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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by azuredreams

  1. azuredreams

    Hello from Oklahoma

    Hey chicka... Im from Oklahoma too. Norman area!!! My surgery date is set for May 26th.
  2. Just be honest with them about it... I quit smoking for my up coming surgery and yes I had to do a Nic. Test too. Its blood BTW, Good luck on it, and like I said just be honest tell them about using the gum and any cheating you might have done... Im sure they have heard every story out there and as long as you have quit and are totaly quit them im sure they will still do surgery.
  3. Hello, Im new and just wanted to introduce myself. Im Amy, Im 29 and I live in Oklahoma and Im to be banded on May 26th. I have a online support group that I go to normally but I was interested if there are ladies around the oklahoma area, because there are not in my other support group. Anyhow Im very excited to be joining the new band life style and looking for new friends. :thumbup:
  4. azuredreams

    Wedding day

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  5. azuredreams

    Pictures of Me

  6. azuredreams

    At the liberty bell

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  7. azuredreams

    Butterfly me.

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  8. azuredreams

    At a ren fair

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  9. azuredreams

    Len and I dating

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  10. azuredreams

    My husband and I

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  11. azuredreams

    Len and I on one of our first dates

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  12. azuredreams

    My husband and I

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  13. azuredreams

    My daughter LOL

    From the album: Pictures of Me

  14. azuredreams

    me on my honey moon

    From the album: Pictures of Me

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
