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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by xemmaleighx

  1. personally i use anything upbeat but heavy, i think it motivates me to work harder if that makes sense. lately i've just been hitting pandora radio on my ipod and listening to the shinedown, linkin park or 90's alternative station and hop around on the 3 when a slow song comes on. it's not that i'm the biggest fan of some of these groups but their music all has a great driveing drum and bass line which keeps me energized.

  2. how did you ladies do with insertion of mirena? i had mine inserted today and passed out in the doctors office. i've never fainted before so that threw me a little bit. i've had severe cramping all day and have been using a heating pad off and on as well. i like to think i have a high threshold for pain but that was a bit rough today. the cramping has begun to subside but woo what an event it was

  3. hey to each their own. i'm pro choice and i vote and i figure if i stay on birth control i'm not faced with the decision of what to do with a pregnancy that's not wanted at this time in my life.

    and i agree, it makes me completely evil around shot time. i'm switching to mirena on tuesday.

  4. my procedure yesterday was done in the urology department part of the hospital. there was some kind of imaging machine that was positioned directly over my stomach and you were able to see the port. they also felt around for it as well and then applied a lot of pressure as they inserted the needle.

  5. my biggest add to my Protein intake to allow for the veg and fruits has been adding 20 grams of protein by mixing a pack of either vanilla or chocolate Unjury into my morning coffee or also into a snack of pudding. it helps to free up some of my other meals protein wise so i can incorporate more veg and fruit. i also picked up the fuze-slenderize juice and have been adding strawberry unjury to that for a mid afternoon hit of protein. there's only 5 calories in an 8 oz. serving of this.

  6. i had my first fill today, surgery was on 7/31. i was paranoid about the whole process due to some of the things i had read. it went very well with one stick of the needle and no pain at all. they actually inserted the needle into one of my surgical scars which i thought was suprising but other than that it was nothing like what i thought it would be. they had me do an immediate swallow study to make sure that everything passed through the band just fine. i thought that part was so cool to see the actual band and your stomach and how it all works together. i had 1 cc initially inserted in the band during surgery and had 3cc's added today. so we'll see where that leaves me at in a few days when i start to eat regular food again.

  7. keep your head up suz...it does get easier

    for my down moments, which trust me, they still happen. i'm at the stage where i can eat what i want again, and it all hits me from time to time in all honesty. just hit up some of the before and after pictures. they truely help to keep my mind right because what we are going through is not easy by any means. you are to be commended for being strong and going through this process so keep your head up. it will get better and you will reaffirm why you made this decision in the first place.

    i truely experianced next to no pain with the surgery or nausea either, however my emotions were all over the map which just makes the whole process that much more difficult.

    it's a shame your dietician and surgeon aren't on the same page and when you are feeling better, you need to let them hear from you on that. this is a difficult enough process as it is and if they both aren't supporting you as their patient as a combined team effort, it's like you're left to fight a loosing battle on your own.

  8. i had surgery the same day and have begun to have the same problem...or have had it for the past few weeks i should say.

    my Protein intake is always averaging around 80 grams of protein so i fail to see this as a protein issue.

    i am taking a super potency Biotin supplement in 5,000 MCG once a day. if you do start to take biotin however, keep in mind not to take it around the time you take your Calcium supplements. that can mess with the absorption of the biotin into your sysem.

    it's truely hard for me to know if the Hair loss is also part of the natural seasonal changes as well but it's been coming out more and more which just sets me right off lol. i went out last weekend and cut my hair to my shoulders so that if the hair is still coming out, it's not as noticeable to me or others. no bald spots though *knock on wood*

  9. i was on depo and have been for 7 years now. initally when i started the shot i had an intense nasty period which faded away as the months wore on to nothing now. the only negative side affects that i still suffer from are severe nightmares 2 weeks prior to the shot and also 2 weeks post shot. keep in mind that the hormones in depo are enough to make a woman batty and throw the mix of surgery into it, your hormones are off the chart. i think i would approach my surgeon and my gyno and see what their thoughts on the matter were though.

    as an aside, i have to say, i just went to see my gyno for my yearly, and she advised to get off the depo. she said she had a patient who had been on it for years and gained 100+ pounds, so now i'm switching to a non-hormone iud.

    i've heard this before but never had a doctor actually say it to me, and while i type this, i'm in no way trying to say my birth control was the sole reason for my weight gain. but i do have to say i honestly feel as if it helped to attribute to the whole thing. so the switch for me is just me doing everything i can possibly do to help keep this weight of as i fight the battle to loose more. :bored:

  10. everyone keeps picking on the gy for choosing the smaller women to stay, and while i partly agree with this comment, i also have to digress from there...

    i hated most of the women they picked for this show. if i heard one more sob story about how they had never gotten a date or no one ever loved them for who they were, i think i would have cancelled comcast. why did they not script confident sexy big girls? i have been overweight since i was 18 or so and i have never let my weight hinder me in any way.

    i guess i just felt that there were a lot of deeper issues with these women than issues relating soley to their self esteem. what i found sad is that most of these women are beautiful educated and career oriented individuals and are so hung up over a relationship.

    and luke, wtf, why is he even considered a catch by any of these women? he has the personality of a rock. :thumbup:

  11. i'm at one month and 4 days currently post surgery. so far am down 30 lbs and a pant size which is exciting. i've never experience any of the nausea symptoms and thank god for that. i am not a fan of vomit, but then again who is lol.:sneaky:

    my weight loss has begun to slow down compared to what it was initially, now i see a ounce drop here and a pound drop there but this is fine with me in all honesty. i am walking an hour every day and am enjoying it, go figure. i never though i'd type those words lol.

    i find i am eating now out of obligation vs. anything associated with hunger or mental eating. it's an extremely odd concept to me but it seems that i am winning the mental war on eating for the time being at least.

    my headahces have begun to subside but i personally feel they were due moreso to a mix of hormonal insanity with surgery and my birth control needing to be re-upped.

