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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Janaw

  1. I was banded 10/15/09 and let me tell you , if there was Olympic Competition for farting , I would be on the gold medal podium.. I als belch - long and loud-- it is creepy, but hey halloween in coming up so this might work to my advantage.

    My biggest problem, is "gringo bingo"-- I get a rumbling and make a beeline for the bathroom.. So far I have made it on time, but it quite scary.. I have had NO SOLIDS -so where is this coming from??

    Before my surgery on June 7, 2010 I was told that band people usally do more burping and by-pass folks do the farting WELL....wrong answer, I am farting now and we are speaking alot. :thumbup: This is awful! No problem with burping.

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