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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by timeisnow

  1. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya Homecare glad to hear that you are able to eat some solid food now as eating mushies and crispbreads does get a bit boring! i think that possibly the reason behind struggling with solids is that your healing process could be slower than say mine as everyone is different,plus i have religously been taking the arnica tablets pre and post op. i had my first very lean bacon/poached egg butties at the weekend as a treat after a night out..... was bliss just made sure i spent more time chewing them than would normally and no probs. can also eat pitta bread sandwhiches, fresh fish(no batter/crumb)vegetables, and i had a chicken breast with some pasta for tea last night again no probs but i do tend to really chew hard before i swallow the food. saying that i still feel satisfied after eating much smaller amounts than i did before having the band fitted so it could be psychological or im just not fully healed yet internally?? cant wait to get my first fill though as it is getting more difficult to abstain from certain foods that are of no use to me but do tend to taste and look lovely:unsure: keep up the good work Homecare and just keep experimenting with different foods:thumbup: catch u later p.s just finished making another massive pot of homemade veggy soup..lovely!
  2. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi Homecare,odge,gillian and bobo thanks for the advice! well had a good night could only manage two pints of 80 shilling beer at first then had to go onto halves with voddie/diet coke chasers. but went down no probs just drank it a little slower than usual,have a smoker tomorrow night so more drink then that will be me off drink again until a wedding i have in august! re footy... homecare played tonight and no ill effects from the port area during or after the game,wish i could say the same about my calf muscle..... aching got kicked in it!:cursing::confused: catch u later and well done on the weight loss!
  3. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi to all you bandsters and pre bandsters hope everything is positive with you all? And a big "GOOD LUCK" to Flirty for tomorrow,just you do it girl! now i have a question and hope i can get a few answers for it???? i am going out for the first time since being banded to have a drink tonight as my mate is over from abroad,therefore i need to know roughly what to expect when i drink now? i will try bottled beer poured into a glass to get rid of some gas first and if thats too gassy maybe go onto pints or halfs of 80 shilling heavy,later on ill probably go onto vodka/ice with a very small dash of diet coke mmmm:tt2: what do you think guys/girls should this be ok generally to drink with having the band in place after approx 22 days post surgery? i know they say no fizzy stuff but if its not a daily occurence surely it should be ok......answers and advice would be much appreciated?? thanks in advance:thumbup:
  4. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare, thanks re the footy looking forward to it but just hope this stitch doesnt play up?? it was bothering me the other day but yesterday and today nothing thankfully,it was probably due to me trying on new shoes/boots and clothes the day it started up so it must be down to all the twisitng and bending and the muscle not being fully healed yet. i am mainly sticking to my veggy soup,porridge, crispbreads,scrambled egg,yogurts,puddings,jellys but i did have a lovely chicken curry with boiled rice on sat as a treat(small portion) and it went down ok,also had tatties & mince which was fine so tonight i have some smoked haddock & veg to try.......will let u know how i get on!:wub: how are you getting on with the solid food? see yah:smile:
  5. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare, i woudnt worry about that as i am still getting it too!:thumbdown:would imagine its still the muscle healing from where the port is positioned.plus the better it gets the less you feel it so the more we will probably stretch and lift things that might put a wee strain on it again until its fully healed. im playing footy on friday so will see how it goes during and after that work out?:thumbdown: see yah:smile2:
  6. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya homecare, your doing not too bad at all eating those small amounts and feeling full,as i said im eating anywhere from 1000-1200kcals per day approx,no restriction as such but do get fuller alot quicker than before. i dont seem to have a problem eating anything so far mince ,tatties,veg,veggy soup,beans,snack a jaks,porridge, so im having a wee treat tonight small portion of boiled rice with curry sauce mmmm...will let you know how i get on:wink2: i cant believe still got to wait another four weeks until we get our first fill seems ages away just hope i can keep the eating under control as well as i have been till then?:confused: thats good that evelyn is doing well please tell her i was asking for her and wish her all the best:thumbup: keep up the good fight....TIN:smile2:
  7. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya Homecare,just like to say well done with the weight loss so far,are you happy with it up till now? i think its meant to start slowing down now to maybe couple of pounds per week,we will just have to wait and see? im eating in the region of 1000-1200 kcals per day and less than 30% fat,how many kcals you roughly having per day? catch u later. :tongue_smilie:
  8. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi gary and bobo thanks lads for the advice appreciated....being honest i did think it was a bit risky but i do luv the old fitba..but better safe than sorry as they say and just another week to wait:wink: been out on my bike this week already and no probs so will probably stick to that or a run round the park and keep myself ticking over for the footy next week!!:smile2: cheers guys
  9. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    FAO Gary or Bobo or anyone else who can give me good advice on this question please?:smile2: i was told by Frederik to leave sports until the third week however i am due to play indoor football on friday which will be 14 days post op........DO YOU THINK THIS SHOULD BE OK as not too serious a game just a good workout/kickabout??? cheers:smile:
  10. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi Flirty just like to say brilliant post totally from the heart,you have worked dam hard to get to this stage, so now not long until your dream comes TRUE!! go girl:thumbup:...very inspirational!!
  11. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    well thanks alot Bobo,Wishful,Gillian and everyone else for your words re weightloss,much appreciated! still trying to sort oot this ticker thing...doing ma heid in:wink2: p.s ended up cutting and pasting seems to be ok??
  12. hi janice, not doing too bad been having my homemade mushed up soup but going onto the soup which is less blended now.also had a small portion of tatties and mince the other day that was left over from jakes tea went down no probs.

