I have had my surgery done here in Germany while we are stationed here, so Im not sure if mybe there was something lost in translation between my dr and me, I knew it would be slow and I was cool with that,Im not a big fan of the loose skin and wanted to be able to tone as i go... I was banded on june 5th of 09, and yes i was too hoping that when I woke up I would be skinny and tone but we all know thats not happening! what I was not prepared for was that I dont really feel much different than I did befor the surgery, minus the scares and soreness that is now going away too.i have had no trouble talarating any foods that i want to eat, except for liquids, seems like they sit in my stomach, heavy feeling almost. has anyone else experienced this feeling, the food part is not the problem. do you think that after the fillings start that I will see a difference then?