  12. thank you all for your suggestions :blink:

    i am averaging 70+ grams of Protein a day, but am also still on the puree phase till the 27th. i have been eating a lot of Beans and pureed meats, eggs, what have you...

    i wish i could blame it on caffeine but i kicked that habit out prior to surgery, and i've never been much of a pop drinker. i do dearly miss a good iced green tea though.

    i will start tracking my calorie intake, i truly haven't paid attention to that period.

    i also have a visit with my primary on the 26th so if by then something hasn't changed, i'll ask him to check the blood bit. my next followup with my surgeon is on the 31st so till then i'm slamming protein and Water :mellow:

  13. i was banded on july 30th and have done relatively well with the whole process. i am down 22 pounds which is exciting and i truely do not feel hungry nor do i have any craveings. however, i have been having headaches almost daily post surgery. i advised my surgeon of this and he said it was most likely due to dehydration, however i drink 64 oz.+ of Water daily, so it's just so hard for me to wrap my head around this.

    additionally, i feel so exhausted by about 2-3 PM in the day, but work until 5. when i go home, i eat my dinner and pass out on the couch until it's time to go to bed. i guess my questions really is, when will all of this begin to go by the wayside? i am not used to this many headaches or the severity of my sleepiness. i understand my body went through a traumatic event and is in it's healing process but other than these two issues, i feel wonderful.

  14. i had an overnight stay as well. i was admitted on a thursday at 7:00 AM, surgery was at 9 and i went home the next day at 6:00 in the evening. I would have gone home sooner but it took the kitchen some time to get a tray of liquids to my room. my surgeon had me do a swallow study prior to granting my release to make sure everything flowed fine. personally, i was glad for the extended stay. i wasn't in pain but i felt more secure being in the hospital in case any complications had arrisen. the only thing i truely hated about the whole experiance was the heperin shots, which i recieved every few hours to prevent any clotting. those shots burned and i think they hurt worse than any part of the whole procedure.

  15. i don't think it was the surgery itself that caused the attacks, it just served as the catalyst in my neurotic mind lol. there was truely no need for any of my fear, it was just all anxiety over the procedure and the unknown.

    i've been up and walking around, been up and down our steps a few times and have taken 2 showers, which really aided in feeling human. i think that most of the gas has disapated by now, because i don't feel those hard knots rolling around my stomach and chest. however, and not to be foul, i would love to have a bowel movement since i haven't gone since tuesday and it's now sunday.

    my husband has been very suportive in getting me to go walking around our condo complex, not too far but enough to help move everything along.

    i also drank a 4 oz glass of light cranberry juice diluted with 4 oz of Water because my lower back near my kidneys is sore. when i was a child i had a lot of problems with uti's, so that may also be a part of my neurosis lol.

  16. anyone have any advice on what to do post cathedar? i feel very sore, but i'm urinating just fine. it bother's me to sit fully up.

    sorry, i've never had one before and didn't know if there's something i should do now once it's out...thank god lol

  17. i'm home now which is great. i swear everytime i'd start to sleep at the hospital, someone would wake me up. but they were all extremely wonderful, from the surgeon to the nurses i had no complaints. i had 2 full blown panic attacks, one going under and one when i woke up. i think that was my worst experiance over anything else, and that was just the fear of the unknown. my stomach feels sore and i can't stand straight up for too long of a period of time but i am walking around, been up and down the steps of my house so i'm on my road it seems :0)

  18. i don't have any surgery scars yet but from the work that i'm sure each of you have put into this process, i don't feel as if it's anything to be ashamed of.

    and i have to agree with unforgettable and a few others comments, if they bear issue with it, they are certainly not individuals worth having in your life. i am covered in scars from a rough and abusive childhood but i wear them all as a badge of honer so to say, so i feel as if the same principal should apply.

    just my two cents :cool2:

  19. i've shopped at lane bryant since i was 16 and torrid since it was online before hitting the malls lol. i have no idea where i will shop once the weight drops. my husband and i have had conversations about this lol, but it'll be nice to have such a bigger array of choices

  20. oh that's a good idea, and no i'm not a fan of the head on beer, just the taste of a good amber lager lol. i've never really have been much of a soda drinker so that doesn't worry me if i have to give it up. i think the hardest bit is going to be no caffeine. i am such a junky for it, so it's healthy to break that cycle i know lol. i've begun the stepdown to half/half so that upon surgery, it's not a total shock to my system.

    the walking has been rough but well needed and i've seen my stamina increase over the weeks which is exciting. i'm still red in the face and dripping with sweat but at least it doesn't feel like i'm gagging to breathe lol.

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