    i am feeling hungry but do tend to fill up reasonably quickly without over eating etc.

    had a treat on sat night a small pkt of chocolate buttons they were mmmmm!lol

    im gonna try possibly a fish pie later in the week see how i get on....what u thinking of having rest of the week?>

    no drink yet but i do have a stag do next sat so will be having a few then i would def think!!



  13. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi there, thanks for the advice have given it a go so see what comes up on this post?? nope not worked problem seems to be when i add the new signature???dont think im doing it correct any ideas?
  14. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi to all bandsters and pre bandsters hope you are winning the fight:smile: well i am now 11 days post op and everything seems to be so far so good,had my stitches out yesterday and they are looking fine. i weighed myself today after another week and thankfully i have lost another five pounds so well happy! i now have to change my ticker so can anyone let me know how i go about doing that please?? im a bit stooopid!:frown:
  15. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya homecare,i had scrambled egg for my lunch today was lovely just made it very runny went down easily! must admit thought needing a few ideas too on what foods to eat now that i am on mushies?? im getting my stitches out too tomorrow!
  16. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi Bobo thanks for the quick reply!:cursing: thats fine then i didnt know you had a few days mushies too so ill just leave first fill till the 11th then plus it makes financial sense too i suppose!:tongue2: cheers
  17. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi all hope you are all doing well regards your personal targets! and a big thank you to everyone for the kind wishes re my return from brussels and post surgery:smile: i have a question regarding fills and hope someone can help me....??? i can have my first fill on thursday 30th July with ECFS but not booked it yet,reason being i have a wedding on the saturday 1st august 2 x days afterwards. i believe you have to stay on liquids for a day or two after being filled???do you think i should be ok to have a drink and eat something like soup, small meal at the actual wedding and not have too much problems? any help on this will be much appreciated:wink2: also booked in with WLS on the 11th August and have taken out their special offer of 6 months aftercare/fills, sounds a very good deal.:tongue2:
  18. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone thats me checking back in safe and sound from being banded on friday 26th in Brussels, everything went very well and looking forward to seeing some weight loss in the near future.:thumbup: Got to say from start to finish everything went pretty much like clockwork...taxi was waiting at airport for us dropped off at hotel 1030am approx room wasnt quite ready so sat outside at tables/chairs for an hour and had a cold drink as it was very warm. in the room by 1130am was pretty basic,clean, tidy but had everything you will need just bring extra coffee,t bags and mugs to drink out of:laugh: had a walk into vilvoorde to get some supplies milk,water,biscuits etc and some dinner(little cafe called "penos" does paninis,pizza,baguettes etc..nice and not too expensive) you have the choice of a Lidl or a CarreFour supermarket to get bits and bobs both pretty easy to find once in town centre. back to hotel after a few hours then got ready to have last meal...i had a cold buffet starter a mix of different salads,salmon,vegetables,breads,stuffed fish etc then a cheesburger after that....be warned it was good but had a weird like pink relish on it that put me right off so if you like a cheeseburger on its own just ask no relish!!:cursing:i was going to have the mixed grill special 12euro but changed my mind when they siad it had garlic on it....i was informed later by homecare and her hubby it was rather tasty and the garlic was just a butter not a sauce as i had thought !!:thumbdown: that night 2100hrs approx i met up with Homecare and another lady from edin when we had our pre op chat with frederik in the hotel,he then comes round to your rooms individually to answer any questions etc and sort out payment. next morning picked up by taxi at 0745hrs approx and taken to the hospital where you are checked in(remember to take passport) you are then given a room,gown,lovely surgical stockings etc mines were tartan:wink2:.....between that you are all asked to go to a meeting room where you meet dr chris who gives you the full consultation and info re surgery and post op. i was second to have my surgery done after homecare i remember being in the op room and it was approx 1114hrs then next thing being woken up after 1200hrs and told everything was fine the op was over....i felt fine after it like i had had a couple of pints and was taken to post op for a bit before going back to my room. once back in the room the nurses etc sort you out re pain relief make you comfortable etc i had my partner visit me about an hour later till 2030hrs...i was tired but in no pain so went well. didnt sleep a wink all night however as nurses checking on your bloodpressure,ecg,pain relief,drip etc every couple of hours but before you know it its 0730hrs and they come in and say you can get up and have a wash etc if you want..which i did felt even better after wash and shave. spent rest of morning having a walk about to get moving and getting bag ready to go....then mid morning you have a post op meeting with Dr Chris where you are given all the info re the band,contact numbers,diet advice etc. After this we were takin individually to get our xrays done to check the positioning of the band was fine...that barium drink was weird reminded me of a sweet bacardi..yuch:thumbdown: anyway all was ok you get back to your room then they give you some dinner...clear soup,dutch crispbreads and jam x 2,tea/coffee...managed to eat most of it apart from one crispbread. i then got dressed finished packing my bags and waited for the taxi to pick us up at 1400hrs which he did to take us back to hotel. once i got back i was straight out again for a walk into vilvoorde to look round shops etc as it was very hot