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Frank the Tank

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Frank the Tank

  1. Ok, I know I'm kind of a minority (so it seems from my reading) in that I've been an athlete in the not so distant past--- AND I want to get back into sports. I want to know if there are any serious weightlifters around here--- and if so, what have you done to maintain your strength while losing weight? Currently I can squat in excess of 500lbs (rack, not leg press) and have solid upper body strength as well (though I haven't lifted seriously in a good 6 or 7 years) I made a major purchase. Protein before and after workouts-- I just really don't want to work my ass off and watch myself get weaker while I do it. I've considered using clen, or even supplementing with T3, but I'd rather keep this natural and not have to deal with unwanted side effects and risks. There simply isn't much info on thsi subject out on the web at all-- there are people who became lifting freaks to cut weight and those of us who have been banded--- but I'm having a hard time finding people who have done worth. I realize that cardio is important for fat burning, and do have a cardio component planned for my workouts-- (I own a heavy bag, boxing workouts are GREAT for cardio and some muscle development-- even shadow boxing can be a great workout)... I may end up just having to trial and error a lot of this, and maybe even do a strength training themed blog here on the site with my progress--- but would be very, very greatful if someone had some experience with serious weightlifting after being banded. thanks in advance.
  2. Frank the Tank

    The Mrs. @ WEMF

    From the album: Before type pictures

  3. Frank the Tank

    Before type pictures

    Pictures of me at various stages up to my surgery, some with the wife, friends, etc.
  4. Frank the Tank

    MAY 2009 Bandsters - shout out!!!

    actually, immediately post-op, protein drinks are excluded from the plan my surgeon uses--- just clear liquids with 3-4 "meals" per day--- consisting of 1/4 cup of fruit juice, half of a popsicle, etc. I don't progress to full liquids until my follow up---which is coming up on friday--- 8 days after my surgery--so no protein, vitamin supplements, etc till then. I did tomato soup made with water today, no problems there--- I just wish i had some energy and could chew something...
  5. Frank the Tank

    May 2009 BANDSTERS

    Couldn't resist talking a little hockey smack--- I think it'll be a great series---the two hottest teams own the stretch meeting up in the ECF--- I think it'll go 6 or 7. The big question up here is whether or not Coach Cowher shows his face at the games cheering for the canes, or just stays away from any controversy... haha
  6. Frank the Tank

    May 2009 BANDSTERS

    Got done 2 days ago by Dr. Robert Quinlin in Pittsburgh. Still sore, but dropping lbs by the minute... down to 351, was 356 when i went to the hospital---clears is driving me up a wall... plus, I seem to swallow air every time I "sip" no matter how small the sips... i had hiccups for about 45 seconds last night--- god did that hurt. Other than that, just trying to take it easy, and wait for the penguins to start whipping on the hurricanes...
  7. Frank the Tank

    MAY 2009 Bandsters - shout out!!!

    Well, I put a call in, and the regular dietitian was off---I got the new one who has only been there a couple weeks... I don't even think she heard me say "band"-- or doesn't know the differences yet herself---because she mentioned dumping to me... but basically said that the goal was to have my stomach rest as much as possible, so that my goal is to stay hydrated and consume something (popsicle, juice, jello) with 15g of carbs three times a day (as meal replacement)-- for phase 1 of the diet (clears)--she says this is all I'm supposed to have (then other calorie free/very low cal(broth, etc) liquids)---- I'm on this phase for an entire week (8 days to be precise)--before my first post-op appointment... then i move to full liquids/purees as tolerated... there is pureed lasagna in my future....
  8. Frank the Tank

    MAY 2009 Bandsters - shout out!!!

    Surgery went well. Doc said my liver was big--not fatty, just big--he was surprised, especially since I dropped 18lbs in the week of my pre-op liquid diet. BUT, I'd love to kill nurse ratchet, from the recovery room. I woke up in excruciating pain. not foggy, groggy, etc at all. My pain really wasn't under control at all until I left the hospital... I'm one of those people who is just kinda impervious to the stuff--- when I blew my knee they gave me oxy 10's, and those didn't dent the pain... I told the wife that seeing as the only co-morbidity I have is sleep apnea---that i would have never had the surgery had I known that 20 hours of the worst pain I've ever felt was to follow. Also kinda annoyed that the post-op diet is very different from what we talked about in class (i went to my classes at the office of my surgical group)---I'm basically supposed to be on clears, i knew that---but it looks like to the tune of 250-300 calories a day--- great, just what I need, my body to start burning muscle--anyone who knows anything knows that the body, when it thinks it is starving, will go for the easy to burn, tough to maintain, muscle tissue first... so, frank the tank is a bit aggravated, and plans on calling the dietitian soon.
  9. Frank the Tank

