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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by samanthazzz

  1. samanthazzz

    60g protein a day?

    Here, here to Mrs B. !!!! My band is also tighter in the mornings, hence why I supplement my protein with shakes. I would be eating well past midnight to get all the protein in if I had to Eat it all!
  2. samanthazzz

    60g protein a day?

    Hi, I'm five months out myself and was not getting enough protein in. I actually am still losing tons of hair and my skin is so dry. You need the protein so you don't loose muscle mass (it's under there somewhere) lol, instead of fat. My NUT says I need 80-90 grams of protein at this point. (it seems that different DR's have different requirements) and that I should never go under 70 grams of protein in the future. I am supplementing with the pre made EAS shakes. They have different shakes with different protein grams. I started at the 17 grams, went up to the 27 grams and now am drinking the shake with 42 grams. (It's 8 oz., so I drink about 1/2 at a time). I have tried so many different shakes and I found I like these the best. I actually love the flavor of these shakes and because their chocolate, I get my choc fix in. I get a case at a time at BJ's. The only thing is, it's not cheap, about $27 for 18 of the 42 grams. The EAS, 17 gram shakes are 24 for $26. All food groups are important, but what I find they stress the most is Protein and Water. Good luck, Samantha :-) PS- don't fill up with empty calories, sf ice cream, jello, etc. Grab something with protein, yogurt, cheese sticks, hard boiled eggs. I always have hard boiled eggs in the frig. Good for a quick protein fix.
  3. samanthazzz

    I just hit the 100lb lost mark

    Go Kartman! Congrats on joining that exclusive club!!!
  4. samanthazzz

    I was stuck but now I am really concerned

    only time will tell. Drink hot liquids (when you can), it help's with the swelling from vomiting. and don't try to each too much now. wait a bit and try later. if you don't feel better soon, call the DR
  5. samanthazzz

    What can't you eat??

    Hi Tom, PB...means productive burp, which means food that comes back up due to restriction. It has never made it to your stomach. Look at the tool bar, find FAQS...down at the bottom you will find lap band abbreviations and their definitions. We all had the same question ourselves, nothing is stupid, just new stuff to learn. Good luck! Samantha :-) PS- you may be able to eat all the foods we can't, each person is different, you may not have any food issues. Not to worry. I love the band, these foods I can't eat, are a small price to pay for my success. *this will change your life :thumbdown:
  6. samanthazzz

    What can't you eat??

    No, it's not so bad really. I magic bullet alot of foods. I'm sure I'll loosen up and be able to eat more soon enough, but at this moment in my wt loss adventure, it's working for me!
  7. samanthazzz

    What can't you eat??

    Bummer for those of you that can't eat eggs. I do egg salad daily. I can't eat a piece of meat/pork/chicken off a plate anymore. Everything needs to be mushy, that is, it has to be in Soup, gravy or with low fat mayo. I can sometimes eat fish, though it has to be moist. I don't do breads, rice or Pasta. I avoid carbs like the plague. Nutritionist says veggies are carbs, so it's okay if I don't eat the others. Can't eat a fresh piece of fruit except bananas, unless they are in a fruit cocktail form. Plums, I can't eat no matter what. I miss being able to grab a piece of fruit. My friend can't eat meats, but can eat dry toast. Go figure. oh, and shrimps a killer! :blink:suffice to say, we don't go out for dinner much lol
  8. samanthazzz

    Does anyone color their own hair?

    I color my own hair. My hair grows so fast, I have gray again at about 7-11 days after coloring. I could not afford to go to a salon as I color my hair at least twice a month. I have dark hair, so the gray shows up. Bummer! But I would not look good as a blond..lol You can color it now. Just watch the timing carefully. As to what I like, my main criteria is creme color...less messy. Good luck!
  9. samanthazzz

