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LAP-BAND Patients
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About 52209

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  • Birthday 03/22/1973

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 36 year old Domestic Engineer. Married 16 years. I have 2 1/2 kids(the 1/2 is my pup).
  • Interests
    Interior Design,Travel, Family, Spirituality
  • Occupation
    Domestic Engineer
  • City
    Salt Lake City
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  1. wow. I attemped a little tiny thumb sized piece of bread and it got stuck and I PB'd. I guess everyone is different. It's not so much no carbs for a year to say it's dramatic limitations, because most carbs come in the form of pasta, bread etc. and they are very hard to digest and you have a bigger chance of it getting stuck and throwing it up. I attempted rice with ricotta cheese the other night and spent about 20mins throwing it all up. I was sick as a dog.

    Other then that, I've been good, very strict with myself about what I'm eating. I'm on basically mush/softs .. wounds are healing nicely, having port trouble when wearing a bra but thats about it.

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