    MAY 2009 Bandsters - shout out!!!

    surgery in 11 hrs, 19 minutes. all should be well. cheated a wee bit on the pre-op liquids, but I've dropped 20lbs in 6 days... feeling like hell-- dietician told me today i could do 4oz chicken breast... i added a slice of low fat provolone... and i took a bite of a cheeseburger on day 2. wife (who goes 115 soaking wet with boots on) was eating it, and i had to liberate a bite... full well knowing buns may not be in the cards for me again... and getting dizzy as i drove... good luck to everyone else coming up soon.
  10. Frank the Tank

    Doctor Recommeded Against Lap Band

    wow. I'm amazed (though in my line of work, i shouldn't be) at how many bad surgeons are out there. Mine is very well respected, has done tons of RNYs and Bands (he's mid 50's, the perfect age to be cutting me in the opinion of my attorney, who happens to be me)-- he put on no pressure for either procedure, even though he charges about 5k more for the bypass. This is the kind of guy who is booked ahead by almost 5 months, because he's THE guy in the Pittsburgh area... He talked to me about what kind of eater I am, and outlined the things needed for success with the band--- he said only rarely did he try and push an option that wasn't what the patient had in mind---because in his experience, most people know what is going on and what they want well before they see him. He will advise them to go the other way when he thinks they are making the wrong choice, but told me that happens less than 10% of the time for him. Glad I got my guy---this thread was making me apprehensive about tomorrow--- but my group has been in existence for quite a while, is a "center of excellence" --and has experience with the band back to US clinical trials. I've been told that even 5 years out, they've seen very few coplications, and that they are very proactive about fixing things when they do go wrong. My surgeon said that from what he has seen, that the band is the safer way to go. everyone is different, but i'm damned glad i'm in good hands, and intend on following the post op to the letter.
  11. Hey all, Like the great Terrell Owens once said "I love me some me." That pretty much sums me up, so writing this intro will be fun. In 29 years I've managed to see and do many things. I've lived in the projects, and in a couple of trailer parks... I've started and grown my own business (Ice cream trucks--probably responsible for at least 20 lbs of me)-- Have driven across the USA twice. 2nd in my extended family to graduate college. 1st with a graduate/professional degree (Pitt Law '07). I've been everything from a garbage man to a "rave" promoter. (ravers hate the word rave, we just say "party"). I've been married for going on 7 years to the best girl in the world. I've played football, rugby and indoor soccer competitively (high school, college club and intramural). My band goes in thursday, may 14th. Dr. Quinlin in Pittsburgh will be doing the surgery. The liquid diet is leading me to consider eating one and/or both of my cats. Developing sleep apnea is what did it for me---a signal of my mortality, and the fact that if I don't take the weight off... it'll start impacting my health--- That's why I'm doing it.
  12. Frank the Tank

    Well it's the big show! (new guy)

    Thanks, all. I'm only a day away now... My dietician cleared me for four ounces of chicken breast, which is broiling now... some people say they weren't very hungry after the 1st couple days... for me---that has not been the case. I've been lifting for a while, too... and maybe continuing to lift during the liquid diet phase wasn't the smartest thing, as far as hunger goes... plus I've gone lower carb than suggested... they told us high Protein boost or ensure 3 times a day---that is only 45g of protein and over 100g of carbs, I've gone with supplements (EAS, muscle milk and a powdered protein w/skim milk) that give me about 70g of protein and only around 50g of carbs a day... figuring that they said high protein/low carb) losing the weight is going to be pretty kickass, I'd like to be able to ply sports again on some level, even if it's just finding a few over 30 "old man" leagues about a year from now... and yeah, Jul, I am a little bit of a wrestling fan, though over the last 5 years, my interest in it has dropped off some.
  13. I get banded thursday. 1st surgery, a little nervous about that. But my doc knows I'm a lawyer, so he'll bring his "a" game. j/k

  14. Frank the Tank

    @ Penn State-- 2000, LOADED :)

    From the album: Before type pictures

  15. Frank the Tank

    TCOB -- Akron Ohio (2006)

    From the album: Before type pictures

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
