Just wanted to say Hi Brandy.....I'm Jen and I'm in Eugene..considering a Lap Band pretty seriosly now. You and I are close in age (I'm 30, your 33) so I'm interested to get to know you a little better and some first hand info on the place in Eugene and the care they provide as well as follow up care.
I currently don't have health insurance..but might soon be getting something LIKE Oregon Health plan called LIPA because I've been out of work due to health conditions and there's no unemployment and no jobs I can work. woohoo. Either way.....insurance or not I NEED this surgery and want to start a new life. I want to be able to keep up with my beautiful three yeear old.
How long has it been since you had your surgery? Did you have any other medical problems as well? are you happy so far? has the eating been a BIG adjustment??
Sorry so many questions...I just noticed you were in my age range.
Thanks, Jen:cool2: