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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by adorablentx2

  1. adorablentx2

    Why "Chew To Liquid" is Absurd

    Well when I went in for my pre-op appointment I was told to chew to liquid which I did but of course the full feeling didnt come at all, I guess it went straight throught the band:bored:. Trying to swallow with that anyhow once your food gets to a point when its comletely chewed like that your tounge kinda acts like a windshield wiper and scoops the food to the back of your throat anyway so half of it is liquid and half is semi solid so what is the benefit. Anyhow mush chewing for me no more liquid calories glad I read the post and got the info . Thanks for the post! Later, B.
  2. adorablentx2

    28 months ago!

    This is very inspiring to see that even though the band is in place you still have to work to be healthy it doesnt just fall off. I think this a realistic view of how you can use your band or not. If you want the results your going to have to go get them. Thanks and I'm sure there are other who will appreciate it as well.
  3. Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a woman who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C s. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable

  4. I No exactly what U R goin thru. After surgery I was like WHAT DID I DO 2 MYSELF??? I was devastated! We R our own worst enemy. Look forward 2 life instead of letting it pass us by, engage N life instead of sitting quietly N the corner. UR Journey as well as mines is just begining. Wait until U have 2 get new clothes, compliments, new bill of health N never having 2 worry bout savin those old clothes just N case U gain back the weight. NEVER AGAIN, out with the old N oversized N hello 2 the new. U were ready 4 change N this is the begining of it. If U need 2 talk hit me up anytime."B good 2 URself starting today N forever!

    Later, B.

  5. adorablentx2

    Disappointed in Myself

    We all fall down but its what you do after that. At least your realized you made a mistake. If that was any of us before this surgery we would have been like okay well i messed up on another diet, ill go ahead and polish this off and start a new tomorrow but does that really happen? Take your time and dont beat yourself. We are our own worst enemy. "What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out." I truly believe that you, me and everybody that has stuggled with our weight are finally finding out what it means to truly live. Take care of yourself and be good to yourself. LAter, B.
  6. adorablentx2

    I think I am a little stronger now.

    Your doing good and its even better that you have somebody to go with you. Keep pushing yourself even when you dont feel like it. Once you get out there you will feel better you did. Dont forget all the wonderful clothes to go with that new figure. You are headed for success so keep pushin. Later, B.
  7. adorablentx2

    Psych hostage!!!

    Keep the faith and keep going, you are almost there. I'm sure that things will turn out alright, and I will say prayer for you and what you are going through. Take care!
  8. How are you doing just wondering if you had your surgery or anything yet?

  9. adorablentx2


    I can relate completely to all of your story. It's said that we cant just be normal people with feeling and emotions. I didnt hide behind my smile but I tried to hide in my clothes so I stuck to work out clothes and sweat pants. I played sports in high school and college so those were regular clothes for me so I thought that as long as people saw me in that, they would think about the sports I was playing and not how big I was. I just got out of relationship with my boyfriend of almost a year and I can say that he really truly loved me for me and I think he is the only one that actually loved every bit of me just the way it was. Even though the relationship didnt work out I still love him and probably always will just because of those reasons. However I think that we have to learn to love ourselves and know ourselves. I never really loved myself until I was with him he taught me that, he taught me a lot. I always thought that men were after me because of my money and that nobody was capable of loving me because I didnt see anything beautiful about myself and he made that one impossible thing about me possible. Just continue to learn that no matter what anybody says you are worth more than this world can give you and that someday there will be a person that will give you the world and more. Later, B.
  10. adorablentx2

    Did I make the right decision?

    I think everybody that has had the surgery questions themselves, (WHAT DID I DO AND WHY) I think its normal to question, and you wouldnt be human if you didnt. Once you start making the change and it becomes a routine and you see the weight start coming off than all of that will change. I questioned myself and I even thought that maybe I did something wrong, but when I came back to work and put on my work pants and they didnt fit I was like (OH YEAH) and I dont have to worry about any of that weight coming back and my self esteem has taken a boost as well as my wallet cause I'm not buying any clothes as long as I have a belt or can wash my clothes enough for them to fit...lol... You have just started your journey but the reason why you did it is sitting in your home with you. Take out a pair or jeans you used to wear or a shirt, and compare it to the jeans and shirts your wearing now I'm sure it will bring a smile to your face to know that you are on your way to getting into those old clothes. Good luck and if you wanna talk hit me up. Later, B.
  11. adorablentx2

    First Steps...

