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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sarae

  1. I know only a couple more days.. I'm so excited :) :) :) This liquid diet is torture though!! Good luck to you too.. I had to wait 18 months before I got my date.. it feels like f o r e v e r but the day will be here before you know it!

  2. I'm getting banded on June 19th :thumbup: and ever since I decided to have the lap band when I was 18.. about 20 months ago I have always said that I would have it removed after a few years because of risks of complications in the future. But after seeing my surgeon and going through all these tests and appointments and learning more I kind of think I'll keep it on. The main reasons I want it off is simply because I'm very paranoid that after a while it could slip or I'd have erosion. Also, I'm only 20 years old and I want to have kids in a couple of years and I just don't know how well that would work out if I still had the band on. So is there anyone else out there that thinks they may have it removed after they reach their goal or after they feel disciplined enough to do it on their own? Has anyone had kids with it on..? How did that work out? Has anyone seen complications arise after having it on for more than 2 years.... ? I'm still EXTREMELY excited to get it done after this long 18 month journey. I'm in my two week liquid diet and counting down the days. (11 days!!):thumbup:
  3. sarae

    When do you eat your last meal?

    15 days before surgery.. well the day before I started my two week liquid diet. And it was sooo great. And you know what I was relieved after it was done. Because I knew that was the last time I was going to live this lifestyle. Very exciting!!! :thumbup: Good luck on your journey!
  4. sarae

    now we're both in recovery

    That's cute haha atleast you had a great support person
  5. sarae

    Pre Band Sarah Rae :)

    Various pics of me before my band..
  6. sarae

    Me :)

    From the album: Pre Band Sarah Rae :)

  7. Oh and I'm standing like that because I took her (my mommy) to get a make over that day and I was showing off my work I don't ALWAYS stand in a 'ta-da!' pose.
  8. YESSS can't wait for the big day... my all liquid diet sucks soo much! haha but totally worth it I'm sure :) And this site has become sooo addicting to me too

  9. I'm 20 and I'm really banking on my age helping me to lose faster than some of the older people who get banded. As far as saggy skin goes my surgeon told me that since I'm so young as long as I exercise like I'm supposed to that won't be a problem AT ALL. Also a HUGE plus of getting it done around our ages is that you have a much lower risk of complications according to Dr. Rosen :grouphug:
  10. WOW that's fast. I got approved when I was 19 and it took a full 18 months to get my date! I still haven't gotten banded!! Thats great though I hope everything turns out well with his surgery :grouphug:
  11. My boyfriend didn't want me to have the surgery and he constantly told me that I was going to look bad and that I should just stay the way I am... and that if I did it our relationship wouldn't work because I'd be "changing".. soo you know what I said... GOODBYE. It was extremely hard ending my relationship of 3 years with my first love but.. remember that you are doing something to better yourself and if someone in your life can't handle you becoming a healthier person and making life better for yourself then they don't deserve your time. It took me a few months to get over it.. but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Time truly does heal all wounds. And keep up the GREAT work!! You shouldn't be sad.. you should be super excited that you're doing so good for yourself. :grouphug: Also, can I mention that breaking up with him was one of the best things I did.. I lost 30lbs without even trying.. and that was without a band. I know right now you're sad and you probably feel kind of lost and wishing things could be different but just give it time and you'll see that things are never as bad as they seem to be.
  12. Thanks thanks :) I see you just got yours.. how's everything going for you? I'm still really nervous my surgery date isn't for another 10 days.. I'll be glad when it's done though this liquid diet is torture.

  13. Yeah I've been reading some of those pregnancy threads and it seems that there haven't been too many problems with having the band on. I know every person is different but I guess just having it loosened would probably do the trick. And kgloverii I appreciate the honesty I prefer not to be surprised by complications with the band in the future. I'd rather know the truth and go into the procedure KNOWING what may or may not happen in the years following. I'm all about being positive in my day to day but we all know life isn't ever perfect. Do you actually know of anyone who had to have it removed..? And... did they just gain the weight right back? I still think that even if in 5 or 10 years something happens and my band gets removed that by that point I will have gained enough will power and understanding of how to eat to not let myself gain all that weight back. But at the same time I'm a realist and know that food can be soooo tempting :grouphug: Especially spanish food.. mmm. And.. I've never heard of the sleeve. I've seen one or two people mention it but I had never heard of it before. The imageries I have are comical.. I'm pretty sure it's nothing like what I'm thinking.
  14. sarae

    Where is everyone from????

    Montgomery, IL... right outside of Chicago And I don't know anyone around this area who has had the band sooo I need a friend :thumbup:
  15. The MAIN reason I chose the band is because it's reversible. Not because I want to have it taken off but just knowing that if there was a complication that it could be removed with virtually no problem, unlike the other bariatric surgeries. I do however want to keep it on, maybe I wasn't clear on that. I don't want to drop 100lbs then take it off and eat like an idiot and just gain the weight back. I know that the entire point of the surgery would be moot if I did that. I'm completely ready for this surgery and have spent the last 18 months making sure that I'll be a success story and won't need to add this to my list of failed weight loss attempts. My issue is just that I'm young and haven't had kids yet and doctors have already told me that I might have complications trying to get pregnant due to some infections as a kid so I was wondering if the band would be an added stress down the line when I do want kids. Also, I wanted to see if anyone out there has had the band for more than a few years and started to experience any problems with it? I guess my thinking is that.. is my body really going to never have any serious problems with this foreign object in it for the next 60+ years of my life. Again, I don't want it off. I don't want this to be some quick fix and then just regain my weight. I know what I'm in for and I know what the band is meant for I just wanted some opinions.
  16. sarae

    JUNE 2009 Lap Band Surgery

    Hi all :blushing: This is my first post but I just got scheduled for a June 19th Surgery!! I started my liquid diet yesterday and I'm feeling goood. Not hungry at all. I started my journery last March and had to do a full year of appointments with my nutritionist plus tons of other stuff which I'm sure you're all familiar with. But the day is almost here!! June 19th in Downers Grove, IL with Dr. Rosen I can't wait. I'm super nervous but I'm sure it'll be great!!

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