and the rooms had no air conditioning.we were out for a couple of hours sat in the park in the centre then walked back to the hotel and i must admit felt tired but no real pain or nausea. when got back to the room crashed out for about an hour or so then Frederik arrived to check on me to see everything was fine and i had no problems or questions. we went down for our evening meal after 2000hrs i just had soup from the hotel and dutch crispbreads seemed to do me fine. next morning Frederiks dad picked us up and took us to the airport no problems at all.........as i said everything went pretty much like clock work. the hospital seemed spotless the nurses very professional and friendly and made you feel that you were in safe hands all the time i was there so cannot fault the experience at all. i found most of the hotel staff very friendly and accomodating when asking for ice for our room for drinks,more pillows,slimfast in their fridge or using their pc to check in online and print boarding passes. so all in all i would recommend this to anyone as everything so far it as it said on the tin....fingers crossed the next year or so will be the same. homecare a big hello hope your port side aint so sore today??
  19. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi to all bandsters and pre bandster hope all doing well:smile: well the time..is..now as i fly out to Belgium tomorrow morning for surgery on Friday, little bit nervous but really looking forward to getting it done! I think i have covered all the bases and have all the medication just incase i need them..windeeze,nurofen melts,calpol,remegel you name it i have it:biggrin: all going well should get into vilvoorde approx 1000am and according to Frederik will have no problem checkin in at that time.So we might have a journey into Brussels anyone got any advise re getting there, places to avoid and def a good reasonably priced place to eat?? just like to say a big thank you to everyone on this site for all the help, the questions answered and all the good advice you have given me..... it really helped me make my decision to actually go ahead and have the surgery! Homecare look forward to meeting you in Vilvoorde have a safe journey and remember to try and keep thinking positive! well here goes nothing................................................. to be continued!!
  20. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya homecare:smile: being honest i am not too bad and as i said before my only worry is he cant do the surgery for some reason..that would just be disastrous:sad: been on the pre op since week past thursday no alcohol and trying to stay on low fat low sugar foods,had a treat last night though .....had a pizza:tongue_smilie: yeh my partner and son are coming over with me for moral support so just hope it all goes to plan. roll on thursday will probably catch up with you in the hotel the night before the big op? got an email from Frederik about the taxi etc and he will visit my room at 2100hrs approx to collect the cash and give me some more info. lets just think posititve!
  21. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi all bandsters and pre bandsters hope everything is going well for you all:wink: i am hoping somebody can answer this question for me...... we fly out at 7am from edinburgh with BMI to Brussels international and the flight takes approx 1hr 45 mins so i was wondering if we get a meal on the plane?? reason being if not will have to arrive earlier at the airport to have something to eat before boarding. thanks:thumbup: p.s also anyone that has used a "bag drop service" how quickly can you go through the process and what does it actually entail??i will be booking in online the night before and printing our boarding passes then all we have to do is the "bag drop" thing but never actually done it before so any help much appreciated?? how do they know where your bags are going? will we have to put tags on b4 hand with destination etc details?
  22. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare thanks for that will start on the tablets today then:smile: im feeling fine looking forward to it just a bit worried incase Dr Chris cant do the surgery for some reason............ mmm mentioned in another post that a friend wasnt aloud to have the surgery done for 3 x months as she had taken zantac??(dont know why)?? i do tend to take the tesco own brand or rennies if i get heartburn anytime so a wee bit worried now:ohmy: saying that had liver tests done about 8 months ago and everything was fine according to my GP. being honest sooner the better for me cant wait!:wink: re the flight i think what happens is if you check in online at least 24 hrs before dept you can print oput your boarding pass then all you have to do is drop off bags at the "bag drop" seemingly? all the best anyway:cool2:
  23. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone hoping someone on here can maybe answer a question i have?? i bought Arnica tablets yesterday (for the bruising i think??) but i dont know when i should start taking them....is it before actual surgery or afterwards??? also any of u guys Bobo or Garry aka the park prowlers:wink:can you tell me why is it we have to have six incisions?? cheers:thumbup:
  24. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi alex1 ....just like to say all the best for your journey and surgery, but from what i can gather on here you will be in superb hands! i am due to have surgery next week so i am really starting to get nervous but just cant wait to get it done! :blushing:
  25. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi to all you bandsters and pre bandsters hope everything is going fine:thumbup: anyway bought alot of things for taking with me next week and for after surgery such as calpol 6+,nurofen melts, remegel,windeeze,zantac...i also bought arnica tablets(are they for bruising??) can anyone explain when i should start taking them and what they actually do to help please?? also got the super baggy tracksuit bottoms for 4 quid so happy with that!:blushing: if anyone can let me know if i have missed out anything important or think i need to take something else that will help make things easier please do let me know:wink: many thanks

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