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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by josco111

  1. josco111
    did anyone have a difficult time choosing between bypass and lapband surgery ? Why? i'm caught between the 2.my doctor says bypass is more effect long term.but the risk is more...not high,but more.:thumbup:
  2. josco111
    will insurance pay for any of the protein drinks or powders? I currently unemployed but have insurance through maine care, which is state
    assistance.I'm on food stamps and i don't think they include these things.Anyone run into this situation before:unsure:?
  3. josco111
    I'm still in the consideration stage....do I want to or not get it done.So far i have only read good comments.Does anybody regret the operation?:eek:I have arthritis and have already had one hip replaced..i'm 47 and weigh 330, 50 of which i gained when i had to stop working,only one year ago...Installing flooring for 25 years...now facing stress and anxiety i'm trying to make up my mind..4oz stomach LOL

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