    Suddenly too tight...again

    I can't believe your Dr said your the only one. What does he have, only male patients? This is so common. Stress (a underappreciated biggie), TOM, lack of hydration are all contributing factors to why the band tightens. Sometimes you can't attribute anything to the band suddenly tightening either, scary stuff. I do have a weird episode to offer up...my son was playing soccer and I was yelling excessively (not good , I know) and he got hurt in game (he's fine). I swear I tried to eat immediately afterwards and was stuck. So the moral is don't yell alot it makes you tight. lol I was just in for my third fill yesterday and we were discussing this very topic. My second fill did not "kick in' for a month. I can't get much down now, especially in the morning and sometimes afternoon. The best advice I ever rec'd was lots of hot liquids ( I do 3 cups of green tea) first thing in the morning. Then a Protein shake. A cold drink or two and hot soup. Then maybe I can try to get some food down later in the day. If i can't yet , I do another shake or more soup. I can do yogurt and mushy stuff like that pretty much whenever. It is not your imagination and good luck to all of us having this problem. PS- think what we're going to look like at Christmas..it's all worth it! Samantha :-)
  10. Congrats on the boots! :mad: I have not been able to zip up a pair of boots in years. I am hoping that by this winter , I will actually be able to be able to pick out any boots I want and wear them. Good luck and continued success to all..I agree, all the NSV's are inspiring to read! :thumbup:
  11. Congrats on losing wt and your upcoming birthday NSV's are so important!
  12. Hi Catherine, I have spent some time reading your blog this morning. What a fun and interesting life you lead. I did have some questions on your Mexican journey. Might I ask if your price includes fills and did you need all that pre-op testing that we had? Pulmonary, Cardiac, sleep Apnea, Pysch, Gastro, and if so, was that also included? Did you have to go back to Mexico for follow up? How long were you in Mexico? My girlfriend is in Monmouth County, N.J. PS-even your Mom looks better in the last picture..love the haircut! Thank you so very much for responding with the info on Mexico. Is there an actual link to the Mexican DR/Hospital that you could share? With gratitude, Samantha
  13. Hi Emjay, Her employer has laid off about 15 people right about the time they refused to pay and about 6 since (at least that was the last count she told me of, it could be more, as I don't talk to her much now). She is paranoid that she will be on the next round of lay offs if she makes a "stink". I told her to fight it, but she feels that if she loses, she will be without a job and still "fat" and she is scared. There are so many people out of work and she feels that as an obese person competing with thinner folks, she is at a disadvantage. Sadly, I must agree. It is an image driven world and prospective employers don't have to get to know you to see how competent or nice you are. Sometimes you don't even get in the door. I will forward her this info. and let her do with it as she wants. You seem very well informed and knowledgeable. You were very kind to share this with me. I hope it helps her. Many thanks! Samantha
  14. samanthazzz

    Breakfast Ideas, please

    egg salad...one or two hard boiled eggs, lowfat mayo and Mrs Dash's...... yummy!
  15. Her insurance booklet said it was covered. The surgeons office said it was covered, so she was beginning her consults. Apparently afterwards, her Human Resource person at work, said they dropped the surgery last year and it wasn't changed in her booklet. She did ask again, but her employer said no, they won't cover it. Isn't that awful? We were both so excited. *I was wondering how people did with the surgery in Mexico. The cost, the recuperation, the fills in NJ? I wanted to look into this for her, but am almost afraid to say anything in case she gets disapointed again. Does anyone know about this? Thank you Linda, it is sad and I wish I won the lottery so I could pay for her surgery. Mentally, she is in a bad way. She's a good person, I know she was so counting on this and she feels hopeless now.
  16. I can so relate to this post. My best friend of many years is avoiding me like the plague, and it has me so upset. We were both supposed to get the surgery, we did some of the pre-testing together, saw the surgeon together and even had the same date set for surgery (we were going to be room mates in the hospital). Unexpectantly, her insurance co. declined her surgery. She was devastated, as was I. I felt terrible, I still feel terrible. I think it was unfair, and she cannot afford self pay. I have never felt so guilty in my life. We were supposed to do this together. I have not seen her for almost 7 mos now, since she was denied coverage. I had my surgery 4.5 mos ago and lost about 40 lbs. Can one be happy and sad at the same time? In the beginning, she was asking how it went. I have down played it. I never called her with "I lost ___ lbs this month( I was trying to spare her feelings). I have invited her to so many functions and even to just hang out, just the two of us, but she always has an excuse not to come. She does not know how much wt I lost. I don't tell her and she doesn't ask, so I have not been bragging or throwing it in her face in any way, shape or form. I know I am a reminder of what could have been, should have been, and I truly feel awful. I have tried to talk to her and was hoping as time went by, she would feel differently, but apparently not. She is a widow of 48, no kids and really needed the surgery. I know she is lonely and was hoping this would jump start her life. I never thought I would lose wt and lose a dear friend at the same time. I'm sure she is happy I had the surgery, but just wishes she did too. I will keep on inviting her and hope one day she will be in a better place and accept. But it hurts :wub:
  17. samanthazzz

