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Everything posted by timeisnow

  1. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    totally agree with garry on this.....my heart has had a wee flutter! only problem is we live hundreds o miles apart,im an old fart plus i might need to wear heels to reach up to you for a hello??:w00t: being honest great insperation carriejess reading your progress makes me wish i had set out on this journey a few yrs ago??:blushing:
  2. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya homecare... here gotta say a big well done to you losing 2 pounds while over in good old USA as i know from relatives etc its BIG portions everywhere! hope you all had a brill time? got my next fill on tuesday and do i need it???...for sure!think you are same day as me? anyway maybe speak to you soon and tell T too we were asking for both of you!:w00t: TIN
  3. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    ....once again garry the VOICE of reason.....reading this little post has helped me already! its about taking the rough with the smooth etc and all those sort of cliches but at the end or 6 months down the line we should ALL be closer or where we want to be!:w00t:
  4. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi all!! hope everyone is doing well? not been on the site for a few weeks now as was having probs with pc hopefully all sorted now. Homecare- how did your holiday go?anymore weight loss? i have been really struggling last couple of weeks and have not been really watching what i am eating,however so far been lucky as still hovering about the 24-28 pounds lost!! think i am badly needing another fill which is due next tuesday so hopefully that can get me back on track again??:w00t: so difficult when you are working on just total will power before you get near or reach the "sweet spot"? anyway good thing is i am not putting lots weight back on and am still up for the fight just need a wee helping hand again and suppose this is totally WHY i have had the band done! p.s Bobo think i am gonna try your protein foods as i do think the carbs are not the best for my metabolism! T.I.N
  5. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi everyone hope all is well with you?? well i had my first fill with wendy last tuesday and not made much difference as i expected anyway. however since start of this week been really,really hungry craving the bad things and finding it difficult to stay on the straight and narrow re my food choices!:sad: funny thing is still losing approx 2 pounds per week:smile2: has anyone else experienced this and if so does it pass again?? TIN:thumbup:
  6. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare,yeh might catch up with you at another appointment with Wendy in the future...you never know we might not even recognise each other....:wub: have a safe trip and enjoy your holiday with the family...wish i was going as my dream trip is visiting florida and all the theme parks!:thumbup: take care TIN
  7. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi homecare,yeh thank god as im bloody starving!!! was playing footy tonight hardly had any energy as all i had all day was tinned tomatoes,yakult and a banana mixed with skimmed milk to drink...oh and loads of Water...:thumbup: had Soup for tea carrot and coriander tescos light choices stuff as run out of my homemade soup so have to get the pot on again soon!:thumbup: im booked in for 1200 hrs on the 15th so will not see you this time,hopefully at that time and coming via the m73/74 wont be so bad traffic wise? down another 4 Ibs since being weighed on tuesday with wendy but saying that did have clothes on with money in the pocket etc so maybe about 3Ibs would be right!! im not gonna change my ticker just yet as i normally weigh myself every tuesday anyway...plus i have a night out on sat so the good loss will probably depend on how good or bad i am re drinking/eating wise???:sneaky: P.S thanks gary for the info regarding the rowing machine i would take that as being a probable NO then! funny thought how he now says those vibrating machines are ok because he definately did say to me, homecare and others it was a no no??:sneaky: anyway good to have peace of mind! catch u later TIN:thumbup:
  8. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare, pity as they go fill you up too and a change from bloody soup!:confused: great minds and all that had dutch crispbreads today for my tea with laughing cow extra light cheese on them,good to have something to crunch again! never mind onto mushies/soft foods tomorrow for next three days! TIN p.s did you get booked in ok for glasgow?
  9. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare, yeh dunno what she was thinking re the pregnancy thing and dates so just have to hope it doesnt effect our fills? well i have had homemade soup got little bits of veg in it as i mashed them,also had a couple of yogurts,custard pots too over yesterday and today as im bloody starving.cant just live off liquids for three days no way....so im just making sure that the yogurts are quite runny same as custard adding a little milk to them. have u tried the chopped tomatoes yet..i enjoy them too add a little bit of seasoning or curry powder to give them a bite!mmm catch u later:smile: ps good stuff gary re your band bet your happy now its all sorted:thumbup:
  10. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare hows it going today?? thought i would let you know contacted collen today to book for next fill and seemingly wendy got the dates wrong its not the 8th sept but 15th sept in glasgow!!on the 8th she has people booked in for fills in leeds. so basically thats another five weeks until next fill:ohmy: bloody starving the noo on this liquid diet!you could maybe try some tins of tomatoes they are good for filling you up, i had a couple so far and hardly any calories in them! catch u later:wink2:
  11. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    well done Bobo bet you felt a million dollars!! thats the sort of info that will help anyone on here when they are struggling,great stuff. p.s thanks for the info earlier:wink2:
  12. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Fatduck.....my appointment is for 1500hrs so all going well should be there about 1445 ish? said on the info i got i would be in for an hour ....is that usual for the first time at WLS? so maybe catch you if timings are ok,have a good one anyway if i dont see you there!:cool: TIN:thumbup:
  13. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare...you are correct re appointment time im at 1500hrs on tuesday!:cool: just hope i can find the place ok and the traffic aint too bad,will have a look on autoroute b4 i leave too just to keep me right! see yah tuesday:smile:
  14. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi all .....all the best for anyone going out to Brussels! Gary..and was it mmm.??anyway... re the rowing machine yeh that would be great if you could double check if it can be used regularly,sorry if i got anyone really worried about it:blushing: Homecare...not long to go now until our first Fill thank god! im there at 1530hrs if i remember correctly??so will probably see you there in the passing etc?:biggrin: just hope it does give me some restriction as working on will power alone at the mo and not easy as i did have a great LOOONNNNG WEEEEKEND partying!:wink2: back to being good again though!:nanahump::Banane56: hows your eating going getting any easier for you yet?or still pretty hit and miss? ok catch u later,take it easy TIN
