approved for the I Can Change program through Tufts on Friday. Does that mean I am approved for the surgery as well? I know its a 6 month program that I need to complete but thats all I know. Is this like a test? Also, my PCP contacted Tufts directly and then informed me that Tufts had approved it. Do I need to call Tufts to begin the program or will someone contact me? Any information about this program will be greatly appreciated!
  10. I definitely think doing this is the right thing but I don't think everyone needs to know how the weight was lost. I'm just at the begining of the process but I've only told my mom and my boyfriend. I'm nervous that people will think I'm taking the easy way out but I know that I have tried everything else to no avail. I'm not sure how I'll field questions thought once I start to lose weight. Anyone been in this situation?
  11. Hello everyone, I am brand new to this site and this procedure. I went to my first orientation meeting 3 weeks ago and I am waiting on Tufts to do the I Can Change program and set up my initial appointments. I'm not really sure what to think yet. Has anyone ever felt like they're cheating by having weight loss surgery? Like your not strong-willed enough to do it the correct way? I'm a former college basketball player and I used to exercise and weight lift constantly. Now, no matter how much exercise I do, I just gain or maintain, never lose. Also, my boyfriend isn't thrilled with the idea of me having surgery. He's not against it, he would never make that decision for me, but hes not happy either. We've been together for almost 7 years, and I know he loves me. I'm not sure what to make of his reaction. I'm going to need his support through this. Hopefully other people have had these feelings or problems too. Brittany
  12. BHalf31


    Thank you everyone who has responded. Its extremely encouraging to hear that there are other people having the same thoughts as me. I know I can have will power when I want to, its just really hard to maintain it over a long period of time. Thats why support is huge. Without people to keep you going its impossible. Please, keep providing comments and stories, its great!
  13. BHalf31


    Hello, whoever reads this! I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 21 year old college student and engineering intern. I will graduate with my bachelors degree in plastics engineering in 2010. I plan on getting my masters in medical device engineering. I hope to one day design prosthetic devices for athletes. My freshman year of college, I played basketball. I ran and lifted and was in great shape. I wanted to be a normal college student and have a fun time in a new and exciting environment. I also wanted to be an engineer and had the typical engineering courseload. I also had a boyfriend of 3 years who made the 4 hour trip to see me at school every other week. I ran out of gas pretty quick. Then, I quit basketball. After that it was all downhill. I have an OCD and perfectionist personality to begin with and the anxiety and depression became overwhelming. I wasn't perfect. I let people down and I didn't know how to deal with it. I moved back home to be closer to my boyfriend, who was and still is, my security blanket. He loves me and I love him but because of that I let myself slip and here I am today. I hate my body. I want it to go back to the way it was. I hated it then but it was just me being me. No matter what diet I go on or how much I exercise I don't lose weight. Sometimes I do but then I lose the motivation. It just goes too slowly. I need a jump start. My mom works in cardiology so shes always on me about losing weight. It drives me insane. Nobody can take that day in and day out. I just want to be me again. I went to an orientation meeting a few weeks ago. I hated being there. It makes me actually think about the fact that I'm fat. Usually, I just ignore it. My boyfriend doesn't talk about it either but I see it when he looks at me. He misses the old, athletic, sexy (in his eyes) me. I have to wait 6 months to do a program through Tufts. Dumb... I just want to start this process. I don't know if I can handle the emotions. :ohmy:
  14. BHalf31


    Hello, whoever reads this! I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 21 year old college student and engineering intern. I will graduate with my bachelors degree in plastics engineering in 2010. I plan on getting my masters in medical device engineering. I hope to one day design prosthetic devices for athletes. My freshman year of college, I played basketball. I ran and lifted and was in great shape. I wanted to be a normal college student and have a fun time in a new and exciting environment. I also wanted to be an engineer and had the typical engineering courseload. I also had a boyfriend of 3 years who made the 4 hour trip to see me at school every other week. I ran out of gas pretty quick. Then, I quit basketball. After that it was all downhill. I have an OCD and perfectionist personality to begin with and the anxiety and depression became overwhelming. I wasn't perfect. I let people down and I didn't know how to deal with it. I moved back home to be closer to my boyfriend, who was and still is, my security blanket. He loves me and I love him but because of that I let myself slip and here I am today. I hate my body. I want it to go back to the way it was. I hated it then but it was just me being me. No matter what diet I go on or how much I exercise I don't lose weight. Sometimes I do but then I lose the motivation. It just goes too slowly. I need a jump start. My mom works in cardiology so shes always on me about losing weight. It drives me insane. Nobody can take that day in and day out. I just want to be me again. I went to an orientation meeting a few weeks ago. I hated being there. It makes me actually think about the fact that I'm fat. Usually, I just ignore it. My boyfriend doesn't talk about it either but I see it when he looks at me. He misses the old, athletic, sexy (in his eyes) me. I have to wait 6 months to do a program through Tufts. Dumb... I just want to start this process. I don't know if I can handle the emotions.

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