    How long btwn bowel movements ??

    The thing to remember is drink enough liquids, eat the recommended amount of Protein (getting solids in helps regulate) If it doesn't help, try Fleet Laxatives. It is the size of a birth control pill, so it won't get stuck. You won't see good weight loss if your "backed up". As long as you don't abuse them, it should do the trick. Good luck!
  18. samanthazzz

    Suddenly too tight...again

    I was horrified to read this. May things turn around for you quickly. All my best! Samantha
  19. Congrats everybody!!!!! Love all the NSVs...WE are SUCCESSFUL! PS-I'm still in the jeans :sad:
  20. I just got into my old size 14 jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep in mind, I haven't worn anything but elastic waist in years. here's the funny part...it's 94 degrees here and I can't bear to take them off, I'm so excited! Hot, but excited! lol Happy victories all! :sad:
  21. Hi and the answer is..it depends on the person and the fill. I didn't feel any restriction till 11 days after my first fill. Talk about shocked. This is my second fill and I have yet to feel restriction and it's been 2 weeks. I still don't overeat, the majority of my wt loss has been will power. Don't be silly and eat too much or eat inappropriate foods if you don't feel too much restriction. You will lose wt. I don't think at 2 fills I have found my sweet spot, but till I can go for another fill, why cheat and mess myself up? So much depends on how much DR put in fill, how often you get fills, how much fat you have lost around port, stress, time of month, etc. Lots of variables. Keep your DR and NUT informed, but know that this is normal. Also, know that all people are different and each fill is different PS-I'm in NJ also. Good luck with your weight loss journey, I hope this helps!
  22. samanthazzz


    sugar free fudgesicles chocolate, yummy and 40 calories
  23. Hi Anissa, I'm kind of bummed more people are not commenting on this. My kitchen floor is resembling the wild west with hair clumps blowing through it. I vacuum twice a day now and wear my hair back to cook. Gross! Let me know if you find out anything new. Thanks, Samantha
  24. This same exact thing is happening to me. I was banded 4/23, though I have only lost 34 lbs to your 50. Congrats on that!!! I asked the Nutritionist, she recommended another Protein Shake a day. She says to keep Vitamins up( I was) and to get enough Protein (I thought I was). But, I have been online and read that you usually start noticing hair loss around 3 mos after some major surgery or stress to the body. The hair is on a 3 mo cycle. That fits time wise with me as well. I read that it usually corrects itself after 3-6 mos on it's own. New growth will start. I also read you can take Biotin in the meantime and that can help. I have got to check into that next as I too am losing an alarming rate of hair, several times a day. I will be watching this post closely, as while I have tons of hair, the rate I am going I am not sure for how long.
  25. samanthazzz

    Mushy Suggestions?

    My first suggestion is to get the Magic Bullet. You can make so many things easier to eat. My favorite is roast chicken with tomatoes. I use the chicken I made for the rest of the family for dinner. Shred a few pieces of chicken (you won't need much, you'd be surprised how it stretches) about 3 cherry tomatoes and that's it. It makes a nice consistency and the water from the tomatoes keeps it very moist (no choking). I make my own chicken salad as well, just roasted chicken with 1 teaspoon of lowfat mayo, some Mrs Dash and you've got lowfat chicken salad. The store bought is usually not low fat. I also do the mushy stage after fills, so I have gotten a lot of use from the Magic Bullet. **Just be sure to measure, because with slider foods it is easy to overeat. Happy eating!

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