    Stay focused and motivate and everytime you think about not working out or eating something your not supposed to think about your motivations. I think everybody has there struggles but you didnt pay all that money and let a surgeon freely cut on you for nothing. Nobody in my family is overweight so it's been hard to go my whole life feeling like the odd ball. I was a healthy 274 thank you lord so no co-morbidies but I still didnt like being the odd ball. Everyday I look at my scars, stretch marks, and old pictures to remind myself of what I'm leaving behind and what I am looking forward to. I hope that you and your wife kick a** together and you are around a long time for your little girl. Best of luck to the both of you on your journey and push each other everyday because its going to be hard. Take care, B.
  12. adorablentx2


    I was the same way it was so hard to do but I just sipped or ate my dinner...lol.. I thought about the taste of their food and everything while i sat there with my broth. While I was sipping my broth and they were eating I was full by the time they even got started good. However, if you get the urge to eat there food before you've had yours then I would say drink some water or take a walk before you do something thats gonna make you feel guilty and horrible at the same time. I hope this helps, and congradulations on your date. Later, B.
  13. adorablentx2

    3rd fill

    Keep up the good work and leave though unknowledgeable ones to their thoughts. We already have enough on our plate with having the surgery and questioning that, and then the added pressure of comments. As long as you are happy and feel that you are productive and doing a good job then by all means keep doing your best. Get'er done and keep trucking you are on your way. LAter, B.
  14. adorablentx2

    What I Wish I'd Known Before Being Banded...

    Great job on posting. I agree with the food journal,diary for thoughts and the pictures. I have done all of those I just kind of fell into the food journal I just wrote it down one day and now its a everyday thing when I go to my room that is the first thing I'm reaching for. I also record my workout in my food journal I think its more of accountability for me. It keeps me honest with myself and what I've been doing to change and work on my health. Oh yeah the idea of it falling of I did the same thing like okay band, check, sugar free food, check smaller portions,small bites and healthy food, all check but the weight didnt come off. I started working out and do so about 4 to 5 times a week. It is a good idea to start asap I waited about a month before I did anything and it was horrible. I am usual good on the elliptical and thought that me first starting out I would be able to knock out 20 minutes with ease, I WAS WRONG!!! I got up to 10 minutes and 15 minutes occasionaly before I would be out of breath and tired. I mean it felt like I was sprinting the whole time. With the band its a learning and growing experience and to me its the best WLS. It makes you concious about you decisions and how well your body tolerates things. I love me band and wouldnt change the fact that I have it for anything. I however am at a stand still, I havent had a fill since my surgery which was in Feb. Although I havent had a fill and find myself taking in more food I make sure that I dont over do it and that I drink a lot of water as well exercise I am not gaining but sustaining at the time and thats good enough for me until I get my fill. ER the post was great. I think anybody that reads this will definately be informed and prepared about what to expect and what they endure when they are banded.
  15. Hey Monkey thanks for the message. I was banded on Feb 18, 09 and have being trying to get the food i need. I didnt really think about can foods until BG messaged me so I'm gonna take look and get some protein food and find some more sugar free food cause the food I ordered that was sugar free they didnt send for some reason. However I appreciate your message. Thank you,

  16. adorablentx2

    Twp Months Post-Op and the old jeans are now in the garage sale

    Congrats LOSSER!!! I wish you continued success and many more additions to the garage sale. Keep on trucking! LAter, B.
  17. Thanks for the message, as for protein the only thing the prepare is grilled chicken, I try to be careful with the chicken because It gets stuck sometime the same as turkey. I didn't think about canned meat thats great. As for sugar free I did order sugar free jello and alot of it but for some reason they didnt ship which I didnt know until I open the box and there was a not that said they were sorry they didnt ship. One thing though with the canned meats is there a lot of sodium thats one thing that the consultant told me to watch out for. As I've been eating I have noticed that I do use salt and I have never been a big salt eater. However, thank you for the comment it was very helpful.


    Thank you, B.

  18. adorablentx2

    Need some info.....

    HELLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hey fellow band members its me again I think this has become an addiction to get on here since everybody has something to say and valuable info. I have a protein shakes which are really good and all that but I want a change. I went to net grocer and order some peach halves in light syrup, wheat thins, rice cakes, slim fast and fruit chillers which is frozen fruit. I work in Iraq so its kinda hard to find the food that I need to make healthy choices which is the reason I ordered what I did. I know that we are supposed to have sugar free what ever but unfortanley all the food that I order is not as such. I just recently started drinking a lot of water. Anyhow I'm getting off subject. I wanted to know if the choices that I made from net grocer okay or does anybody have any food reccomendations and also how much sugar if any is okay to consume. I havent had a fill since I've been banded and I noticed that I am taking in more food which is the reason for so much water to keep me full and to make sure I dont gain anything I lost already. I plan on getting a fill when I go home on vacation in June but I just need some helpful info to see if my choices are bad or okay. Any help you guys got would be great. You guys are a great support system and I really do thank all of yall for being here it makes my struggle that much easier to know I have people I can turn to that know what I'm going through. Thanks again guys!!!:ohmy: LAter, B.
  19. Hello Judy I saw you made a post on another persons page and saw that you drank slim fast is that after you had your surgery, or was that before I'm try to lose some more even though I havent been to have a fill I was banded on Feb 18, 09 and work in Iraq but wont have my first fill until I go on vacation in June. I am stuck at losing only 16 pounds and dont want my Dr. Holis to think that I havent been working my butt off cause I have but I want him to be proud and so do I but its kinda discouraging to know that I am at a stand still even though I'm working hard. I may be only losing inches right now cause my clothes are fitting lose but the scale is telling a total different story. I didnt mean for this to be long but I guess I'm just venting a little bit. Sorry about that.


    Later, B.

  20. adorablentx2

    Need some info.....

    HELLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hey fellow band members its me again I think this has become an addiction to get on here since everybody has something to say and valuable info. I have a protein shakes which are really good and all that but I want a change. I went to net grocer and order some peach halves in light syrup, wheat thins, rice cakes, slim fast and fruit chillers which is frozen fruit. I work in Iraq so its kinda hard to find the food that I need to make healthy choices which is the reason I ordered what I did. I know that we are supposed to have sugar free what ever but unfortanley all the food that I order is not as such. I just recently started drinking a lot of water. Anyhow I'm getting off subject. I wanted to know if the choices that I made from net grocer okay or does anybody have any food reccomendations and also how much sugar if any is okay to consume. I havent had a fill since I've been banded and I noticed that I am taking in more food which is the reason for so much water to keep me full and to make sure I dont gain anything I lost already. I plan on getting a fill when I go home on vacation in June but I just need some helpful info to see if my choices are bad or okay. Any help you guys got would be great. :smile: You guys are a great support system and I really do thank all of yall for being here it makes my struggle that much easier to know I have people I can turn to that know what I'm going through. Thanks again guys!!! LAter, B.
  21. I know the feeling about being comfortable in what you wear it really determines your mood. I tell you I am in the same boat with you when it comes to just walking into a store and not the plus size side. You know with all of us getting healthy and fine were going to knock Lane Bryant and Miss Stewart right on out of business. I HOPE IT HAPPENS!!!! Keep me posted on how your doing.

  22. Yeah i know what you mean about the booty..lol... Also I never had the problem of wearing my pants down in the thigh area, until I was at work and my pants ripped. I was so embarrassed and that was an even bigger reason for me to have my surgery. When I go home I'm going to make a toast to you and I and no more ruined cloths WOOOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!

  23. adorablentx2


    I think that this is a good surgery for people who are able to accept that they are not perfect. They have tried a failed at weight lost more than once not that it was to slow happening, but they lost the weight and it disappeared and then came back with some more friends. You may actually do good with the 6 month program and continue that. I mean if you feel that wls is the only option I hope that you make a well thought out decision and are able to handel the fact that its not going to happen over night. The band is a tool to help you but in the process you have to help yourself. I hope that you talk to somebody who may be able to give you a little more insight about this but if you need encouragement or somebody to talk to hit me up. Take care of yourself, B.
  24. Its just a friendly challenge but the money would be to have your own personel piggie bank which is used to track your progression. So for every pound you put in a dollar and for every gain you take a dollar out. Once you reach your goal then you take the money saved and buy a new outfit with it. Just a motivational tool to keep us losing and tracking our progress to stick with it.

  25. adorablentx2

    Biggest loser with lap band

    I was thinking that myself and anybody that was willing to have our own biggest loser challenge. It would be just a friendly challenge to get each other motivated and on the road to losing and sharing our stories together. I'm not gonna lie and I know that I'm going to need help and if there is anybody interested hit me up. I think it could be a positive out come for everyone involved.

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