  15. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi mandy, just thought i would reply after reading as i think im not far behind you re banding? must admit wish i had lost more as not eating loads however been told even a pound a week is a good thing? worked it out since my 30th and i have only put on 3 pounds per year now im OBESE! SO a pound less is great especially as you get older..eventually this punishement of liquids will be worth it! keep yur chin up:rolleyes2:
  16. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya jackie, basically i would take what you have heard as very good advice to cover all aspects till u get home! however i have a cupboard full of things i never used such as remegal,painkillers,nurofen melts (used a few) had things we got from the hospital etc never used it depends on each person so better safe than sorry! gotta say the windeeze have been a god send if you do have likes of homemade soup(mushies) later or drink lager coke etc as the wind was bad after the soup and lager!:huh2: anyway good luck and just do what i did and use this excellent board to answer many questions. and find new friends when ur actually there... if ur still struggling anyone on here will help no probs!
  17. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya dont want to be a spoil sport but cdb told the group NOT to use those sort of machines etc not good for the band?:huh2: if you have time b4 to use all well and good! sorry to tell you that hope it all goes well....ps also said cant use the sit up device or rowing machines too repetetive and i have both from 15yrs of belly fight! good luck
  18. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi garry sorry this is a bit late but not been on due to the weekend wedding that stretches till monday night!:huh2: so glad to hear that you are being well looked after from the "main men" and you are impressed makes me breath a little easier incase i have any probs in the future re my own band!
  19. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    personally guys i think that they both will do better in the long run combining their services especially as a total surgery/aftercare service. i know from my own experience i am and am still very worried about what happend say after i return home to uk or 2 yrs down the line?....so if they can tie this up together with some sort of gaurantees for problems such as garys etc then all the better for us and their reputation for all round service? good luck gary and see you soon homecare as i need a fill fast....too much drink at the weekend at wedding and after it with all the parties...knackered!:huh2:
  20. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    thanks for that bobo!
  21. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone hope all is well in the weird and wonderful world of lapband?? Gary just like to say all the best of luck for tomorrow hope it turns out positive for you! also got a question regards post fill....how long are you on liquids and mushies afterwards? take care :juggle:
  22. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi Homecare, try to not let this get you down...as a few folk have already mentioned enjoy the restriction while you can. a good thing will be when you go for your first fill with WLS, from what i have read on here about wendy etc she will be able to set your mind at ease re answering all your questions. as for me yes i can eat some solid foods but thankfully not in the quantities i used to be able too plus i think i am basically using mostly will power at the moment and can def do with some help from a fill or two:unsure: im only losing about a pound per week just now...so im stepping up my excercise this week as i want to lose at least three pounds b4 wedding on saturday!! keep fighting the good fight!:crying: p.s Mandy just to repeat what others have said sleep on your decision as IT IS MOST DEF NOT PERSONAL plus the forum is here to help everybody! i would just pass on some advice which i did ..if you have a question you really need answered actually put it to a specific bandster who you think can maybe help?? good luck
  23. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Fatduck feel for yeh.. gotta agree is really hard especially when away on a trip or something special and everyone else is tucking in to goodies! maybe try this if you can...the way i am handling food until i get my first fill on 11th august (and i can do with the support from it now) is to try to stick to good foods during the week...then come the weekend i dont go crazy but have a treat for tea ....ie chicken curry/boiled rice/a handful of chips...only managed half the amount i used to eat but was genuinely full up. later on watching a dvd i had 2x kiddies small bag of maltesers to quench my chocolate thoughts! these treats give me things to look forward to as i have been good during the week so it might work for you?? eg on sundays i have two crispy rolls with very lean bacon and poached eggs for brunch...its lovely! then back to good foods for tea chicken and veg with gravy plus small pot of custard. we cant deny ourselves everything as this is a marathon not a sprint so just try and give yourself little treats every day and keep this going until you get your first fill then hopefully you will get the help you need with the restriciton of some sorts?:drool: plus try and think of the weight you have already lost which is brilliant so even maintaining your weight or losing a pound a week which i seem to be down to is at least going in the right direction until the fill. plus DONT punish yourself too much if you have treats etc all part of the learning curve whilst dealing with our eating habits i think:rolleyes: best of luck:wink2:
  24. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hi homecare, thanks for reminding me of that i think it could have been a mixture of the white bread/rolls that did it combined with the gassy booze as had rice pots b4 and no probs:frown: anyway feel alot better today thank god none of that pain and discomfort in my chest area,so from now on will have to be a bit more careful re what i am eating/drinking!! weighed myself today only lost half pound but suppose not too bad when i was out drinking on thursday and saturday and was a bit relaxed on my eating habits too??? hows your weight loss going?glad to hear those "ann summer" type pants are doing good things for you and yer hubby!!! see yah
  25. timeisnow

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    hiya homecare,i dont have exactely that but sounds like you have possibly overdone something slightly?? however must say i am in a bit of discomfort for the first time since actual surgery.....? dunno how to describe it but feels like my stomach is constantly churning/soar stomach feeling ( but had soup rice pot today) also alot of wind yesterday not so much today but still have this pain in my chest like something is working its way down into my larger stomach from the pouch maybe??or could it just be trapped wind again??have taken a rennie last night and windeze today but to no avail.................could this even be something to do with how do i say this ...needing to take some laxatives even though i go daily??:bored: any advice much appreciated. p.s gary hope the problem with the band sorts itself out soon for yeh and no as bad as you are thinking!

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